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Join Steph, Katie, and Peppermint as they answer your questions about searching stores, keyboard shortcuts, handwriting fonts, and Adobe’s new pricing structure.
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Joining the Discussion:
Katie Nelson
Peppermint Granberg
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Picks of The Week:
Peppermint: Gifted Magazine
Katie: SnapSeed
Steph: Digital Project Life
I know a while back you mentioned changing online backup companies and I can’t remember who you changed to and if you like them. I need to get set up with an online back up and would love anyone’s recommendations.
she switched to Crash Plan. I’m going to try them also but I haven’t done it yet.
Katie is right, I moved to Crashplan and have been happy so far. I have done two restores actually and all of my data was there exactly like it should have been. My metadata from tagging in Lightroom was there as well.
I am going to work on getting an onsite backup similar to what Peppermint has (she is with Crashplan as well), so I only have to request a restore drive from Crashplan if there is a major disaster (burglery, fire, etc.). I will probably do the local backup on a 2TB network harddrive. The cool thing about Crashplan is the software facilitates the local backup and the online backup.
I’ve used my on-site backup a few times, once when my portable EHD failed and another time when I accidentally overwrote some new files with older versions in a mindless drag-and-drop.
Amazing show as usual ladies! I just had to write in to mention how much I enjoy listening to you. Being someone that works out of my home… I find it so enjoyable to have ‘girl talk’ and ‘chit chat’ fill my silent space!
And I have a question for you… Steph you started talking about a website that ‘changed your life’. I wasn’t able to catch exactly what it was, it was something like heely or heedly? I googled quick be couldn’t seem to find it. I haven’t heard of that… or maybe I’ve missed it if you’ve talked about it in a previous show. Would you happen to have the website you were talking about? I just HAVE to know what was so life changing. HAHA!! Thanks! Krista
*waving Hi Krista!
I think you mean http://www.feedly.com
It was Peppermint’s pick recently. I’m using it now and love it!
“Feedly” ahhhh…. perfect thanks Kat!
Off to check it out.
Yes, Feedly! I can’t believe how fast I can get through blogs I’m subscribed to now. I told Katie the other day that I need to go subscribe to more
It’s really odd how productive their layout makes me!
Feedly – totally changed my life also
I’m right there with Krista, loving listening to you while I work at home.
I love all that Peppermint shares about the management of an online store. Really I love how smart all of you are about business. Great show.
Thanks so much for reading my comment! Your comments and feedback were really great and very true. I’ll admit, I have never counted the number of designers at stores I consider smaller. (I did today, lol) For me it is about community and the feel of the stores. You guys are right though, lately, the stores are growing and changing and small is no longer 10 or 12 designers. I do love the solution. I hadn’t thought of the daily digi as a solution either although I read the posts often (on feedly, thanks Peppermint!). It does help find products you may not normally know about. My comments were geared towards the communities attached to the stores but I love the direction it took. (And yes, PDP is Polka Dot Plum.
They have a small, very friendly community that feels like old friends chatting it up and I LOVE that!)
I laughed so hard when you talked about Pirates. I know so many people who’ve said the same thing. I actually went and saw the movie again just to see the scene at the end. lol.
Thanks for helping pass the time on a slow morning at work!
What a happy surprise to see that you did a show during Thanksgiving week! The rest of my favorite podcasters took the week off, so I’m especially thankful that you did a show. Happy Thanksgiving!
Me TOO! THanks ladies for releasing this podcast even though it is a busy busy week!!! Have a great holiday!
Happy to do it
We have a good time!
Hi ladies! I have the show paused at 1 hour in. I agree that getting details recorded about other people’s stories can be a bit challenging, especially if the events happened a long time ago. I like the idea of the “Mom Tell Me Your Story” book that Peppermint mentioned. If you’re interested in more books along those lines, I have these two and can recommend them both:
The Book of Me by Nannette Stone is a fill-in-the-blank style journal that guides you through writing about yourself in the past, present and future.
