Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:43:56 — 95.2MB)
Kami Leonard (co-owner of Scrap Orchard and the face behind Ziggle Scraps) joins the panel to talk about why we all feel like failures and how we are getting over it!
Joining the Discussion:
Kami Leonard
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
From the Mail:
- Tell us your digi story. Send a video clip to Steph before October 15th.
- How to load actions in PSE 11
- The Digi Show’s Cafe Press store
From the Show:
- Hey Shenee
- Katie’s first digi layouts
Kami: The Built-In Panoramic Picture on the iPhone (in new iOS6 upgrade).
Peppermint: Samsung Galaxy S3
Katie: Persnickety Prints 2013 CD Calendar (free download)
Steph: Kitschy Digitals Masks
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at TheDailyDigi.com.
That is so sweet Kami! You totally made my day. (it was kind of a long friday at work) I had so much fun talking to you. I think I might have my mom convinced to actually try digi-scrapping. Wish me luck on teaching her. I hope to start participating more in the forum at Scrap Orchard. Here is my introducing myself forum post. http://scraporchard.com/forum/showthread.php/47501-Free-Time
I had already started thinking about my video. First step right?
Love what you guys do. You make Fridays at work oh so much more easier. Keep up the amazing work!
YAY!! I enjoyed talking with you and your mom too!! I hope we see you in March!!
YES! Please make a video Kelsey! It was fun to hear all about you from Kami!
One more thing Kelsey, tell your mom to JUMP into digi! Katie’s mom’s doing it too!
She is retiring in December. She just might start after that. I am sure hoping.
Thanks for another great show! Today’s episode made me think of a quote I pinned some time back: “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight real.”
I can totally relate to that…I get very self-conscious when I think of posting layouts in galleries. I need to put this quote on my wall!
That is perfect! I love that!!!
I saw that on Pinterest and felt the same way! So TRUE!
So, I haven’t listened yet, but I want you to know that I am so addicted that when my son broke my cell phone (major screen crack), one of my first thoughts was, how am I going to listen to this week’s Digi Show? I have decided to just listen to it on my computer and then download the shows to a new phone when I get one….hopefully soon the screen crack is no fun!
I cracked my screen in August
Noooo fun at all! I kept cutting myself when swiping…youch!
Is anyone else not able to find the episode on iTunes?
I can’t seem to update it on my iPhone or within Stitcher (my podcast app).
iTunes is not updating for me, either.
Beyond Pod isn’t updating either
I can’t get the new podcast. It’s not on iTunes. What’s up with that? What am I going to listen to at the gym? Help!!
You can stream it on your iPhone from thedailydigi website.
Now my Elements 11 question – Katie you had mentioned separate layer shadows in 11. Is this true?
Feedburner is currently having a system-wide issue with feed updates. We are working on an alternate solution and will keep you updated. In the meantime, you can listen to it through the link above.
Thanks for the update. I was thinking I was crazy … I kept trying to refresh iTunes to no avail!
Thanks for the update! I’ve been refreshing my phone over and over again and thinking there was something wrong with my app. I’m glad to hear it’s another problem altogether. I’ll just be patient.
Sarah DG
Should be working now gang!
