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Ronnie Crowley joins us this week as we discuss our “favorites folders” and what’s inside them. From templates, to elements, to whole kits, we share what we can’t scrap without!
Joining the Discussion:
Ronnie Crowley
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
From the Show:
- Katie’s galleries:
Flickr: layouts with her templates and all other digital layouts
My Scrapbook Art - Peppermint’s galleries:
One Little Bird
My Scrapbook Art - Ronnie’s galleries:
Flickr - Katie’s Review of Adobe Photoshop Elements 11
- Favorites Folder of Supplies
Ronnie: White Space Is Not Your Enemy by Golombisky and Hagen (required reading for the Guided Study Class at Get It Scrapped)
Peppermint: Enable 2-Step Authentication
Katie: Smash Books and Smash Stories
Steph: Foolish Fire
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at TheDailyDigi.com.
I enjoyed Katie’s review of Elements 11, but I am hesitant and also a bit “weary in my wallet.” Every fall there is an upgrade! My question is regarding styles and actions–I have SO many in Elements 10. Do they transfer automatically to Elements 11 or am I going to have to reconfigure if I upgrade. Help!
Hi Lori!
The good news is that you no longer need the “extra” little xml and png files for PSE11. Just the ATN is all you need! And, if you have any of my actions, I included an “Action Player” version which puts all the individual actions from the set into one folder. That’s what you’d want to install in PSE11 so they all get grouped together. The styles files are similar… you no longer need the xmls for the categories. Just the ASL file should do you!
If you don’t need the latest, I highly recommend waiting for Costco’s Black Friday coupon book which usually has PSE available for $50. And, you don’t have to be a Costco member to get it. You just pay a 5% overage fee. It’s still a great deal and they usually have an exclusive DVD filled with Digi content as well.
Good to know about the Costco coupon! Thanks!
Here’s the link to the action I use to divide 12×24 layouts to 2 12×12… it’s from Persnickety Prints and it’s a free action.
Loved the show!!
And, here’s the link to my action set…
This one doesn’t add bleed or anything. It’s just a straight-up 24×12/16×8/22×8.5 crop down to 12×12/8×8/11×8.5. I also have my Double Page toolkits for various printers that handle bleed along with.
OMGoodness! What a great show. I have 2 pages of quickly scrawled notes so I can go shopping {I don’t think hubby is going to be happy!}. I’m so glad to hear Ronnie say that she has everything tagged in the Organizer! I scrap in the same way she does – I find the pieces that I want to use. I’ve been working on tagging…it’s been a huge task, but I know that I will feel much better when I can find pieces easily!
Tammy – takes a while doesn’t it! But its so worth it. I actually spent last night tagging for a while trying to catchup. I took a break from scrapping for about a month when I starting doing the tagging just so I could get it all tagged but makes my life so much easier and it came with the program. Even though I’m use full photoshop now I still have elements just so I have my organization system. I also like that I can tag a piece of paper yellow and blue if it has both colors in it.
Ronnie, it really does! I was starting to question my sanity because “everyone” says it’s not worth the time.
I’m fairly new to digi scrapping and I’ve tried to do a couple of speed scraps in order to get myself moving and scrapping. They were torturous because I couldn’t find anything I needed!
So, I guess I need to just spend that time and be okay with it
If that’s what works for you, yes, do it! I know I get frustrated when I can’t find what I am looking for and the little bit of tagging I have done with previews has made a big difference for me!
As I’m sitting here tagging, I realize that I don’t need to take time off scrapping…I need to stop SHOPPING! hehe
I so wish there was a program you could use to transcribe the digi shows. They are so full of info!
Angie – it would be great to search them hey? I often search the comments hoping that everyone has chatted about the topics when I need to find something specific myself.
I have a transcriber who I work with for my own podcasts/workshops – it costs about $1 a minute to get a ‘clean’ (no umms and ahhs) transcript, so if we want the to be viable for the Digi Show we all need to buy the Digi Files!
PS Steph – let me know if you would be interested in getting transcriptions done and I can send you Prexie’s email. She is awesome!
It’s not exactly about having enough money to pay for it. Katie and I have discussed it thoroughly on a few occasions and have decided its not in the best interest of the show to provide transcripts.
When we have done classes, transcripts were provided and I do think that is necessary. But the show is a very different thing altogether.
A great show that makes me want to work on some pages! I listened in my car and need to listen again to take notes and check out the products! I really like having the links to the galleries. It would be neat to have a link to the whole galleries for future guests, if available. It is a great way to get to know them and their styles. I’ve heard Ronnie on the show before and loved seeing her gallery – a ton of inspiration in one place.
We can see about adding that!
