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Home décor projects using your digital supplies and skills is the topic of this weeks show. If you would like some inexpensive ways to spruce up your home, this show is for you!
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Joining the Discussion
Jessica Sprague
Katie Nelson
Peppermint Granberg
The winnner from the “Making Lemonade Contest” was Bunnyfreak. She was almost exact on the time we started re- recording and within 2 minutes of the stop time. The next closest was Rachel with the exact start time and a difference of 5 minutes on the end time. Bunnyfreak won an annual membership to The Digi Game and we are giving our runner up, Rachel 3 months of The Digi Game! GREAT job!!
From The Show
Yudu website
Yudu on Amazon
Yudu printing with Heidi Swapp:
Steph’s CHA post about printable products and transfers.
Katie’s post on dingbats:
Steph’s Polaroid Post:
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We will give you a free month of The Digi Game when you sign up for True Scrap using this link.Just click that link, email Steph (steph at the daily digi dot com) a copy of your PayPal receipt and if you are already a member at TDD, your username. If you aren’t a member yet, just send Steph your PayPal receipt.
Product Picks
Peppermint: Whimseybox
Katie: La Photo Cabine
Jessica: MakitOnline
Steph: We linked up all of the Font Snob posts on our (the tags in her posts were broken, so this was the easiest way to link them all in one place).
hi – looking fwd to hearing the show – i think the DL link is wrong though – seems to be linked to ep.33; TIA
It should work now, but let me know if it doesnt!
Just wanted to comment on the track ballmouse! This is the best thing ever! They are hard to find and much more pricey but totally worth it!
I got mine at Staples Canada but I’m sure they are available in the US as well. Info below!
Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball
Model 910-0
LOVE love love my trackball. I have the Kensington Expert Mouse Optical USB Trackball for PC or Mac 64325 (from Amazon). It has a BIG ball — which means less rolling.
And, Peppermint, using it helps my shoulder because I’m not extending my arm as far as I would with the mouse.
I’ll have to look into that next time I replace my mouse. The cordless ones are spendy. I can’t have a lot of cords around because of Sisko’s cord eating addiction.
awesome show – listening now and looking for the link to Erin Clayton’s gallery – you mentioned linking it up because she journals first
Erin’s gallery is at: http://erin-ink.com/gallery/
great show!! every week i think “oh, this is my favorite show so far…” this week was definitely one of my favorites. i see SO much home dec stuff online (pinterest) and i always think i could do it with my computer, now i know some of the tips for actually executing.
i also have a new buzz word from this episode “spendy”.
Years ago, I heard a radio personality talk about how using a fitness ball to sit on helped him so much. So, when I hurt my back, I decided to get one. This brand is really durable and made a huge difference in strengthening my back and keeping my posture great while sitting at a computer desk.
Yesssss, one of the doctors I work for has been trying to get me to try a fitness ball for months now. I don’t think I could go 100% fitness ball because sometimes I really am just sitting here chilling and surfing Pinterest (read: eating sour cream and cheddar chips and being lazy) – and I like having a chair back for that. But it’s something I’d like to try for the times when I know I’ll be designing like gangbusters.
I work (very part-time) for two chiropractors so my work-related injuries here with my home business get offset by my work-related perks at that job (free chiropractic!) It’s a system that has been working really well for me. LOL
Here’s a chair with the exercise ball:
I would say for those boy motifs you can always rock the vinyl that you find on etsy too. P, Iove you but yes, you are a ‘bad’ mother for not allowing your son have a room he wants, therapy is in his future…lol.
Seriously, I am in love with etsy for the vinyl.
He actually does get the room he wants, technically. Just not in the permanent finishes. I swap out artwork on the walls and accessory type items on his dresser or nightstand, and he even picked out the two paint colors in his room. But I won’t do wallpaper borders or bedding. For one, it seems like most licensed bedding is scratchy and uncomfortable, but also we like to bleach the hell out of bedding, so we buy white/light colored sheets for everyone.
I’m a bad mom in a lot of other ways, though. No worries.
Oh man, now you guys have me wanting a Yudu. They have a smaller size one for “cards” that is about $50… and that one is VERY tempting…
I’m not done listening to the show, but I just had to pop in on Katie’s rock and roll room idea. What about some silhouettes of people rocking out to their mp3 players–like the iPod ads! I think that would be so cute on a wall in a rock and roll room.
Sarah DG
that is such a COOL idea! I love it!
Fabulous episode – recommending it to all my crafty friends!
