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Katie, Peppermint and I were joined by Brittney of Britt-ish Designs and Kim (a.k.a MissKim) to discuss scrapbooking Disney and other vacations. It was a fun (and funny) discussion! Never been to Disney, don’t worry, neither has Peppermint, so you’re in good company!
Joining the Discussion:
Kimberly Lund
Brittney Leavitt of Britt-ish Designs
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
From the Show:
- Digi-Scrapping Your Magical Memories
Katie’s Alaska Travel Journal
Kimberly: Guide To The Magic for Kids
Brittney: Visions Fantastic Radio!
Peppermint: Sharing Amazon Prime Shipping
Katie: Frequent Flyer by Kristen Aagard
Steph: Mousescrappers.com and Disney: The Updated Official Encyclopedia with free PDF supplement
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at TheDailyDigi.com.
PEPPERMINT! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing the Amazon Prime tip! My husband and I are both addicted to Amazon but share an account. He knew everything he was getting for his birthday as soon as it was ordered…. and the same goes for Christmas. This is going to make my gift giving (and scrapping shopping….) so much easier! Thank you!
Ok – off to download now so I can get the tip…..was saving for weekend chores but need this information.
Ok so this tip is really cool even better now I can access the free kindle lending library on my iPad which I couldn’t do before using the prime account as it was on my husbands account rather than mine. Thanks so much PEPPERMINT this is the best tip in a while!
Here here! (Or is it Hear Hear!?) I paused the show and my husband invited me to share the Prime. Boy, will this make our lives easier because we love Amazon, too. Joyce
Funny I was listening to show and was just googling what a passporter was when the question was asked.
My husband and I LOVE Disney World — frankly, we feel it is wasted on children and is really for adults. We’re grateful to the parents that do bring their children because we enjoy watching them enjoy everything, too. We enjoy some of the attractions (I don’t do fast or scary!) but even more we enjoy strolling around, sitting on something such as a bench, a planter, or a table with chairs, watching and chatting with everyone who goes by. We almost always end up watching a baby or two while the moms run to the ladies room! Sometimes we sit in the same place talking to strangers for so long we see both the early parade and the late parade! Joyce
This was an interesting show for me. My husband and I took our kids (then 3 and 2) for a family vacation to orlando a couple of years ago. For us, the disney experience was less than magical. We were completely overwhealmed by everything: the prices, the people, and the amount of waiting. I didn’t know that we’d wait in line for almost two hours just to see Mickey. I think from listening to this show, I realized that the most magical disney experiences probably take a lot of research and planning. I’m pretty sure my husband won’t ever go back but this show gives me a lot of ideas for future vacations we plan – and also lots of ideas for scrapping day trips.
I had to stop in and and say how excited I got when I was listening to the show today as I was working and I heard Katie mention how much she likes my Frequent Flyer kit. I seriously had an ear to ear grin on my face. (It’s entirely possible that I’m still wearing that grin.) I think I need to make Katie a badge with the Teddy Bear Pilot that she can wear for courage on her next flight. I actually flew to and from Denver this week and I’ll admit, I’m not a huge fan of flying either Katie. It makes me super nervous!! Maybe I need to wear a bear pilot badge too!!
I loved this show! I wish I had some of this info when we went to Disney two years ago. We’ve only been that once and it was my first time going and I just didn’t know what to expect. But I’ll be using lots of these ideas on future trips for sure!
After listening to the show, I think that it is apparent that we need to establish a digiscrappers spreadsheets anonymous group, because I too have an addiction. I can’t complete a project, kit, trip or event without a spreadsheet.
Love the Digi Show so much!! Keep on cranking out the amazing work ladies!!
Ok here is irony for you. I made a digi page with Kristin’s kit depicting Austin when we were waiting to get on the plane for disneyland!
Angie your page is awesome! What a funny coincidence too that you used that kit while waiting for Disneyland! I love it!
What a great photo and a cool page. I don’t fly very often any more (did it for a living for too many flights plus we travel with too much precious stuff now). I may consider a short flight just to use the kit haha. Maybe I’ll just scrap a flight I DIDN’T take instead! Joyce
Yes, I think I need that cute little bear on a badge!
Seriously love all of your kits Kristin!
Great show as always and enjoyed “meeting” Brittney! You guys have me wanting to go to the Land now! It sounds like a less stressful version of the dream magic vacation!