I just finished listening to the show (thanks for keeping me company while I did some *much* needed dusting–don’t tell anyone how long that takes me!). I really enjoyed listening to your favorite items and thought I’d mention the only ones I keep on my computer. Every four months, The Daily Digi comes out with a new collaboration and I have found them to be so useful in my every day scrapping! From brights to lights to neutrals, there’s something for everyone. This gives me the opportunity to thank you for kits that I keep coming back to again and again. I’ll be going back over the show notes when I have more time to check out your links. Thanks for another great show!
P.S. Couldn’t you just listen to Ronnie talk all day long?
I love those kits too! Such versatile themes. My favorite always seems to be the most recent one.
Thanks Sharon – I won’t listen to this show as I can’t listen to myself! In my head I just don’t sound like that.
Thanks for sharing that Sharon! Yes, I could listen other all day!
I have a question regarding the Grid it action we got from Wendyzine. What do you ladies do with the guides? Are you just using them as a visual guide or can you snap things like papers or use them for something else. Like, what kind of tips and tricks do you recommend with guides. Thanks guys, p.s. I saw on the action post from Katie that she had a project life action set from Wendy that I don’t see for sale. I am so jealous Katie! Love the show as always. You are my commuting buddies.
I think most people use them as visual guides. Line things up at the crosshairs for composition. If you google rule of thirds and repeating ratio and you’ll get the theory behind them.
I think the action set you must be referring to is my Pocket Pages. Although Becky Higgins gave us her blessing on creating the actions, we named it differently so it was clear that the product was not hers specifically. The links are here:
Collage Pages: http://shop.scrapbookgraphics.com/ACTION-Pocket-Pages-1.html
Journal Cards: http://shop.scrapbookgraphics.com/ACTION-Pocket-Pages-2-Journalers.html
Templates Only: http://shop.scrapbookgraphics.com/TEMPLATES-Pocket-Pages-1.html
I just wanted to share a couple of my “go-to” items. I absolutely love the alphabet from the “Sandbox” kit by the Shabby Princess. It’s a kraft paper alpha that is perfectly wrinkled and shadowed. I have used it a lot. It’s an older kit that was one of the first ones I bought when I first started digi-scrapping, but it’s still available in her store. The rust-colored staple from that same kit is one that I use a lot, too. It’s in my favorites folder.
Sarah DG
Katie’s templates are one of my new favorite things! I love to use templates, but often find myself spending waaaaaaay too much time messing around with all the needed embellishments. Katie’s templates are so clean and simple, and I never look at her layouts and think that they need more “stuff.” I have tried in the past to create a template from a scrapbook sketch I found online and good grief, is it tedious and time-consuming. Thanks for all your hard work to make less work for me, Katie!
Thanks so much Amy! You totally made my day!
In addition to tagging some favorites (which is an awesome idea!!!), I think I’m going to tag some items from kits that inspire me, whether it be word art, a cute element, a piece of paper…just different items from kits that I may not have used yet, but speak to me in some way. That way the next time I’m looking for inspiration I can peruse these specific items.
Great idea – Then you could un-tag once you’ve used it for the inspiration
I do this exact thing. One of the tags I add to all my new products is “unused” then as I use it in a project I remove the tag. It helps to see how much of my stuff I’m really using (not nearly enough), and helps me to get value for money out of the kits I purchase by making me push my boundaries to try some different things. The biggest eye-opener for me has been seeing how often I end up using the pieces of a kit that I thought I would be least likely to use.
Karen – that is a very clever idea. I wonder if I’d remember to remove the tag though!
I am going to have to re-listen to this one at the end of the month. Yay DSD!
I was sad to hear I missed Katie at the Scrapbook USA expo on Friday. I went Saturday with my mom. It was so interesting to meet so many people that I knew there names and who they were, but could not identify them by sight. I was giddy! The Scrap Orchard ladies were all so nice! They game me a Daily Digi bag and badge, and a digi show badge. Some day I hope to meet you three fabulous ladies. Maybe next time.
PS: Steph- Did you watch the premiere of Once yet!?
I wish I could have spent more time there. So glad you got to go!
YAY Kelsey!! You came and commented!!! It was so fun meeting you!!
I am kind of going through withdrawls today. I need me a digi fix. Hopefully the new show is posted soon.
I guess I was delusional—I was so hoping to find links here to all the kits and product mentioned in the show. I’ll have to go back and relisten with my browser open. Is there a Digi Show pinterest board where we could share links? That way if one of us goes searching, more don’t have to do the same?
I would LOVE transcripts of the show just to be able to search through old shows when I’m trying to remember something I heard here.
I had problems with Google’s 2-step authorization thing…so be a bit wary (especially if you live in a rural area and often don’t have cell coverage!). I LOVE Last Pass, but am a bit nervous that with one hack into that account someone would have everything.
