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Join Steph, Katie, Peppermint, and guest Ali Edwards as they discuss their favorite (and not-so-favorite) Steve Jobs quotes and how they apply to digital scrapbooking. From putting out good pages, trying new things, to not feeling guilty and overwhelmed; it’s all discussed in this episode.
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Joining the Discussion:
Katie Nelson
Peppermint Granberg
Ali Edwards
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Picks of The Week:
Ali: Paislee Press Poster Calendar Kit
Peppermint: Feedly.com
Katie: Printable Poster
Steph: The Story Trek
I’m loving feedly, great pick Peppermint!
Me too. So awesome.
I do, too! Now my bookmarked blogs are so purdy!
Me, too! I signed up and am SO impressed! I can go through all my Google Reader-subscribed blogs in far less time now. The layout of Feedly, with the images assigned to posts, makes it so much easier to scan through quickly.
Glad you all like it! It seems awfully superficial of me to keep up-to-date on my blog feeds simply because they’re displayed in such a pretty way – but I guess I’m just shallow like that. Haha.
I am always a little slow when it comes to technology. I’m just now learning what a feed reader is (sad I know.) That being said, I LOVE Feedly! Great pick Peppermint!! I’ve discovered so many amazing new things thanks to all of your picks ~ keep ‘em coming!
I love Feedly too, Peppermint! I also use Feeddler, it only displays one post at a time. But Feedly is better to absorb a lot at once, or to find inspiration to spring off of. Thanks for the great pick!
I’m totally using it too
Thank Peppermint!!
As a paper scrapper, I’ve almost broken through to the idea of sticking my toe in the digi waters…and it’s a result of your show! I do love hearing about all the geekry (is that a word?) and although I use a Mac, conversations about PC’s don’t bother me. I wish all of us could a little less worry about a Mac v. PC debate and celebrate more of what artists can create no matter what program or machine they are using. Thanks for the reflection of the Steve jobs’ quotes…he certainly pushed the boundaries and reminds me that very little can be seen as impossible.
Just had to comment and say that I LOVE the little behind-the-scenes snippets at the end. So funny!
I just had to go and listen to the end after you left your comment and it made me laugh again! Counting is a really hard job!
Especially counting backwards!
Love it. It’s a bit scary that she throws these in there periodically with no warning. This is why I try to keep my mouth shut during the pre-game show.
“Seriously Katie, this is your one job” Hilarious!
Hi Guys,
I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but I’m going to today. I have a question that I thought I would post to the experts… Ready?
Is there an app for the iPad where we could enter metadata for photos? I’m finding myself with only little snippets of time here and there, but always have my iPad with me and thought this would be a good opportunity to do a little “work” on my photos. Any ideas?
As always, I love EVERY show and absolutly adore your voices Steph, Katie, and Peppermint. You guys are doing the exact thing you need to do in this world! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Thanks so much for the kind words! I know we all appreciate it very much!
I can actually help with your question because I have been thinking the same thing about organizing my previews and had started researching (wishing my ipad had a USB to connect my EHD to it). Photosmith is expensive as far as an app goes, but it appears to include a plugin for LIghtroom as well that allows you to sync all of the metadata and photos over wifi (WOW!). It only allows you to organize and add metadata (no photo editing). If you want to have some editing control (but not organizing) then Adobe has an app called Carousel. Let me know if you try it out!
Ok Steph,
I bought both and will be playing around with them in the next few days. (Carousel is free!)
By the way… I may have already told you guys this before, and I’m sorry if I have, but here goes. I started listening to you guys last Thanksgiving and went through all the shows backwards and forwards. I got really motivated to learn my Mac better and started using my One-to-One membership at my Apple store on a regular basis. I finally applied to work there and was hired in March of 2011. You guys plus Kayla Lamoreaux combined, gave me the courage to go Digi, learn a ton and now I’m a Mobile Genius/Family Room Specialist at that very same Apple Store. I love my job! I’m still learning Digi (and struggling a bit since I work so much now and don’t have much time). But, you guys are so dang motivating I just can’t stop. What I really need to do is come live with one of you for a week and get a crash course. Whatdaya think? Any takers? Hahaha!
Alrighty, time for bed. And thanks for the Apps Steph!
You have never shared that! It’s awsome! Thanks so much for letting us know and WAY TO GO YOU!!!