I thought I’d share that I also have an ebook in my store that might interest the listeners. It’s called “A Memory Keeper’s Florida Vacation” but it touches on on lots of ideas for scrapping vacations in general as well as Disney, theme parks and more. It’s got tons of layouts for inspiration and tips on each page. You can download a free 14-page sampler at the bottom of the product description. In honor of the show, I’ll put it on sale for a week too.
What a fun episode! I agree — preparation is KEY for a DisneyWorld trip. For our first trip I spent months planning. Things went sooo smoothly, and when there were wrinkles, I knew how to change our plans to best suit our needs. The Disneyworld mom forum is a great place to get questions answered. Taking tons of photos is how I keep track of our days.
I am so excited to “meet” Brittish Designs. I just checked out her site, and can’t wait for her to be in TDF next month!
Thanks, ladies!
Loved the show as usual! It really made me want to go to Disney. Our family has never been and may not ever get to go.
My darling hubby’s philosophy is ‘we never went as children and we turned out ok.’ I’m hoping that my kids will Disney band trip.
Of course I would sign up to be a sponsor and my Disney dreams will be fulfilled.
It was supposed to say “will stick with band and get to go on the Disney band trip”
Ok ladies ~ I’m having gravatar troubles. I set up my gravatar account, uploaded a profile pic and nothin’. Maybe I’m destined to be an anonymous face here, but I hope not. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
I had feelings of invisibility when I signed up, too. But if you’re reading this you now know that you leave and when you come back there you are! Joyce
Yea!! So happy that it worked and I finally have a face.
Thanks so much for all of the Disney tips, especially the Disney encyclopedia. I have about four Disney trips over the last several years to still scrap–ack! I was wondering, how inclusive is the updated PDF of the encyclopedia? Should I still try to buy the book if I have the link to the PDF? Also, in a completely unrelated question, can someone point me to the show where you talked about some of the different backup services y’all use? Our Mozy subscription is about to expire after a couple of years and they will become prohibitively expensive after that. I originally signed up with them because of one of the info in one of the shows, but now I want to switch and I’m trying to find out info on the other services. I know I heard Steph and Peppermint talk about Crashplan and another service on one of the fairly recent shows but I can’t find it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much for such an entertaining show!
Thanks again – I just love the digi show even though I get overwhelmed with some of the more techy-connect stuff. It took me a bit to find this comment thread and I think I have correctly signed up for the comment feed.
My husband and I are planning our 50th wedding anniversary celebration in 2013. I already made reservations for Yellowstone and Tetons as they are two parks that our family just loved (my husband taught so we could take great 3-week trips and when the kids had jobs we would travel straight through to the Tetons from Michigan so we could spend time there). We will go with kids and grandkids and the idea of a spread sheet is right down my alley.
Are there any links on your blog Peppermint. Yes, and I need to listen again because something tells me I could connect and modify one that is used for Disney.
When my hubby and I go on vacation, I print out the Travel Log from logyourmemory.com. Not sure if they have it anymore because I couldn’t find it, but it really helps me document our activities, thoughts, and feelings pre/post vacation.
Steph, what is the D.C. app you were talking about??
I just stumbled across a tech solution to a problem. I liked Brittney’s idea of tweeting everything, but I also am with Stephan and Katie about the privacy/security issue. But apparently you can tweet a direct message to your evernote account. I knew you could email to it, but this is great! The other solution to have the info but keep it private would be just to message yourself.
I haven’t been to DisneyWorld for 20 years, but after hearing about “pin trading”, I’m totally obsessed! Might just have to go to DisneyLand Paris to try it out this fall!
The pin trading is so much fun!
Fun episode! I’ve been to Walt Disney World twice but haven’t scrapped either trip (I just haven’t gotten to it, not because I feel pressure over it) although I did do a “mini album” — that grew to three 8×8 books, about 64 pages total — to give to my mom. She had gone on the trip with us and I thought she’d like it. Most of them are pages of my oldest getting his autograph book signed with a scanned image of the actual autograph on the same page. That was a lot of fun to put together!
This isn’t really on-topic, but Steph’s pick of the Official Encyclopedia of Disney reminded me of one of my favorite Disney themed websites, Yesterland (http://www.yesterland.com/). It is full of photos and stories about the Disney parks, past and present. I love looking through the Then and Now photo essays!