Peppermint** I am so excited you picked the Samsung Galaxy S3 phone… I just got mine on Tuesday of this passed week and I love it!! I have been an apple iphone fan FOREVER and then I had a problem with my last iphone and my update was available, so my heart was so torn I was holding both phones and my heart wanted the iphone 5 just because I wanted it so bad and had been dreaming of having it. After playing with the Samsung and the iphone5 in the store for (Yes 2 hours) poor AT&T girl who was helping me) I had to go with the Samsung Galaxy S3 and I have to say after I left the store I was kind of lost at first on how to use it. This phone is amazing and I love that fact that I can tell the camera to (capture a photo) without me shaking and having so many blur photos.(lol) But the only thing is I miss not having thedailydigi app or pod cast on my phone. So if you can tell me how I can get it in the play store that would be amazing. (there might be one, I am a newbie to Android) So sorry this is so long but if anyone is scared to cross over from a iphone this Samsung Galaxy S3 is the one to get. Thank you girls for all the hard work that goes into the show each week. You are all amazing and I wish I could be more like you all. But (when I grow up I want to be like Katie) I mean that in a loving way, Katie you are so talented, smart, beautiful and amazing at what you do, please don’t be so hard on yourself, you do so much for your family. Just promise not to forget about yourself. And that goes for Steph and Peppermint Too. Remember to be kind to yourselves, you are all amazing hard working women. As always enjoy the little things in life. O ya I so sorry this is so long. Long time listener first time comment on the dailydigishow.
I have an Android phone (Galaxy Nexus) and I have a great app called Double Twist that allows me to download podcasts directly onto my phone. If I remember correctly, the main Double Twist app is a music player, and then there’s an add-on for podcasts. I bought the add-on for podcasts and it has been totally worth it! I love being able to download and listen directly on my phone!
Sarah DG
Sarah DG,
Thank you so much for helping me =0)
I was stressed not being able to listen on my phone. (I know SAD)
you saved me from stress =0) you so sweet thank you
Tosha- Thank you SO much for your kind comments! I can’t tell you how much they mean to me.
Enjoyed this discussion, ladies. It really made me stop and think. I, too, could rattle off a long list of things I feel I’m failing at, but really have to search for things I’m doing well. Here’s my shortened list —
doing well: taking photos, keeping up with my project life, feeding my family, getting kids where they’re supposed to be on time (usually – ha ha)
not so well: scrubbing toilets, dusting, keeping my counters clutter-free, contacting extended family members, doing dishes, putting the clean clothes away, spending so much time looking at “inspiration” online that I have little time to do anything with the inspiration. Oh the list could just keep going.
Thanks for another great show
I love that you focused on the many things you are doing well. So important to do that!
You are awesome!! Thanks for sharing! Getting the kids places on time is something I often struggle with!
Unable to down load show via my ipod and itunes anyone else having problems?
Thanks Dee
Yes! Feedburner is down right now. You have to listen through the link above right now.
Hi! I haven’t listened to the show yet, but I have a question! I wonder if you know about any good recourses for kids learning PSE? He is 8 years old and would like to get a program he can draw and design in…. As we have PSE versions that we got with digital cameras I thought it would be a good program to start with
If you have PSE already, I would just use it. It’s not the best for drawing, but does draw as well. I would start him in some classes at Jessica Sprague. They have photography classes for kids in the summer.
I too am looking for something for my 9 year old son. He loves to draw on paper but he sees what I can do in photoshop and there are things he wants to learn as well, though he is pretty young yet. I was wondering about getting a wacom tablet that we could share. Any suggestions on that?
I found a way to put it on my iPod! Right click on the word “download” save link as then click and drag onto you iPod.
Download the file to your music folder in itunes, then import it and listen to it via your music. The only problem is you can’t leave off at a certain place. I read they are getting rid of feedburner??? I don’t know if that is true???
It’s rumors at this point, but I have a plan in place if they do. Actually, I have a guy, as I always tell Peppermint.
Love this particular episode as it’s a topic I can relate. The grass is always greener on the other side comes to mind. There is also a lot of grey area between what is real and what we perceive to be real. Everyone struggles.
AMEN! Everyone has something hard they are dealing with!
Great show – I still have alittle left to listen to – but it was great to hear that I am not the only slacking tooth fairy in the world. I have a worser one too when I was traveling for work and returned on Sat before Easter – No time to shop, so my youngest and I had to play Easter Bunny and shopped Easter Sunday. (I did send her a bunny in the mail from the Easter Bunny with a big I am sorry note from EB himself, cost me three times the bunny in expedited shipping!) And, let me tell ya – pickin’s are slim at the local grocery store on Easter morning.
