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Join Steph, Katie, Peppermint, and Kim as we discuss scrapbooking vacations and travels. We share ideas for documenting and scrapbooking vacations from the planning stages through returning home.
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Joining the Discussion:
Katie Nelson
Peppermint Granberg
Kim Lund (Miss Kim)
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Picks of The Week:
Kim: The Passporter
Peppermint: Ken Rockwell
Katie: Week In The Life Community at Big Picture Classes
Steph: 10,080 Minutes by Traci Reed
I’m up to minute 37:19, I’m saving the rest of the podcast for the next time I clean in the kitchen.
The only albums I’ve ever, “finished,” are vacation albums. And I let them sit two years before I put photos to paper. I did write copious journaling during the trips, so that part was done “fresh,” but I had to get the stories, themes and feelings sorted out before I knew what I wanted to say. Once I’d decided what colors to use, what stories to tell, what sorts of pages to make for each (just journaling with decorations? just photos and a title? both?) it all came together lickety split.
Sometimes I like things to marinate before I scrap them, and if the story isn’t finished yet, it’s hard for me to scrap it at all. The fun thing for me about vacations is that once the trip is over, it has a beginning, middle and end. So that lets me know when my story ends.
Oh, and on types of pages, will they be digi, paper, or hybrid? It depends on what product I have in each form, to support the story each page is telling.
Thanks so much Stephanie
I am a new fan of the Digi Show and I had to stop my iPod and leave a comment RIGHT NOW because Katie’s “sermon” about scrapping yourself brought me to tears. Getting in front of the camera is not easy for so many of us and I have a tendency to delete many photos of myself…. I have to say NO MORE!! Whether I scrap them or not doesn’t even matter…. They just need to exist.
Thank you!
PS: Other than when it makes me cry, the Digi Show makes my chores so much more fun!!!:) I can even say I now enjoy folding laundry thanks to it!
It IS a hard thing to do, but I’m going to be better about it from now on. That really hit me at my friend’s funeral. Thanks so much for your kind words!
I can’t believe my comment was read! You totally made my day. I was listening at work on this particularly long day and it made it so much better.
Hi Ladies! I have to say, first, that I love the show so much, that I miss Izzy, but Peppermint is just as wonderfully witty and her humor is so appreciated!
You are hitting home today in that I have all boys, and I love to scrap, and they like what I do and often like to try their own versions. I bought my 10 year old son a Smash Book, and he’s hauling it around everywhere with him! It’s awesome, and I call it the DeChickification of Scrapbooking. I’m so glad you involve your sons in your hobby, as diary/journal keeping is sometimes more popular among girls, but boys have such cool lives, habits, interests, etc. and are every bit as important to document their likes/feelings/music/games. We all know, once the moment is gone, it’s often forgotten, so please encourage the boys to record the moment! I am positive they’ll appreciate it in years to come.
PS, I wish I had more pictures of myself, too, I will be sure to hand the camera over more often.
DeChickification needs to totally become a word in my vocabulary!
Hi there, I’ve listened to every podcast since you started but I think this is the first time I’ve commented. lol! It was so fun to hear my friend, Kim, talking about her travel scrapbooks. When she first introduced her ideas at TDD, I commented that we never go anywhere. Well this is my year to travel–I’ve already been to Seattle and this fall, I’ll be attending my niece’s wedding in Florida. And *next* year, when my daughter graduates from dental school, we are planning an Alaskan cruise. Thanks for some excellent ideas to get me started for that trip.
I’m so glad to hear the words about getting on the other side of the camera. I also am never happy with how I look “on film” but Katie’s words about her friend sure brought it home to me.
Thanks for all the great ideas every show! I often listen when I am paper scrapping and if anyone else is around, they always ask what I’m laughing at! Keep up the good work.
For so many years we never went anywhere either so I’m really enjoying our opportunities to travel now. You will love the Alaska cruise! You can see my travel journal at /traveling-the-world-with-you/
I’m new here. Just listened to the podcast. Thanks-lots of great info. Can you tell me where to find the show notes? I’d like to visit some of the sites mentioned in the show to find stock photos. Thanks!
These are the show notes. Steph posts the show here with the pick of the week links. Then a lot of the notes happen in the comments section as listeners leave messages and respond to each other. Glad you found us!
Fabulous podcast today ladies. You are all so inspiring! Keep up the good work!
Steph, I believe you mentioned something about a guide book for Hawaii that you just love and I would love to know what it is. My DH and I went to Hawaii this past March and fell in love. We are already planning to go back for our 10 year anniversary!!
I think this is my first time commenting on a show. Probably because it’s the first time I’ve listened to a show before the next one was released. Yay for being on top of my podcast listening! This show was right on topic for me as I was listening to it while scrapping pictures from a trip to Morocco with my sister in April. We had 6 cameras between the two of us (2 DSLRs, 2 P&S and 2 iPhones) so you can imagine how many pictures were generated … One tip I have for families who takes lots of pictures on different cameras is to sync the time on your cameras. That way you can view by “Date Created” and they all line up perfectly. I learned the hard way a few years ago when our pictures were off by many time zones. Such havoc!
Also, something new that I’m doing with my Morocco pictures is creating a photobook first with my favorite pictures and no journaling. Just to get the pictures processed and out there. I’m using Biograffiti’s “Hip to Be Square” album template and it’s coming together so easily. When that’s done I’ll be free to go back and journal whatever stories I want in whatever order I want.