Really loved this week’s show, it enabled me to see a different side of the Digi Show girls, to get to know you a little better. Listening to the show is my weekend treat after a long and busy week.
On a side note, I was a little sad by some of the reader mail this week. Yes, not ever show is going to appeal to every listener. I thought their comments were a bit harsh and I hope you realize that we love you guys! My digi world is better with you in it and I so appreciate your work and sacrifice!
The mail was harsh. I was depressed by the end of it and couldn’t help but get mad. We don’t pay for this show. Steph, Katie, and Peppermint do it out of the goodness of their hearts. We shouldn’t complain about the content of a show we get 100% free of charge.
you are so right! It’s a labor of love.
You ladies gave me A LOT to chew on this week
It’s was so very encouraging, so very inspiring, and just all-around awesome. Thank you!
Regarding the “excellent” quote, I think what is off-putting is the word “should.” As someone who’s often ruled by self-imposed should’s in her life, I literally have to stop myself from time to time and sort of check-in as to why I do things: is it out of compliance (like, “I *have* to [insert errand here] ” or out of something else (“I’m choosing to [insert errand here] because otherwise the kids will starve/I’m not supporting the family/etc etc”). I’m a believer in coming at doing stuff from different perspectives and how I feel about it can dramatically change the results I create. I mean, *of course* I would clean up my condo if it meant my husband & I would be healthier living in it as opposed to living in a pig sty).
About excellence, I see it as doing the best I can whatever circumstances I’m in. For instance, I need to cook dinner but lack time, and it’s not possible to fix my schedule so I have more time. So, I make the best meal I can in those constraints–and it may be nothing more than bacon and eggs. If I know it was the best I could do, that’s excellence. I think demanding excellence from myself isn’t about demanding perfection–far from it. Rather I believe it affirms me, as opposed to perfection making me feel guilty I’m not it.
(okay sorry if that sounded a bit too out there!)
That’s exactly how I saw excellent. Funny how different words can give different impressions and feelings.
About SHOULD – – I tell my husband all the time to stop “shoulding” on himself!
I looked up the “excellence” quote, so I could ponder it some more. To me it means choosing excellent things. We all choose…what we eat, what we say, how fast we drive, how we use the odd 15 minutes here and there, whether we are kind, what we read, how we spend our money, how we do a task, which task to do…the list goes on and on. We only have time to do a small percentage of the myriad of choices, so we should choose the excellent ones. Feeding our children = excellent choice. Doing something thoughtful for someone = excellent choice.
To me it’s kind of the “good, better, best” concept. Many options are good. Some are better. Let’s, when we can, choose the best.
Love your show. I think this was one of my very favorites. I’m a ‘hybrid” scrapper, and probably always will be, and I learn something on each episode.
Oh I love how you said that, thank you! Here’s to always choosing the best option when we can
Is there anyway you could post the Steve Job quotes you talked about? Or at list links to where you found them?
I think both Mac’s and PC’s are here to stay so we need to learn the concepts of both environments and that way we can translate what is said to the specific environment we prefer.
I also love your show and want to thank you for the time you and your guests take to create it for us. You are totally in my book of Awesome!
Hello Ladies,
Another wonderful show. I’m a paper scrapper but listen every week to learn and laugh. I really appreciated the balance of this weeks discussion. At the start of the show I found myself thinking how privileged we are to even have this type of a discussion about being able to live out our passions and was so glad the reality of life was weaved into the discussion.
Thanks for another great show and topic.
I am loving feedly so far, thanks Peppermint.
I too had to go back and listen to the end… and I am cracking up… that’s hilarious. It’s like when I saw Pirates 3 in the theater and didn’t know there was an extra scene at the end. When I saw Pirates 4 (which I did actually like, surprisingly), we made sure to stay to see the extra scene. It’s a really neat bonus.
I made a note to mention the discussion on store with a lot of designers. This is an issue I especially connected to on this show. There are some digi store sites who have grown so much and just keep adding more and more designers. To me, I feel unwelcome in those types of communities, maybe even a bit ignored. I realize it’s not because it’s “me” but rather because the community surrounding the store is so large that it is easy to miss a lot of the forum posts that in a smaller community are more noticeable. I find searching those stores for what I need very overwhelming and ultimately end up taking my business to the smaller stores with a certain “niche market”. An example is that I love to shop at TLP, OScraps, PDP and SugarHill Co. Those stores seem to have high quality designers, a variety of styles, yet the products are what I will use. It’s taken 5 years of digi scrapping to understand what I love and I definitely do not love the larger communities. That doesn’t mean I won’t shop there or post there, I do, particularly if I am looking for a specific designer’s work, but I do not go looking for products in those stores like I would the others.
