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Renee Looney of ForeverJoy Designs joins the discussion today about finding our mojo when it go-gos. We talk about what helps us feel creative again, what we do when we don’t feel creative. We include some tips for finding your mojo without panic!
You can download this episode by right clicking and saving this link.
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Joining the Discussion:
Renne Looney
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
From the Mail:
- Kerning in PSE
- Wendy & Katie’s Power Scrap It Collab
- Anna Forrest’s scripts
From the Show:
- Finding your mojo
- What’s your learning style?
- Where does inspiration come from?
- Power Scrapping
- Anna’s Scripts in this month’s digi files that changed Steph’s digi scrapping life
- Digital Scrapbook Challenges
- Digital Scrapbook with Templates
- Pinterest for Scrapbookers
- Get inspired by your own archives
- How to steal like an artist
- The Scrapbookers Creativity Kit by Claudine Hellmuth
Renne: Color Palette Generator
Peppermint: Project Organize Your Life
Katie: 5 ways the iPhone changed our life
Steph: RetailMeNot
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at TheDailyDigi.com.
Off topic question…. I need some help BIG TIME! I scanned hundreds of slides and then figured out that I scanned them all backwards! Is there a faster way (other than 1 by 1) that I can reverse the images? I have PSE 10, Lightroom and ACDSee so I’m hoping one of them has this type of function….
I’m sure WendyZine could make you a script to do it for you. She doesn’t charge that much for personal ones……that is someone doesn’t know how to do without the need of a script
That’s exactly what I was thinking Ronnie! I would ask Wendy to create a script. You can batch process in PSE (maybe under the file or edit menu) and choose a file, select an action to run on them and how you want them saved. Then just run the action and walk away. It will reverse and save everything. Wendy could probably even write the batching part into the script.
Hey Kathy! I’m almost certain I can do an action to reflect the images for you. The trick will be can we batch it in PSE? I know PSE has a little batching capability, but not sure about doing it with actions. So, let me see what I can find out.
On a side note… if anyone has an action or script idea, you can drop by my survey and leave it through my blog. Anything that’s too complex for me, I’ll pass on to Anna.
You know what, since you have Lightroom, try this. Open your images in Lightroom and select them. Choose Photo>Flip Horizontal. See if that fixes it. Then, just export them to JPG or Photoshop.
If Wendy can’t make PSE batch the actions it is a simple task for a script.
OK- the gig is up…I am listening to the show while wrapping up a kit- and laughing out loud! My older guy came in right when I spilled the beans about his Instagram posts being very much like scrapbooking. His jaw dropped in horror as he declared “I DO NOT scrapbook mom. Sorry dude. if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck……
His only comfort was that his 13 year old friends do not usually tune in to the show.
Thanks for the great time Steph, Katie and Peppermint!
My 13 year old would think the same so I’m not telling him. Also don’t tell him I’ve been stealing the pictures he’s posting for layouts by screen printing. If anyone knows a better way of getting my hands on these pictures please let me know.
I’m super excited to listen to the new episode, but in the meantime I have a question for all you super smart ladies. I’m a blogger, a blogger who like Steph, doesn’t really want the world to know our real names or where we’re located.
Well, I just realized (yes, I’m a little slow) that when people download and save a pic off my blog they also have access to my tags and metadata. Am I the only one freaking out about this. I keep my kids names a big secret on my blog, but anyone with a brain can figure it out if they know where to find the tags. Ugh!! Here’s my process: I import to Lightroom, tag all my pics, upload to my hard drive, copy whatever pics I want to use on my blog to Photobucket and then to my blog. I must tag my pics, taking that out of the equation is not an option. Do any of you have an answer to this problem?
Thanks ladies!
I think you’re going to have to add a step of clearing the metadata and saving to a temporary location before you upload to photobucket. I can write a script that will grab a folder of images, clear the metadata and resave them to a temporary location if that helps. Or does anyone else knows a way to clear metadata in bulk?
Thanks Anna! I’ll keep that in mind. I would love it if you could contact me if you decide to write that script.
Can’t find an email on your blog
Email me at myranalis at hotmail dot com and I’ll write something up quick. Are you using PSE or PSCS?
I think that’s the best way as well Anna!
I will say that’s one good (depending on how you look at it) thing about Facebook, my understanding is that they strip the metadata from photos.
Isn’t there a “strip metadata” command when exporting from Lightroom?
I have no idea. No lightroom here
I’m going to have to check that out. I’m still pretty new to the program and I do good just getting my photos tagged and exported to my hard drive.
I’ve never worried about my metadata with FB. I’ve never really thought about it. Most of the pics I put on my page come from my phone and there are no tags or metadata on those. Honestly, I don’t know why I thought about my blog pics. The other day it just hit me that people might can get my children’s names off the pics I put on there and sure enough they can. I’m looking forward to using this script from Anna. Thank you all so much for your input!
Ok, so I had to sit down at the computer this morning before heading off to church to figure this out. Sure enough Lightroom has a way to turn off the tags and metadata. Thanks Wendy! I already feel a little safer in the blogosphere.
Hope you all have a blessed Sunday!