I’m also loving Springpad – I’ve been using Evernote for a long time but also hated the check list feature (can’t add them easily via mobile etc) but I’m loving Springpad for this feature along. Already transfered all my check lists over. I’m keeping Evernote for other things because I already have all my categories and such set up. Thanks again for another great recommendation!
ps – Is there a way to subscribe to the comments for every show without stopping by and entering my email when each new episode is published?
Another great show! I’m going to have to try out some of these ideas.
Another way to transfer designs to material is by running freezer paper through your inkjet printer and ironing onto the fabric (no, I haven’t tried it yet) but found this tutorial over at the Graphics Fairy/DIY: http://www.graphicsfairy-diy.com/2012/03/diy-transfer-project-paris-address.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheGraphicsFairy-Diy+%28The+Graphics+Fairy+-+DIY%29&utm_content=Google+Reader
Also, I know this isn’t related to decor but what you had talked about in an earlier show for cellphone cases. I found this tutorial over at Cathe Holden’s Just Something I Made blog on iPod cases (I made one for my non-iphone cell phone) using the dark transfer for t-shirts paper on leather: http://justsomethingimade.com/2009/12/simple-leather-ipod-touchiphone-case/
It really works and would make great presents. Click on her “DIY” tab and she has tons of ideas: a leather key fob and making jewelry with shrinky dinks (don’t know if any of you are old enough to remember those). I did make a couple bracelets, too.
Thanks so much!
This was a fun show. On the home decor side of things I’ve gradually got quite a lot of photo canvases on our walls over the last couple of years. I’ve had them printed as either already stretched or as rolled ones that I’ve just stretched over plain canvases from a discount store. I’ve done some coloured ones, but I have a set of three photos that I processed with Peppermint’s Macchiato Lightroom Preset which I just love. I made a subway art style poster of the names of all our favourite camping spots and hung it near smaller square canvases of photos from some of those places.
For my son’s room I did a text poster just listing all the things he was into in 2011, from Harry Potter to WWE, his favourite sports teams and books he loved. I think it will be interesting to do another one in a year of so.
The only thing I’ve actually done using scrapbook supplies was a morning and afternoon checklist for my son. I used pieces from an army themed kit (Paula Kesselring) as a background to a list of things that need to be done each morning and evening on school days (he helped me write the list). I put a check box next to each item, printed it 8×10 and put it in a frame under glass. Each day he can use a dry erase marker to tick of each item, then wipe it off to start afresh the next day. Now to make sure he uses it …
Another thing I picked up from Paula Kesselring (thank you Daily Digi prize!) was some graffiti alphas – I’m really keen to try something with them – maybe some heavily processing photos of my boy on his skateboard with personalised graffiti over the top printed on to a large canvas for his wall.
It can be quite cheap to get canvases printed from your photos and art without leaving your computer, let alone getting your fingers dirty.
Thanks again for a fantastic podcast.
What fabulous ideas! I especially love the text poster idea
I took an alternative photo class as part of my degree, we did citrisolve transfers as one of the projects. My recomendation on the copies is to do a test copy because some copy machines put a coating on the page and it won’t work. Also I found citrisolve at whole foods and sunflower market (and at other local organic markets). The part that makes the citrisolve work is the solvent part, so really you could use any solvent for transfers. There are artists who prefer lighter fluid (scary I know), gasoline also works, some paint thinners, but they all have a strong smell that is not as pleasant as the citrisolve. Don’t forget if you are doing type that you need to flip the page or your words will be backwards.
I have been thinking about this question for a little while, and this show prompted me to ask it. I follow Katie on Pintrest and often see her pin sewing related pictures, and I heard Peppermint say she was not really that crafty outside of digi scrapping. I was wondering, what, if any, other crafts you guys, or the listeners indulge in outside of digi scrapping? If digi scrapping your passion, or is it just one of the many other forms of creative expression that you indulge in?
For me, it started with knitting in my second year of law school in 2009. I needed something as a creative outlet before law school killed any creativity I had left. It has since blossomed into sewing, crochet, scrapping (digi and paper)/smashbooks/art journaling, candle and jewelry making, quilting, and embroidery/cross stitch. I love them all and do not seem to have a preference of one over the other. My “passion” is fluid, sometimes I can’t get enough digi scrapping and then I am obsessed with embroidery. I was just wondering if anyone else was as “scatter-crafted” as me
I’ve taken the time to learn several crafts (sewing, crocheting, cross stitching, embroidery, quilting) but none of them really stick with me. That’s why I have what I call “the craft closet of broken dreams” downstairs in our guest room. The knowledge doesn’t go anywhere, although it would take me a while to get back into the swing of it. I’m just really flaky when it comes to crafts, I eventually get annoyed with all the fuss of it so I shove it all back into the closet.