I look at ya all and think that you are all so perfect, thanks for reminding me that you are human too. We all are – if we were perfect we would be the Big Guy Himself.
I’m glad you were able to find comfort in my tooth fairy stories. That was my reason for sharing! We put far too much pressure on ourselves!
I deal with that “guilt” a lot too. My husband and I are always wondering when we are going to be “real people” who can keep up with the house and kids and work and school and church and have hobbies too. It’s easy to always feel like a failure.
What I started doing, because of listening to the Digi Show actually, was try to figure out who I am. Once I can define the things that I am good at and the things that I’m not good at, it’s easier to set my goals. I use OhLife as my goal checklist. I don’t allow the daily emails to guilt me, I just delete them if I don’t have anything to write that day, or read the old stories as a reminder of what I have accomplished. I write out my thoughts about where I am and set different goals. I make sure that they are realistic (I will NOT be able to keep a perfectly clean kitchen any time soon, but I CAN make the bed before my husband gets home every day), and establishing those goals helps me learn more about myself, and improving causes good momentum. Because it is completely private, there is no keeping up with the Joneses. When I start getting down I can look at where I have improved, and I feel a lot better. My husband read this book called Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength that said, among many other things, that establishing new habits gives you more will power. Since I really lack in motivation (especially with kids because doing anything with kids around takes about 5000 times longer), establishing habits has now given me more will power that I can motivate myself to do more and better. Things like this show always give me good thoughts on where I am in life, and where I want to be, and setting those goals and recording them helps me see where my willpower is increasing, and I realize how much more I can do now.
My husband is the youngest of 7 and once asked his mom where she learned to do everything, and she said that she learned it a day at a time, and fortunately was pretty good by the time he was growing up. I consistently remind myself how people have come to be where they are, and I can see where my path differs, and that’s okay. I was at a friend’s house yesterday and was thinking about how cute she had it decorated. When I started wondering what was wrong with me, I realized that they have been married longer than us, and she had time between graduating from college and having kids. We invited the whirlwind of kids before we had a house, so things just aren’t going to be as settled yet. We are getting there one day at a time, and maybe when my kid is twice his current age like her oldest my house will be just as put together. Comparing gets me nowhere, but making specific goals that I know I am able to accomplish really helps. That and just forcing myself to make a decision, like a paint color or fabric choice. I am such a digi scrapper and yearn for my CTRL+Z and Recoloring when I’m working in real life.
Thanks for another wonderful show!
THAT right there is why the three of us come back each week to do this!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
iTunes is working now
Had to stop in – I’m in the middle of listening but your talking about advertisements. Have you see the advert on TV that’s running at the moment for some tummy control knickers. The girl is about a size 2 with a flatter tummy than I’ve ever had! She certainly doesn’t need that underwear. If the knickers work maybe they need me for the advert – show me with my normal ones and then with the ones they are selling. But I’m sure that’s not the look they are looking for as all my tummy would do is creep out of the top and make a nice roll! I even commented to my husband.
Now the real reason for the comment I highly recommend the book by Brene Brown – I though it was just me. All women need to read it. http://www.amazon.com/Thought-Was-Just-but-isnt/dp/1592403352
I can totally hear you saying “knickers” in my head! I love it! I’m gonna try to incorporate that word in to my daily vocabulary.
Thanks for the giggle Ronnie! I totally agree with you on that tummy control stuff.
Thanks for the great book recommendation. I’m definitely adding that one to my wish list.
listening to the show while making a few BIG changes in my scrapbooking. some things just have to give. i think we all just need to give ourselves a break.
my SIL is like a latin american martha stewart. her home is immaculate and beautiful. she even covers her stove top with aluminum foil so it will not get dirty. but there are trade-offs. she does not scrap( has all her pictures in boxes and cds), takes no vacation because all her money is invested in her home and will not get a dog because they are dirty. on the other hand, i have groceries still on the table from last nite’s run, a few…but not many dirty dishes and a house full of mismatched furniture. my DH always tells me (when i cry because my home is so YUCK compared to hers), hat we ALL have different priorities. and it is true. i hate it when he is right:)
Like you my home does not match and is very much lived in but it’s a happy life with long dog walks/runs, time with my children and a relationship with my husband. It’s a real and imperfect life in which lots of memories made. Love your post today.