Katie and Wendy thank you so much for the Power Scrap kit. I read Katie’s post about power scrapping and decided to give it a try. I just got back from vacation and in less than 24 hours I have 4 pages complete and 2 more in the works. I love the process! It’s easy, quick and allows me to use a few minutes here and there to accomplish a lot. I also really enjoy working with the templates because I they can be changed, rearranged, flipped and it’s like getting a whole new page. Can’t say enough about how wonderful the kit and power scrapping is. Thanks.
While listening, I thought this Ted talk was worth mentioning: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html
I just had to give a shout out to Anna Forrest this morning! She rocks!! Not only has she already written the script, but I have installed it and it works perfectly. I highly recommend this to anyone who doesn’t want their tags and metadata posted on the web.
I also want to say how awesome it is to be able to get on this little thread and feel plugged in to a wonderful group of like minded digi scrappin ladies. I am feeling the love this morning! Hope you all have a blessed day!
Tina in Texas
Thanks Tina! Glad I could help!
I’ve been wondering– and this is probably a super stupid question– how to use the title fonts that come with many digi templates. I hardly ever see what font they use either included, or in the description. I’m thinking, in particular, about Nettio Designs’ templates– I love her titles and the title fonts— but then the file is never “text editable.” Am I doing something TOTALLY wrong?
Just to make this easier, I’m working in CS5– just in case someone would like to be nice and help a poor lost digi-scrapper out! Thanks so much!
Never a stupid question! If the designer leave the layer as editable text, you can double click the layer. If you have the font installed, it will automatically be in that font. If you do not have the font installed, it will ask if it can replace it. Sometimes it will tell you the name of the font at that point as well.
However, sometimes the designer will rasterize that layer (turn it into a graphic) and you just put your own title in your own font into that space. Some older versions of PSE have issues sometimes with text layers and will automatically rasterize them as well. I’ve seen that happen with my actions too, where PSE5 and earlier would not allow the text to be edited even thought I left it editable.
Is it considered rude to ask a designer what title font they use– especially if they rasterize it? I’m finding that’s my problem with a lot of these– most of the fonts/titles that I love have already been rasterized!
Not rude at all, no. Although it’s possible that it’s an expensive font, and then that’s always a buzz kill.
Oh! And another question, since we are talking all about actions and scripts– does anyone know if there is an action/script that will take a whole folder of pictures and resize them to be “Project Life” sized, and then fit 2 on a 4×6 photo for “cheaper” printing? I am SO behind on Project Life and I would love an action that would do this for me. I know Paislee Press has a template for PL stuff on a 4×6, but I’m just action crazy– I need a simple way to do things!
Of course I do! This won’t do a whole folder at a time, batch style, because it assumes you want to control the cropping.
I figured you probably did! I sent you a request for an action earlier this morning, just in case, since I was having trouble finding it in your store!
Thanks for linking me up!
I found your question on the survey. If you want something that will decorate a photo or paper with some elements, you might want to check out Pocket Pages Journalers too.
Not quite exactly what you’re after but I did use my proof maker script to prep all of my mother 1000+ photos from Europe last year into 4x6s for her. It ran all night, but at least I wasn’t up with it! It won’t put the two photos onto one though. Anyway, you can check it out here https://www.pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=8753&cat=0&page=1
Hmm, I see above you said you’re on CS – that version is here: https://www.pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=8752&cat=0&page=1. And just a note too, don’t be thrown by the extra text or framing on the sample preview – all that is optional if you don’t want it.
I haven’t had time to look at this, but Martha Stewart released a digital scrapbooking app for the iPad called CraftStudio.
Maybe one of you could take it for a spin and let us know what you think?
The app is free for now, but will eventually be 4.99 and you can buy supplies through the app as well. I think papers are $1.99 or so.
Also, has the ability to upload directly to Snapfish for printing. I don’t think it’s very robust, but I know you are always chatting about scrapping on the tablet.
Take care and keep doing this awesome thing you do!
Renee Pearson just ran a class, iScrap It, about scrapping in Keynote on the iPad. We learned how to move our own stash into Keynote and use it to make layouts (called presentations). When the layout is finished we can export it as a PDF and use it on a layout in PS or PSE. All we have to do is fill in the space around the keynote layout since it’s smaller than 12×12. But Renee’s sample layout looked very natural and not at all like she had started out with a smaller layout then filled in around it. I highly recommend the class if you’d like to be able to scrap on your iPad. It’ll run again sometime before the end of the year.
Hey Debbie! One of my first digital programs I scrapped in was PowerPoint which is very similar to Keynote. I did exactly what you describe. Have you printed any of the layouts to see what the print quality is like? I would be curious.
No, I haven’t made a layout yet, but Renee did and printed one copy at home, and also had one printed at Persnickety Prints, both in 12×12 size. They turned out great! She showed them to us in the last class chat. I really need to get busy and make a layout myself.
I downloaded this and gave it a whirl. I really like the user interface, it’s super cute and fun. The digital products included are okay. My biggest issue with scrapping with any app is that it’s not going to be a full resolution layout size. I don’t know too many scrappers that want to spend their time scrapping a low-res (anything below 300 dpi) layout.
You can create cards that you can upload to a site they are partnered with for printing, but that’s as good as it gets.
You mean Katie’s last name isn’t The Scrapbook Lady?
Hmmm… I thought it was.