The Oral History Workshop by Cynthia Hart has an amazing list of questions to ask relatives about their lives. I love that the book has many topics and then all the probing questions you need to ask to get the full story.
Log You Memory has its 2012 challenges out for sale now and the theme is about creating a “time capsule” of sorts about yourself. I think some of the ideas though would be fun to ask an older relative about — for example, what was Mom’s favourite book? What was a typical school day like? Was she ever in the newspaper?
Thanks for a great show, as always!
I hope you can get to the end of the show Heddy because I read your comment as part of the sponsor message at the end for Katrina’s holiday class
That was such a great comment too!
Ohhh, that made my day!
Thanks for all of the great suggestions Heddy!
I found a couple of other ones in searching for the mom one, also. I’m really intrigued by this one: The Story of a Lifetime but wish that it had a preview of what the interior is like. But also this one: Legacy: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Personal History seems like it may be precisely what the original commenter was looking for. Teaching you how to unlock those stories in another person.
So, I found The Story of Lifetime site here: http://thestoryofalifetime.com/SeeInsideTheBook.aspx
It has a see inside, but I went ahead and splurged on Amazon with a used copy. Hahaha. I’ll either have someone elses story to start with, or I got a great bargain. I’m more interested in the questions anyway, and I’ll probably keep all the answers in a separate book where I have unlimited room to write.
I just bought Katrina’s Christmas class and it came with a ten dollar off coupon to get this great album for Christmas from Anna Aspnes. I was looking at it and it is just beautiful. It has these subtle titles in it like “the magic” and ” the lights” which would actually inspire me to actually get this done. I have two babies age 1 and 3. This helps me to focus on what to take pictures of this Christmas.
Love you guys. Angie
Steph, I just wanted to put in a plug for sharing your ideas on Project Life before the beginning of the year, since that’s when a lot of people will be looking for ideas and setting up their albums or projects. I know that you’re doing this to inspire, so I just thought I’d put that out there. (Not being selfish, LOL — I do the project traditionally!)
Hi! Long time no comment, but I have been listening faithfully. This year, I have been keeping up with scrapbooking in very minimal ways because I am working full time, going to grad school and caring for my two young children. But, I cannot stay away from scrapbooking, so I have been doing Ali Edwards’ One Little Word all year. After your last show, I decided to try her December Daily as a way to wrap up my year, since I had not scrapped many photos from 2011, so I am getting ready to do that.
On this show, you talked about Project Life, so guess what? Now, it’s on my Christmas List…I also had been waiting for the day it would go digital. I have been looking through the Jessica Sprague website and am wondering if there are or will be templates available for Project Life. I know these are easy enough lay out for which anyone can make her own templates, but I wouldn’t mind buying them already-made! One more thing, I am extremely curious about Steph’s big roll-out in January. By the time we find out about it, it might be too late to buy the supplies for it. Give us some hints, please! This is my guess. You going to most Project Life pages digitally, but will have some of the pocket inserts for memorabilia. Am I close?
Loved the discussion about collecting memories from family memories. If anyone is in Australia or New Zealand, the Kikki K stationery stores sell great memory books specific to grandparents, partners, siblings etc that ask them specific questions about their past and memories. Really lovely books too. http://www.kikki-k.com/shop/category/products/memory-books/
I enjoyed that part too. I sat down last Christmas at my Grandad’s house (he’s 94) and video’d him talking about the war he was in and his navy ship. He’s been fairly healthy even at that age until here recently. I am so glad I have that video to share with future generations. A first hand account of being on a navy ship during the war.
Isn’t technology wonderful? I love the idea of doing video interviews!
We used an iPad to show him photos of his ship and he’d point out where he was while he was talking. He was amazed that Scott (my hubby) could just pull up photos and information about the ship he was on. His memory was fairly clear of the events. One of these days, I’ll put it together where it can be viewed. We hope he’ll be with us this Christmas but are pretty sure he won’t be here next Christmas. I truly hope I can live that healthy and happy til my mid-90’s. That’s even more amazing than the technology!!