I just listened to the show and this is so similar to Katie saying that she won’t always have such a focus on academics in her life and some day it will all work out. I remind myself of that all the time as well. Some day I won’t have toys over-running my house and school activities to help with and after-school activities to run around too and I know in my heart that will be a sad day for me, so I have to try to enjoy it now while I can.
…and i forgot that i have a gorgeous little shih-tzu puppy that needs me to love him LOTS (maybe it is the other way around)
i did make some progress:) groceries are out away.
Yes on the being able to list 100 things your failing at and struggling to come up with one where you are succeeding. This is me always. I have a trick, though, when you are feeling like this, ask someone else to tell you where you are succeeding. I do this with my husband and he’s always quick to point out the things I’m doing well (and never one to criticize my failures..he’s a keeper for sure). You ladies were talking about how it’s easier to see each others good points than your own…so take advantage of someone else seeing your good points, and then return the favor and let them know them theirs!
Katie, I looked at your digi layouts, and I think they are great! Your themes are so inspiring and the layouts are well designed. I suppose you think they are simple, uncomplicated, but many people aspire to that style. You have nothing to be self-conscious about!
So I never did post what I am good and bad at right now.
Bad: cleaning. laundry, and making dinner.
Good: playing games with my husband (Dominion is our current favorite), being on time for work, and telling my husband I love him.
I’m a paper scrapper dipping my toe into digital/hybrid. I just need some clarification so I’m not over-purchasing programs:) I started using a program thru creative memories and then realized that it limits me to only their stuff but I love it for organization. I purchased lightroom (haven’t really used it but I bought it:) – I thought I can edit the photo’s there and then export them to my cm program for organization, then there is elements or photoshop to create a digital page or is elements photo editing as well. Can I create a page in lightroom? Flickr…what is the purpose of it? I thought it was photo sharing but then it seems like people use it as a form of back-up. Thanks for any help and feel free to direct me to a past post:) ps peppermint – what is the life hack site that you always refer to?
Creative Memories should be able to import traditional digi graphics. You cannot use actions and styles, but you should be able to import PNGs and JPGs. I have come across quite a few customers who scrap with Creative Memories software. But, if you’re ready to “upgrade” to a more traditional program, Photoshop Elements is a great starting point. Here’s a basic list of the software and what they can and cannot do.
Lightroom: Color correct photos and apply other fixes like sharpen, exposure, etc. Great for tagging your photos, sorting them, viewing them, etc. Lightroom will not import PNG files. And, it does not do drop shadows. But, if you really had to, you could create a flat page by converting all your images to TIFs and importing those to create a page. You can create photobooks through their Photobook interface that’s built in. But, honestly, to create what we think of when we say digital scrapbooking, Lightroom is not going to get you there. You cannot shadow and layer as effectively. It is however, great for photo collage style pages if that’s all you want to do. Once you adjust your photos in Lightroom, you can export as JPGs to bring into any program, or send directly to Photoshop or Elements for additional edits or scrapping.
Flickr: This is a photo sharing site. It’s a place to upload your photos (and layouts if you want) to share with family and friends (or the public if you want). Because you can upload high quality images, many do use it as another form of backup. But, it’s certainly not a required part of a digi scrap workflow.