I did enjoy crocheting, though. It was a nice thing to sit on the couch and do, and it just required a ball of yarn and a needle so I didn’t have to drag a lot of things out.
Don’t feel bad, up until a couple years ago I had the “Diet Drawer of Broken Promises.” It was filled with diet pills, mixes and books… and oddly enough candy wrappers. Someone must have left those in there to taunt me or something.
Peppermint I have a really cool pick for you that I came across in pinterest.
It is a challenge site with a weekly “CSI Case” that you make a lay out with.
Looks really cool Angie!
Thanks Angie! I’ll check it out.
P-here is a pick of the week for you. :>
Well, I finally managed to catch myself up on all the episodes I had missed while life was going on! What a fabulous job ladies! I love every episode to pieces. This episode particularly resonated with me. One of my goals for 2012 is to cozy up my home. I have begun by painting the living room and kitchen. I was looking to put a gallery wall in my house but didn’t want it to be just photos. This episode was a lightbulb for me. I could easily dig into my thousands of digi files and create some fun, funky, and beautiful pieces of art to coordinate with my prints. Thanks for all the amazing ideas. I have now learned to stay on top of my listening. And Steph is just as amazing in person and she seems on the show and I am sure if I had met Katie and Peppermint I would have said the same!
OK folks. I have a question. At one point in time I had figured out how to do this, but now I am completely lost. Here is my problem:
I use Picasa and Lightroom to organize my photos. I like Picasa’s importing and facial recognition. I use Lightroom for everything else. My tagging got out of control in Lightroom, so I decided to start over entirely. I have now removed all of my tags and are about to start re-tagging, but I would love to have my Picasa face tags in Lightroom. I did it once upon a time with a plug-in or some sort of non-affiliated software. Does any one have a solution to my problem? (fyi: I am on a windows 7 pc)
The solution a read was a whole ago, so I don’t know if there is a plug-in. Anyway, what was suggested was to add a tag in picasa for the persons name. Then import open in Lightroom and there will be a little ? or ! On the corner of the image this means that Lightroom has recognized that the metadata has been changed by another program. I found a tute for you here is the address: creativetechs.com/tipsblog/add-face-recognition-to-Lightroom-with-picasa/
Hope that helps- I’m working on this too, it’s a much easier way for me to add names to my photos- I don’t have the patience to go through them myself.
I FOUND IT! I looked back through my downloads folder, on my old computer and I found it. Then I went looking for the place I got it from.
Here is the link: http://regex.info/blog/lightroom-goodies/picasa-face-import
I have not installed it yet, but I am planning on it tonight.
Thank you so much for being the public face for Moms that don’t get excited about doing certain things. I was laughing and nodding during that whole part because I just had a conversation today with my mother-in-law about a potluck she is organizing. I love to cook, but when she suggested that she could provide a brisket and would I do a side dish – I was all, sure! Can I grab a bucket of potato salad at the store?
Anyway, it’s nice to know I am not the only one NOT jumping up and down with excitement when bake-sale time rolls around.
P.S. Steph, you and my daughter would happier together than a pigeon with a french fry to come hang out with you. She LOVES crafting. Me? Not so much.
Peppermint, I was listening to the show this morning while walking and was keen to try the ‘chair thing’. I’ve always had the back support locked too, so I unlocked it when I got on my computer this morning and I have to say that I’m liking it so far. Thanks for sharing!
OMG! Thank you for reminding me of this. I haven’t been able to stand up straight for 3 weeks due to back problems, but due to school and work I am still chained to my desk. I am going to unlock this as well and see if it helps.
I just found this show and I am loving listening to it. I plan to go back to the beginning shows and listen to them all.
A great way to make folding laundry and cleaning the kitchen more bearable! So thanks!
I have a question. I made a family tree LO for my son (it has aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents) as part of some CT duties and my husband mentioned that I should print it out some way and make it interactive for him. He is 13 months old so we are trying to figure out what would be durable, easy to carry around, and easy for us to show him the different family members faces and names. Suggestions?
Thanks so much for doing the show, I love it!
I had this one with my babies and filled it up with family photos. They loved looking at it and it helped them recognize family that we didn’t see very often. You could easily scrap simple 4×6 pages and slip them in.
Ooh, that is cool! Thanks so much!
I want to say thanks Peppermint for your honesty. I so appreciate it!
Oh no, what was I honest about this time? LOL