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Steph headed to Vegas for Digiscrapapalooza and recorded a live show. We answer the attendees questions about designing, inspiration, balancing everything, and so much more!
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Joining the Discussion
Steph, Debbie Hodge, Katrina Kennedy, Liz Albers, Kami (Ziggle Scraps), Cheryl Ashcraft,
Melissa from Scrap Orchard, Meredith ,Cardall, Rachel (Captivated Visions), Chelle from Chelle’s Creations
From The Show
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Just finished the show and wow, did the memories come rushing back! I loved hearing from so many designers at one time. It really helped give some perspective on the designer’s side of things which I very much appreciated. But the part that resonated the most with me was Katrina’s comment about women coming and taking time for themselves. It is so true! We never take time off until we are forced to do so! I am so grateful I attended this past weekend. Not only did I have fun but I got back in touch with why I started scrapbooking to begin with: the memories and joy of it all! I have now scrapped more than I have in a long time and find myself participating in challenges and forums again. And I am afraid had I not taken time, I would stop loving digiscrapping which is the last thing I want! Thanks for another fabulous show and thanks for the mention! Made my day and yes I geeked out a bit!
I’m so glad you came too Liz! I really enjoyed getting to meet you (and all the other attendees)!!
I’m so glad I got to meet you and so glad you came to comment so people can see there was a reason for me calling Liz Albers Liz Moss. I guess you and I had spent too much time together over the weekend!! Haha!
I think you did great with 9 people on the panel- especially considering I couldn’t even remember my own name there for a second….
I agree with Kami, you did a great job! And the name thing was a great story and ended up introducing myself to Liz Albers after you were done. I am now referring to myself as the “fake” Liz. We did spend quite a bit of time that weekend! And can’t wait for the next show!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3 I know I haven't commented in a while, but I just wanted to let you know I SQUEED in joy when I saw the update tweet that this was up!! Oh man, I'm having a CRAZY work day and THIS will be my reward for all the slogging i'm doing! Yay!
Good to see you back! I told Liz Moss while we were in Vegas that I actually miss and worry about regular commenters when they disappear!
I haven’t listened to the show yet, but wanted to tell Peppermint how happy I am she mentioned applying the general Lightroom auto-adjustment to photos upon import. My husband and I just got back from our first big trip as (almost) empty-nesters. I have photos from 16 days spent in Greece and Italy.
The first thing I did when we got home was upgrade to Lightroom 4 and import my photos with the auto-adjustment applied. I’ve started looking at the pictures and there is definitely an improvement when I compare the before and after adjustment images. Thanks so much!
You’re welcome, Leslie! Glad it’s saving you time and effort. I’m all about that.
Question for you (since I am also one of those who cannot seem to get my camera off manual mode)… what did you learn that made things click for you? What was your stumbling block? Every time I try to take mine off manual, I end up with a dark or blurry mess. Clearly, I cannot be trusted with manual mode! (yet) But you have given me hope that one day I may figure it out! So, I’m interested in hearing how it “clicked” for you and what made the pieces fall in place.
Honestly, I’m not sure. I have found anytime I watch Katrina’s videos from her classes or read her classes that more and more information clicks for me. She is just a really good teacher! I was determined to soak as much knowledge up as I could and it clicked. Right now, it’s a combination of changing the ISO and looking at the little meter in my viewer. Katrina said it should be one f-stop to the right or 3 clicks and I finally got it. So, now, I’m changing up the ISO and watching the meter and getting some of the best indoor photos I’ve ever taken. Remember, I live in the Seattle area and good light is a premium around here…lol!
Steph, you are too kind! LOVED sharing THE moment with you!
I think when learning to move off of auto it is finally hearing a set of instructions at just the right time that does it for anyone.
Light meter to the middle does it for many people. Once you’ve got that down then you can work on having some creative fun with it!
When you say one f-stop to the right, do you mean on the overexposed or underexposed side? I ask because one stop to the right on my Nikon is one stop of underexposure – so I want to be clear.
Well, this will show you how much I DON’T know about manual. I move the dial to the right and when I’m looking in my viewfinder, the little line moves to the right. Underexposed? Overexposed? I’m not sure, but it’s working!
I’m sure as I play with it more, I’ll figure that out! 
You crack me up. LOL
I’m going to assume underexposed, if you’re moving the dial to the right and the marker also moves to the right, then you’re either increasing your shutter speed or your f-stop, both of which would decrease light. I usually aim to get mine right in the middle, I need Katrina to tell me what the advantage is to underexposing it by one stop. LOL I’m assuming it’s so you don’t risk blowing out the highlights? Now I need to know!
I think I’m going to sign up for her class now so I can find out!! I’m so excited!!!
One stop to the positive side when metering off of skin!
Did you know that Nikon has an option to switch your meter so that it has the + on the right side? Crazy camera makers and their backwards settings
You just blew my mind, Katrina Kennedy. Although I think my camera is too old to switch the meter direction. And then .. I’d probably do everything wrong because I’ve been looking at it the other way all this time.
just listened to the show – AWESOME to hear from such a variety of designers, many of whom are new to me and i can’t wait to check out. i appreciate all their honesty about what they love and what challenges them. so fun!! i absolutely love when katrina said she does the layout a day challenge : she only does a few of the layouts, but she is “thinking about it” so that counted as something. i can totally relate to that. thanks for bringing all those ladies together and sharing it with the rest of us.