Photoshop and Elements are two different pixel-based layout programs. They were originally intended for editing and manipulating photos. They have lots of options for adjusting anything that Lightroom does, but it’s all more manual. Plus, in general, what you do in Photoshop is permanent. You alter a photo and you have altered that photo. Save a copy if you still want the original! However, Lightroom works differently by simply saving the settings that you assign to your image and doesn’t actually apply them until you export that photo to JPG or to your image editing program. So, yes, Photoshop and Elements can TOTALLY do image corrections, but it’s just more manual and more permanent in nature.
Now, back in the days before digital scrapbooking, Photoshop would have been an image editing program only and programs like PageMaker, Quark Xpress and Indesign would have been used to assemble the pieces of a design project. However, digital scrapbookers found that they didn’t need such advanced programs like those and that creating pages directly in Photoshop and Elements made the most sense and allowed for many techniques not available in traditional page layout software programs like blending and brush work. So, I think you’ll find the vast majority of digital scrappers use either Photoshop or Elements to create and assemble their pages. There are a few who use Paint Shop Pro, Creative Memories or other software that they already have on their computers. I highly recommend Elements for most beginners since it is (relatively) inexpensive and can do almost anything a beginner wants to do, plus some. And, once you know Elements, it’s easier to move to Photoshop later down the line if you want to (versus using Paint Shop Pro and then moving to Photoshop later).
Does that clarify things?
wow did you ever…you really are the Queen of all things digi. Now I feel like I can start a plan. That is a great breakdown that should be referred back to for beginners.
Always happy to help!
Ok, GREAT show once again ladies… never a failure in my eyes :). I’m so excited Peppermint picked the phone I’ve been drooling over. I’m currently still using my iphone4 (which is my first and only smartphone) and I’ve been coveting the camera on the 4s forever, but I’m reading that the Galaxy S3 has a totally awesome camera so I’d LOVE to get your feedback on the camera, or anyone else. I’ve been using my iphone as my point and shoot ever since I got her, and I’m looking to upgrade… Please let me know if you’d be brave enough to just have the S3 camera as your point and shoot. Hugs!
I have had my Galaxy S3 for a couple months and I do love it. I have been very happy with the photos I’ve taken, to the point that I’ve taken my little point and shoot out of my purse and my phone is now the only camera I have with me 24/7. I do however have a “good” camera I use for special times/events, etc. For me the only drawback of the S3 is that I need to use both hands for most things rather than hold and manipulate one-handed. It’s a big phone for small hands, but I’ve adjusted. I’m with Scrapfaire and Tosha – Great pick Peppermint!
I’ve been needing to upgrade my android for a while but hadn’t gotten around to reading reviews. After hearing Peppermint pick the Samsumg Galaxy 3, I checked around and it is widely reviewed as the best android phone and an iphone 5 equivalent. I’ve never had an iphone so I can’t compare. This is my 3rd android and I am in LOVE after just 4 days of use. Haven’t had much time to play with the camera yet but I will.
So many things that you talked about I can relate to. From the tooth fairy to comparing, etc. Since I found digital scrapbooking about a year and a half ago, my house is not as clean as it used to be and I have gained 10 pounds! Ugh. But, I will have to say that it doesn’t bother me as MUCH or affect my sense of self as it would have in the past. I feel that I have found “me” and my “people” (as Peppermint said once). And, I totally agree that we, as women, seem to all feel that sense of failure. But, as scrapbookers, we are ahead of most women, we have spent some of our time documenting our lives and so we have something to show for the time we spend. Our pages and memories will be valued and treasured for a long time (hopefully!). I also wanted to point out that as scrapbookers we all must have reasonably, happy lives, because otherwise why would we want to scrap it? We do “stop and smell the roses” as we scrap an event. What is the opposite of failure: Success! And you all are in my book! Keep up the wonderful work, ladies. You are an encouragement to many.
Zut alors! It ate my other comment!
I have a suggestion for a future show (which would not be a failure at all — wokka wokka!): having Krystal Hartley come on as your guest and talk abt her unofficial self portrait project & encouraging other scrappers to take regular selfies/regularly scrap themselves. I have committed to take at least one selfie a week for the rest of the year because of her influence and am actually making it into my albums more often because of it.