Thanks, as always, for a great show.
peppermint is AWESOME:)
ari macias is AMAZING!
Such a great show, I love vacation albums! I just listened for the second time! I ran across Kim’s tips on The Daily Digi and I was so thankful for the idea to take a journal to record notes. Some days I did better than others about recording things but I was able to capture some little moments I would have forgotten by the time we got home. We were traveling with a large group but we ate breakfast alone as a family and I’d pull out my notebook and we’d go around the table talking about what our favorite things from the day before were and what we wanted to do that day. My children are fairly young (6&9) and won’t likely have vivid memories of this vacation as they get older but I hope that I will be able to journal in a way that helps them relive this trip.
Here’s a link to a post about scrapbooking travel pages. There’s also a link in that post to the stock photos article I mentioned in this episode. /digi-scrapping-your-travels/
I was listening to this podcast today and I hear you guys when you say give your kids the camera! My son (who is 9) and I went to the park today, the playground was closed, so he was bummed. I had my camera and we went on a little photo journey. I did some picture taking for the first part of our walk, but then I asked him if he wanted to. He was so excited. I got some pictures I took, but then I got to see the story of what he was seeing through his eyes. Yes I have a couple photos of his feet and a few “action shots” (as he called them) where the camera was moving, but it was neat to see how we pretty much were taking pictures of the same thing, how differently we interpret the photos. I know this has nothing to do with travel pages, but you guys talking today really reminded me of this, I should jot it down
My husband and I always go to a couple Nascar races a year as our vacation, so I have tons of pictures but not a lot of product to scrapbook with. Maybe someone could design a line
I loved this show – but especially loved the conversation around getting the kids’ perspective into our stories. I’ve been asking my boys (twins aged 8) to write a journaling card every now and then when I’m updating our Project Life album for this year (a project I loved – I did it for 2010 and again for this year). Seeing what they have to say about what we did during the week is funny, especially when going back to read it later. Also, for photos they take, my boys take a ton of photos with their Nintendo DS’ which I hadn’t thought about how to get off their game system and onto my laptop. I need to check into that. (Anyone have experience with this?) But it made me think about how the younger generation is going to have such a different perspective about photos – with cell phones, gaming systems, iPads, and so on – so prevalent for them. Thanks for the great show!
I forgot about the DSis! My son uses the camera on his all the time (although I’m pretty sure just to make funny faces) and so does my daughter. I have not tried to download them, although they have asked me about it before. I think that the only way is to copy them onto an SD card.
When my two oldest kids were five and two, I gave them cameras on a trip to the zoo. I tried to photograph the same things they did, in case theirs didn’t turn out, but in most cases their photos were as good as mine, only at a different perspective. It was fun to see what they thought was picture-worthy and I’m amazed at how good their composition is. Now I hand them cameras whenever we are on vacation and they run around looking for pictures to take.
I love the idea of quizzing the family about the vacation while on vacation. We do that a little bit, to help the kids remember the trips later, but it hasn’t crossed my mind to actually record what they say. Making a mini album for them to keep in their rooms would be a great way for them to better remember our trips and I could tailor it to their memories. (Thanks to The Digi Show, I’m actually starting to think about recording more day-to-day snippets rather than only scrapbooking the more general “this is what we are right now” photos that I favor.)
On related note, thank you for explaining Project Life — a short blurb would have been enough, but I do appreciate the detail. I scrapbook photos, not memories or events, and don’t pay attention to the activities that go with “everyday memory keeping” — at least not until I am listening to a discussion about why this product or that technique is especially good for it.
Also wanted to add – for keeping track of your vacation/travel while you’re on the trip, I love the Scrapbooker’s Travel Logbook from Log Your Memory: http://logyourmemory.corecommerce.com/Products-by-GROUP/Specialty-Logbooks/Scrapbooker-s-Travel-Logbook-Download-p43.html
I have the download version and printed it out to put in a binder for our Colorado vacation last year and it worked so great. Loved it! I filled in the day’s activities after the kiddos went to bed each night and was so glad to have everything recorded once I got home.
This show was great! My DH and I are planning our first real vacation without the kids and I’m anxious to see how different this will be with only the two of us to please. I will definitely take a journal along and maybe I can get my hubby to give me his thoughts and feelings to include in the book.
I love the Passporter – if you are going to use it ‘not for Disney’ which is how I’ve used it the most you can buy last year’s versions in their annual sale. They often sell the folders for $1. I do use their deluxe binder and add in my own bits as well. They do extra pages so you can do long trips – our longest was 3 1/2 weeks.
Because we fill them out each time the kids and dh are very used to answering and we do it any time we sit down to rest or are hanging around waiting.
Great show – thanks for the inspiration.
I just got back from a major vacation and realized that scrapping on the road is impossible! However, the journaling is soooo important, because I’ve already forgotten so many details. For the portions of my travel book that I did work on, I already see the value of jotting down those stories before you forget…the details. However, to complete it…the process of scrapping back at home is so much more fun and enjoyable.
I am so happy to be back listening to the Digi Show. I only allow myself to listen to an episode (for the first time) when I am running and unfortunately had an injury that took me out of running for 9 weeks……arghhhhh. No running+no digi show= torture. Then when I started up running again, I would not allow myself to listen until I was up to a certain distance. Well, I listened this morning and I am so happy to have Steph, Katie and Peppermint back in my life. I know you have several running digi scrappers that say the same, but you ladies are great for motivation. Sometimes the only reason I get out the door and run is because I want to listen to you all. Thanks.