Maybe Katie’s already covered this ad nauseum, but as someone who is trying (unsuccessfully) to keep track of what has been backed up to which EHD, I’d love to hear her all her steps after downloading new kits.
And my most recent go-to favorites: Katie’s templates (love!), Ali Edwards’ sentiments–specifically ThisOne with the arrows, Peppermint’s word art from Meadowlark, specifically the TODAY stamp image, and the font Honey Script.
I was going to try and keep track of all the kits and everything we mentioned, but then it got to the point where I couldn’t talk and do that at the same time. lol! I’d love it if someone went through and did that.
We do have a Pinterest board for all the random stuff we talk about on The Digi Show. You can find it at
Thanks for your sweet words about my templates!
I came up with this list – If I mis-spelled anything I apologize – I tried to go back and search some…
Episode 57_Favorites Folder (List of Favorite Items)
• Sports Kits and Overlays: Anna Aspnes & Katie Pertiet
• Word Art: Kathy Zielske, Word Art World @ Gotta Pixel
• Templates: Yin Designs, Scrapping with Liz, Tiffany Tillman
• Fonts: Where Stars Shine the Brightest, Courtney Dorkling – @ Dafont.com
• Staple: Patti Knox staple clusters, Chelle’s Creations,
• Misc: Rosey Posey Studio – Fragments @ scrapbook graphics.com, Pre-made journal blocks – Studio Double D @ Designer Digitals
• Kits:
o Tuscany papers – Anna Aspnes,
o Mark My Word – Chelle’s Creations
• Stitches: Studio 68 – Stitch Straight Up @ zigzag scrap.com
• Papers: One Little Bird Designs for neutral papers. Kaye Winiecki & Suzie Q Scraps, solid papers
• Staple: Shabby Princess
• Kits & Designers:
o Everyday Moments – Jen Barrett & Lauren Greer (Sweet Shoppe or The-Lilypad.com)
o Wonderful Day – Sahlin Studios
o Worn (colab with One Little Bird & Sahlin Studios)
o Daydreamer – Mari Koegelenberg
o Little Butterfly Wings at The-Lilypad.com
o That’s Life – ?
o Forever Young – ?
o Pink Reptile Designs
o Traci Reed – I Got Sunshine
o Narrative – One Little Bird
o Epic – colab One little Bird & Paislee Press
o For the Love of Scrap & Everything About You – After 5 Designs (colabs)
• Templates: Yin Designs, Scrapping with Liz, Katie the Scrapbook Lady Templates,
• Fonts: Bebas, Baskerville Old face, Teen, Franklin Gothic Book
• Misc: Flergs- Scatters
• Templates: 2 page templates, Janet Phillips, Yin, Traci Reed Designs, Michelle Batton, Little Green Frog (action was listed in comments already to split 2 page templates)
• Word Art: One Little Bird
• Kits & Designers:
o Vagabond, One Little Bird
o SarahJ@ digichick
o Amanda Hymen
o Mari Steph
o Gina Miller
o Mr Potato Head – Jackie Larson
o Dani Mogstad – County Fair @ Jessica Sprague (it’s ok to delete the clown)
o Julie Billingsley – Carnival Thrills
o Chelle’s Creations – gnome kit
• Paper: These Moments by Amber Clegg, Suzie Q Scraps
• Stitching: Messy Stitching by Traci Reed Designs
• Alpha’s: Chelle Creations
Looking for: some good pre-stitched buttons.
• Designers:
o Danielle Thompson @ Kitchy Digitals
o CD Muckosky (Circle Works and Blocks)
o Sahlin Studios
o Studio Natalie
Thanks Dawn that is a great list!
I just think it is so great how Katie can say two words about a kit and Steph knows exactly what she is talking about. That would be awesome to have a scrapbooking friend who can finish your sentences. Thanks as always for all the great info you provide!
Dawn—you rock! Looking forward to shopping these this weekend:)
And Lara—you are so right about Steph. The way she knows digi kits reminds me of the way my brother knows baseball stats!
That IS really cool that Steph can do that! We have a lot of conversations like that one where I talk about a few things in a kit and she knows just what I’m talking about.
Thank you for doing that. I should of thought to share what I had prepared prior to recording the show with Steph and she could of included in the show notes.
Just wanted to let y’all know that Little Butterfly Wings was guesting at The Lilypad in September, and I think her spot there is over. I know she sells her designs at One Story Down if anyone is looking for her kits.
SO nice of you to make this list! Both the That’s Life and Forever Young kits are by Little Butterfly Wings.
This list doesn’t even make a dent into all my favorites, but it was so much fun to talk about them!