I love all of your episodes, but this one particularly struck a chord with me. I have been told that I am an amazing mom for all that I can accomplish or seem to be able to accomplish. Yes, I am working full time while my two young children go to daycare, and I am getting a Master’s Degree, running an English playgroup, and a multitude of other things. What people don’t know, and what I don’t exactly brag about, is how guilty I feel, how many things I let slide because of my priorities, how terribly messy and gross my house is, how bad I am at managing money (but I try to make it look like I know what I am doing), and the list goes on and on. I think what I feel most guilty about these days is that because of MY busy schedule, my children do not go to bed until 10:00 PM or later. I had always heard that young kids should go to bed around 8 or 9, but that never happens at our house even on the rare nights when my husband is around to help out. Just last night, we had dinner at his mom’s house where I had to, for the millionth time, endure her constant complaining about me, what a terrible mom I am, and questions about why I don’t do all the things for my kids that she used to for hers when they were little. Talk about a guilt trip!
Your episode made me realize that I need to take time to praise myself for the things that I am accomplishing or at least that I have not given up on yet. Something that Peppermint especially hit it on the head for me. She talked about her grandmother who worked full time and raised 8 children but constantly felt guilty for not being able to take part in Junior League and the bake sales. That’s me, exactly, except I only have two kids and one man-child. Anyway, one thing I have realized over the past couple of years is that even the stay-at-home moms seem to feel guilty about something or another. Sure, I feel guilty for working and not having time to bake cookies with my little ones, or worse, for not having succeeded in potty-training my 3-year old boy yet, much to the chagrin of my mother-in-law. But, I hear from stay-at-home mom friends about how guilty they feel for not being able to keep their houses clean too or for not actually wanting to get involved in the bake sales.
So, I wanted to end with a short list of the things that I seem to be doing well at, but I want to temper this with a warning…I was managing some things fairly well but everything changed in September when I was diagnosed with too health issues and in fact, all the weight that I have gained by sitting on my butt and studying for the past two years along with the weight I gained from being pregnant twice, according to my doctors, has got to go! It was a scary time but I found ways to start controlling my diet and making changes to my lifestyle. One disadvantage was that my scrapbooking time had to be decreased drastically because I needed to insert more time for exercise and movement.
Anyway, things I am doing well at:
I am good at cuddling with my kids, and it seems to be what they want most from me anyway, so that’s cool.
I am good at my job.
This year, I started saying no to more things, that includes social functions, work-related tasks that are outside of my job description – both of which are heart-breaking to say no to, but I have stopped caring so much.
I am good at cooking homemade meals for my kids every night on the weekdays.
Wow, that was a short list. I am stumped. I need to come up with some more in the coming days.
Thanks again for your wonderful shows which I always listen to while I clean the house on Sundays.
Can I just say that I think you are completely awesome for cooking homemade meals for your kids?! I wish I could say I’m doing that now, but that’s an area where I’m really failing at the moment. Pat yourself on the back for that accomplishment.
I was feeling like a failure at meals for a while after my third child was born. Now I feel like I can handle it again, 1 1/2 years later. I don’t do much blogging, but actually wrote a post on it last month. Check it out! http://minorscraps.com/2012/meal-organization/
I love my Paprika app for iPad. It has helped so much for planning meals and makes it a cinch to add meals I’m browsing on the Internet. I also love my dry erase board inventory I stuck on the freezer door. No more wondering what’s in the freezer
I am way behind in listening to the podcasts, but heard you talking about meal planning and feeding your family! I hate meal planning also, because my family is so darn picky! I got an idea off of a blog, (wish I could tell you which one) where she suggested making a “meal” calendar in google, and setting up your family favorites to repeat at certain intervals. When I make the time to meal plan, I use this option and it works famously! (I might have even heard this on the digishow!)