I’d like to reference etsy as an example of becoming “too big”. I used ebay back in the day, and as it grew, it became hard to find quality items from the average seller that could be trusted. I moved to etsy. I loved the unique, hand crafted items made by people just like my mom who is retired telephone operator and has a natural artistic talent for painting rustic and prim items and also sells my dad’s antiques. For her, it’s a hobby that makes some extra money. As etsy has grown, you are now finding it harder and harder to find those good quality people/products. A search may yield thousands of results, yet a more specific search may exclude much of what you are looking for. For sellers on etsy, your sales may decline as the site grows larger and larger because people simply can’t find you.
I don’t know what the solution is. I can speak as a new designer that there are lots of us who want to design and some of us (not sure if I am included, lol) have a great talent in designing. I don’t believe having a lot of smaller stores is the best idea, but a larger store isn’t right either. It makes me wonder… what is the solution?
Great talk today, thanks so much!
My gosh that looks like a lot of writing when it posts. I’m a talker, lol…. sorry!
I think the solution is sites like the Daily Digi & podcasts like the Digi Show, that are unaffiliated with any specific store and build the community across the industry. I barely spend any time shopping, and when I do buy something, it’s usually because I saw it recommended by someone I trust. Even though I don’t subscribe to the Digi Files, getting to read the posts that feature designers helps me feel as if I’m getting to know them, and I can always follow links to go directly to that designer’s store without having to hunt everything down. Designers can stay within their chosen communities (and consumers as well), but still have exposure to customers who may not typically shop there.
I love the Daily Digi–it’s like having a trusted friend to make recommendations for me. Plus, she’s a friend who is cool (knows everyone!!) and smart (all the tips and tricks). I’ll take it.
My comment pertains to the reader mail and the discussion on how digiscrapping can be overwhelming to a newbie. I started digi in the summer of 2010 by taking a basic intro class to PSE. I also searched for blogs and websites that had good info for beginners, which included Ali Edwards’ blog and The Daily Digi, among others. I purchased The Digi Files for one month last fall to get a couple of kits I wanted and I knew just enough to be dangerous AND to make a vacation album (using templates) as a Christmas gift. I hoarded freebies (many of which I have since deleted) and didn’t know quite what to make of DSD 2010. This year, I am a better PSE user and have taken some classes to better my skills, both tech and design. To say that I was overwhelmed in the beginning is a supreme understatement, but with continued reading and study, I have overcome some of that. While I had read many people raving about forums and boards, that wasn’t for me. Not only do I not have the time, I also found many to be rather “clique-ish” if that’s even a word. I found myself nodding in agreement while listening to Katie read the comment about being overwhelmed with the vast amount of knowledge out there. Eighteen months into my digi journey, I still find myself coming back to many of the same websites I found in the beginning (The Daily Digi, Ali Edwards, Cathy Zielske, etc), but with a little more experience under my belt. Knowledge is power and the knowledge shared on these sites is pretty amazing. Many thanks go to you ladies for sharing that with the rest of us. And to my fellow newbies, keep reading and practicing – it does get easier!
I will say one of my biggest frustrations is the lack of search capabilities in many of the digi stores. I wanted to find a school kit and most of the stores I was familiar with did not have any search capabilities. I even went looking for new-to-me stores to try to find what I was looking for. How hard is it to tag the kits according to their theme, season, etc? Just typing in school in a search box doesn’t help because that only picks up “school” in the title of the kit. Well not all of the kits use their theme in the title. It seems from a customer service standpoint, expanding search options or tagging would make good business sense. Just my two cents.
Tracy, I totally agree with you. I can tell you that from my experience, the tagging happens when a designer uploads a kit to a store. If they don’t tag it, then the store’s search functions are severely limited. Let your favorite designers know your frustration, and hopefully they will be more diligent in tagging kits when they load them.
Amazon has PSE 10 for $49 with super saver shipping. Just sayin’!
Oh how I wish I had 50 bucks to spare, I’d be on that deal fast!
Thanks for sharing!
I love the December Daily idea Katie