So finally got to finish the show this morning on my run. Wanted to stop in and say to push yourself to capture those memories from your parents. You never know when too late will come. I lost my Mum 6 years ago suddenly and a year later my Dad had a major stroke so even though he’s still with us he can’t share them with me. I was luckily enough to have given them both one of the books Peppermint was talking about and my Mum had filled at least some of it out (although she made some fun comments about we don’t do this in England on the American questions!) Unfortunately my Dad didn’t so I have many pictures of things I haven’t a clue of what they are. I will still take the time to scrap them but I only wonder about the details I’m missing. So if your lucky enough to still have parents alive make this your mission for 2012 and do what it takes to gather the memories, you won’t regret it.
The show was all over the place, and I LOVED it! I’m always excited to get to work after to listening to you three:) Thanks again.
We gave my parents each one of those journal books with questions, and they both still sit blank. Unfortunately they don’t email either (the last two in the US without email!), so I just try to record when I can and write down what they tell me. My mom is ill, and when visiting last week, we sat down with a box of old photos and she told me stories while I wrote names on the back of them.
Lastly, I wish all designers would take the time to google as well as search via the shop’s engine for their own products. It seems like a small thing, but in digi scrapping more than other hobbies, you are often shopping mid-layout (often in the middle of the night!) when something specific comes to mind. I usually turn to my favorite shop, and then google if I didn’t find it there. Often I’ve stumbled upon something that was exactly what I was searching for weeks ago but didn’t show up in a search—super frustrating!
One more comment—since I don’t really post my layouts online or participate in forums, this is the place I’d share a digi idea that I think is great for the holidays.
The night before our roadtrip to Chicago for Thanksgiving, I was brainstorming a game to play with all the cousins who would be there. I’m from a large family, with 8 siblings, and my parents have 20 grandkids. We are spread out in different states, and it makes me sad that they all don’t know each other well. So I googled for a bingo template and found one at Scrap Orchard: https://scraporchard.com/market/Bingo-Card-Templates-Digital-Scrapbook-Hybrid.html
The template made it so easy to create a different bingo card for each grandchild, filling in the 25 squares with photos of each grandchild, my parents as the center/free square and then aunts/uncles filling in the few that were left. I remember Katie talking once about scrapping on a roadtrip, so I got it all done in the passenger seat thanks to my EHD. We printed two to a page at Kinkos so the whole game cost less than $15.00.
My parents LOVED it—they called out their grandchildren’s names (instead of “B18″) and used my dad’s penny jar for bingo chips.Katie, we even used Lego minifigures as the prizes:-) I love that we were able to include the cousins who weren’t able to be there in this way. Obviously not everyone will have 20 grandkids, but you could include more relatives or more photos of the same children.
Thanks for all the inspiration I’ve received here this year. I never would have been able to act on this idea without all the things I’ve learned from your podcasts and your Big Picture Classes.
That is just awesome! I love the idea and I think I will do it sometime soon for a family party. Great prizes too!
After the responses I got to my comments about Darcy Baldwins script fonts, I went to check things out. I realized that I would want my cursive to look like it would if I wrote it. I thought, hmm, maybe I could make my own font? Nope! Found out that is way too involved after I researched that.
So now I’m thinking, maybe I could get a pen tablet to write journaling on pages that I really want my own handwriting. Does anyone do this? Have you tried it? What do you think?
One more comment that I thought would go nicely in this show’s notes.
I am getting a scrapbook printed through Blurb.com again (which I’m really happy with previous books) and noticed that they now have an option to sell or buy iBook versions of your uploaded books for only $1.99!
Just thought people would like to know. I thought it would work as a really nice option for extended family members who want to see your books all together (and you can’t afford to buy them all a book).