I loved that too!! I spend a lot of time thinking about Katrina’s Capture Your 365 challenge. Even though I’m not taking a photo a day, because I am thinking about it- I do find myself taking more photos and looking at how I approach a photo differently, so it is impacting me and my memory keeping! And now I can get credit for it!! We need a badge for that!
Thinking has to count! I’m working on that badge
Here I am, the other Liz! Liz Moss and I had great fun after the show talking about Steph’s little mistake. No worries Steph! It was so great to meet so many digital scrapbookers all in one place.
Look it’s the real Liz! It was a great icebreaker and I loved hearing what Liz had to say about designing templates!
Katrina I feel you,I do the exact same thing!LOL!My list is 4 pages long…I always run to the next thing without finishing what I’m doing now.
Great show ladies!Hope you had a blast!
So glad I’m not alone!
Great, great show! I loved hearing from so many different women in the industry at once, and seeing how their perspectives lined up and differed on the different issues. As someone who has a tremendous passion for digital scrapbooking, but doesn’t always know how or feel comfortable sharing it with others, I took a HUGE amount of inspiration from these women who were there so freely sharing their passion.
To be honest this event and the inspiration I received has kick-started me to finally start up my own dream of hosting a recurring digi crop in my area. In fact I just bought a domain name and am working on getting a website up, with lots of plans in the works. I live in Utah, and digi scrappers are probably more prevalent here than most areas of the world, so I really feel like this can be a success. Seeing these women in action really made me feel like I can do this! It’ll take work but it will be so worth it. That personal connection is powerful & something I need to keep me going in this hobby. Kami’s comments specifically about events like Digiscrapapalooza popping up and being more affordable really hit home and gave me that extra push I need to make this dream a reality!
So.. many thanks for another fabulous show! It was truly exciting to be there for the live taping and to meet Steph, Katrina, and all the amazing digi scrap professionals in Vegas!
I love hearing stories like this! Keep us posted on your new venture!
Loved meeting you and love that you are inspired to bring a community together! Keep us posted on what you create!
wowza! that’s great.
Finally got to listen to the show and the moment when (was it Katrina?) said Digiscrapapalooza was about making and taking the time for yourself I had to squee because at that moment I was doing my nails, woot!
I have to echo Lynnette’s comment–there’s just something so incredibly inspiring about hearing a whole bunch of women with the same passion for what I like to do just come together and TALK. I really wished I were there, and I’m thankful you gave me a little piece of Vegas, Steph!
Congratulations for getting into manual mode! I absolutely cannot relate, but see, again, the whole women getting together thing? I totally cheered when you shared that! I can’t imagine how even more awesome your photos are going to get
Congratulations to Scrap Orchard and the designers for an awesome event
PS/ Just a random thing because I’ve been listening to past episodes, but Steph, i’m now totally a fan of Once Upon a Time too! Started watching the other day and am now on Episode 6!
It is soooo good! I just watched yesterday’s episode this morning while waiting for my son at tutoring. I’m dying! It is just getting better and better!
My friend that came to Vegas with me stayed back in the room during one of the events and scrapped and watched Once on my iPad. She’s addicted now too…lol!!
That is awesome you are able to go to Manual Mode! I’m still working on that. So I was thinking Katie and Peppermint have mentioned they use Auto presets when importing their pictures into Lightroom. So what is is the difference between using an Auto Preset in Lightroom vs using Auto mode on your DSLR? If you are going to use Auto Presets why not just shoot in Auto? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I don’t know enough about either to know if it is or not
Thanks for all you do! The Digi Show is in my book of Awesome!
I am a little behind on my listening (just one episode, I think?), but I just had to jump ahead to listen to one! How fun to get to hear all these big names in the digiscrapping community in one place. I loved that I got to “listen in” on a small part of the Vegas retreat — thanks, Steph, for providing a way for us all to participate!
The thing I loved most about this episode was that, given the sheer number of panelists, it was reemphasized that there’s no wrong way to do this hobby: whether you take the time to create your own shadows or not, whether you enjoy one style or another, whether you’re blogging or writing 750 words a day or making 12×12 layouts — IT ALL COUNTS.
Excited to listen to this new show, but want to ask a question immediately. You’ve covered this topic before, but I’d love for your panel to revisit it. I live in fear of losing my digi & photo library:) I joke, but I’m also serious.
Any “auto-back-up” software I’ve tried always had flaws and I would find files missing. I’m not ready to go to auto online backup due to the cost, but I do want to get another EHD just for using with Lightroom. Maybe there’s Daily Digi post all about this, but I’d love to hear what each of you use, how often back up takes place, what EHD you trust, and how you store your photos for Lightroom (I’m hearing horror stories of people losing Lightroom set ups when an EHD files because the program can’t find or switch to a new drive??). Thanks in advance to whenever you can get to this constant issue!
Hi Deirdre!
I use Carbonite to back up my photos. I keep all my photos on my internal hard drive, because [last I heard] Carbonite wouldn’t back up from an EHD. I keep all my digi supplies on an EHD- I’ve always used Western Digital and never had a problem with them [knock on wood]. I also print frequently (well when I scrap- I print frequently) so I have a print of my layout too. I did accidentally manage to delete all my layouts once, a few years ago, and I am so thankful that I already had them printed and in my albums!
hey—I found this podcast from adobe about cs6. There is a thing about vector images and all these NEW cool things we can do in photoshop rather than illustrator!