As you mentioned in this episode Digital Scrapbooking Day is coming up, yahoo! Steph and Katie indicated they have a plan forming on how to they are going to shop. I’m hoping you are going to share your plan in an upcoming episode or give a quick outline through the Digi Files blog or here. This will be my first DSD experience and want all the tips and tricks to success. Just like a well planned out Disneyland trip.
Thanks so much for having a product themed show! Really enjoyed it!
You guys should have named this show the ENABLING show!!! I don’t even regularly digi scrap and I want ALL of the stuff you guys listed! Fun show!
Which DigiFiles is “Narrative” in?
It was in the March 2012 files
Hey! I just listened to your show for the first time and what a great idea ya’ll have come up with! I am totally wanting to upgrade to PSE 11 now! And, Ronnie had so many wonderful suggestions. She sure has some great tips–and I love her accent!
I noticed that she gave me a “shout out” and uses my word art quite a bit. I’d like to get a hold of her, but when I followed the link to her web site, I couldn’t find any contact information. Do you know how I could get in contact with her? I’d like to tell her “thank you”, if I could. Thanks for everything—I’ll definitely be listening to your show as I design and scrap from now on! And, I will be featuring you all on my blog, for sure! Thank you so much.
Jennifer – thanks so much. I gave you a shout out cause I love your stuff. You can email me at . (Note to self go to website and add contact details).
What a great show and the comments are awesome. I have a couple of questions:
1. In the Sept 2012 digi files the “Little Pretties” have an alpha and a word strip, but they are all on one layer and for the life of me, I can’t separate them out! What am I doing wrong?
2. I am thinking I could get the Photoshop 11 free for one month and then get the Costco coupon on Black Friday but would I then loose everything I created prior to that?
3. I know I have to try some actions, but I am scared to attempt it even though my life would be easier. I hear the talk and I realize I could be saving myself loads of time.
Thanks All for your helpful discussion – and thanks for the list of templates – although I still need to go back and listen again!
When I get a sheet of alphas, I cut them apart into individual files using Anna Forrest’s Document Cutter so that I can then use her Title Builder to make my alphas! But, if you want to do it by hand, just draw a selection around it with your marquis tool. Then, either copy and paste into the new document. Or, change to your move tool and click and drag from one file to the other.
You won’t lose anything by upgrading later, so don’t worry about that!
Yes, you DO need to try some actions! What’s the worst that can happen? You get flustered or confused and email me for help.
You’ll be in GREAT company if you do! LOL But seriously, go by my shop and download one of my freebies (or check August’s Digi Files downloads for my contribution) and put on your Brave costume and give it a go! 
Wendy said: “Yes, you DO need to try some actions! What’s the worst that can happen? You get flustered or confused and email me for help. You’ll be in GREAT company if you do! LOL” When I bought my first action from Wendy, I was of course in a hurry to make something and not very proficient with PSE. I googled and tried to figure out how to make the actions work and I was so flustered. I was hesitant cause I didn’t want to bother her but I emailed Wendy and she replied faster than I had expected. We communicated back and forth until I figured out how to do the action. I got my subway art project done in time. She was so super helpful and a life saver! Try it you will like it
I agree Wendy is so supportive. One time I re-messed up the installation of a set of actions and some how manage to break my PSE. Wendy calmly talked me through the lot – how to fix it and she got me down from off the top of the roof!
If your interested in upgrading I would do it for just for the change on actions installation. I have move from PSE to Photoshop and the ease with which I can install the actions is mind blowing. I can install them in my PSE with no issues now but if PSE11 is as simple as it is in Photoshop you won’t have a moments issue and you will regret not having played with actions before. Good luck. Try it. You only have things to gain!
Thanks Lara and Ronnie! You guys are so sweet!
Awww….just listened to the show.
I loved hearing what your favorites were. I’m honored that I was mentioned among all these wonderful designers.
I also took a peek at all of your galleries. Loved looking at your pages.
Loved hearing all the favorites. Made me want to share mine, too! LOL!
Will you be doing a December Daily-themed show this year? I’m gathering ideas, inspiration, etc. for this year’s version (after completing last year’s AND on time AND getting it printed — woot woot!) and wanted to make sure to tune in if you were.
This was such a great show! Loved it! Does anyone know how to find the Mark My WOrd set by Shel (spelling?) that Ronnie mentioned? I have been unsuccessful.
Steph, I would SOOOO love it if you included more Wordart in the Digifiles like you talked about in this show. I am especially interested in the chalkboard look that is so popular now. Is there a way to do it digitally (not just the background but the fonts too?) Thanks for a great show!
Hi Kelly, here’s the link to Chelle’s Mark My Words:
Be sure to look through her store…she has lots of great stuff!
Tammy – thanks for sharing was just coming to do that.