The Topic:
This week, the girls tackle your questions and thoughts on 12×12 sizing, Project Life pages, Lightroom, scanning, and being work at home moms.
Joining the Discussion:
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
Picks of the Week:
Peppermint: Inspiration Reference Templates by Tami Taylor
Katie: Collect App
Steph: Eye-Fi 16GB Pro Memory Card
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Fabulous is waking up super early and seeing this weeks digi show downloading :O)
I haven’t had a chance to listen to the whole show but wanted to comment on the question from the new digi scrapper about why the 12×12 papers do not fill the 8.5×11 page. In older versions of PSE, like PSE5 – which I think she said she is using, you have to open the papers/photos/elements so they are active in the workspace and then drag them down onto your digi page in the project bin. If you drag up from the project bin, they will not be the correct size. I think this MIGHT be what is happening to her.
Thank you ladies for an always awesome show!!! It got this morning off to a great start for me :O)
another reason for a 12×12 paper not filling the whole 8.x5x11 page is that the dpi of her 8.5×11 page set higher than the 300 dpi that most digital products, including 12×12 paper comes in.
Hi ladies – Love your mail shows because there always seem to be question that I’ve wondered about myself.
Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for The Digi Show! =)
Thanks for another FABULOUS show!! I wait with baited breath every Friday morning to hear your “KEEPIN IT REAL YO” beautiful voices. You are amazing women and I love how honest and vulnerable you allow yourself to be!
After listening to the show today I was looking at my Instagram feed. I follow Cathy Zielske. Her post was her new photo book that she put together ENTIRELY from the App, Artifact Uprising on iPhone!! You put the pics from your phone in and then organize it into a book, order and then they send it to you!! It is 16.99 for 40 pages and it looks like there is a discount code on Cathy’s insta feed. How awesome is that??? I seriously wish I came up with these fabulously innovative ideas! Another way to streamline I believe! Thanks for sharing my comment on the show!! I almost couldn’t believe my ears when I heard my name! LOL
Also, I mostly use the COLLECT app to document daily. I don’t like to post things to Instagram/Facebook that may make people feel awkward or bad–no one wants to hear about (nor do I want to share) a more personal experience that I had with a loved one. Or see my selfies!! This is also a good reason why I use Collect, because I still capture the moment but don’t have to share it.
I’m a new digi scrapper. I like to kit scrap. I’ve got PSE12.
What is the best way to use a kit? Open everything in the project bin? Or File > place each object from the folder?
The first page I did was a little frustrating (I was using File > Place) and it was tedious to go back to the folder each time I wanted to try a different paper, element, etc.
Usually I’d suggest opening it all and then dragging up from the photo bin onto your layout.
In PSE 12 there seems to be a big with dragging up from the photo bin – it automatically resizes your supplies to fill the whole canvas
You can try clicking on the item you want to add, then dragging onto the thumbnail of your layout in the project bin, it will come in true to size but just not as a smart object.
I am trying to talk Adobe into some consistency with dragging files but it’s slow going!
Thanks Melissa! Did you get the notification that Adobe had a security breach?!!!
Yes, it was a few weeks ago and only applied to creative cloud users. I just reset my password
I just wanted to say I’m not a Creative Cloud user but my info was also stolen when Adobe had the security breach. All I had there was a regular acct from when I registered my software. It was definitely more than just creative cloud users.
From what I understand…
SOME Adobe accounts were compromised.
If you have an account (required for CC & PSE12 but optional for PSE11) and earlier users you would have been asked to reset your password.
This was a precaution, not everyone’s information was stolen.
Just wanted to set your mind at ease!
I have to comment on this. I received an email from Evernote about changing my password because of Adobe Cloud highjack. Something about my email appearing on Adobe’s list matched the one I use for Evernote. People need to find better things to do than highjack accounts.
Same here. It’s been a real hassle for me and like I said I never used the cloud. I only registered PSE 11.
Oh, I see. If you register your software it sets up an account.
In Aus we never had a sign in within PSE itself, until PSE12 as wasn’t availabe to us.
Perhaps it is different for US end users?
I think a lot depends on how you like to scrap. I’ve tried a few different methods over the years. (I use PSCS, not PSE, but some of the same principles apply.)
When I first started, I used to drag everything into my document or template at once. Photoshop would place everything on the page as a smart object. Then I would turn off all the layers and start from the bottom up, working with one layer at a time. I don’t think PSE can import an entire set of papers and elements at once, but my kit stacker scripts can do that for you if you think you might want to try that.
Next, I tried opening all my graphics in preview and then dragging and dropping only what I wanted to use into my layout. This is probably similar to using the project bin in PSE. Now, I use Mini Bridge which is built into PSCC and allows me to view an entire folder of papers or elements right within Photoshop and just drag drop onto the layout. So, really, this is a lot like the Project bin. This is the method I’ve settled on as working for me.
I say try a few ways out and see what works best for how YOU like to scrap!
Hi ladies,
I just want to say I really enjoyed your discussion about making changes and simplifying the Christmas holidays. This has been a big discussion between me and my dh this year because our children are grown and even though two of our three still live at home they’re so busy with college and jobs they’re almost never here. We decided to not put up the big artificial tree anymore and instead my dh will focus on his Christmas train that usually goes under the tree. Without the tree in the way he can be more elaborate with it, something he’ll enjoy. He never enjoyed putting up the tree, especially adding the lights thanks to how fussy I was about them, so he’s very relieved. He never complained, but I could tell by how crabby he got that he didn’t enjoy it. lol I thought of a few alternative ways to hang my favorite ornaments around the house and we have a group of three small pre-lit woodland themed trees that go next to our fireplace where we’ll place our gifts this year. Until we decided on these changes I was actually dreading the Christmas decorating, but now I’m looking forward to it again. My dh even hung the outdoor lights today, rather than next weekend after Thanksgiving so that we’d have a shorter to do list the rest of the weekend. We won’t turn them on until black Friday though as we are very adamant that the Christmas season doesn’t begin until after TG. I’m so glad to hear I wasn’t alone in my desire to change things up and simplify to make the holidays less stressful and more enjoyable. I only hope my grown kids won’t be disappointed, but if they are I will still refuse to feel guilty.
We actually did give my mom a hard time about not having a tree up, specifically when we were bringing our kids for Christmas morning. We ended up going out and buying her a nice pop-up, pre-lit tree and took responsibility for putting it up and taking it down. On the one hand, I know she really didn’t want to decorate, but on the other hand, I really think little kids should have their Christmas tree on Christmas morning! In a few years, maybe it won’t matter so much to them anymore and she can get away with a potted plant.
Now I’ve listened to the show I am coming back with a bit more detail about the dragging in option in Photoshop Elements…
Drag from Photo/Project Bin
– new layer named same a file name (handy for credits!)
– not smart object
– resized to fit canvas – so sized down to 8.5×11
– new layer named same a file name
– smart object
– not resized to fit the canvas, there was a bug when you go back and transform the smart object it would loose its transparent background
– new layer named same a file name
– not smart object
– resized to fit the canvas – so sized down to 8.5×11
– new layer named same a file name
– not smart object
– resized to fill the canvas – sized up or down as required (very annoying in my book!)
Drag from main editing window to Project/Photo bin in PSE
– new layer named same as layer name (eg Layer 0 for png files)
– not smart object
– not resized at all
Drag from floating window
From what I can tell this has always worked the same was from PSE6 onwards.
If you drag from one window to another, it will drag the layer over not as a smart object, and will not resize it at all.
In PSE 12 you need to go to Edit, Preferences, General, Allow floating windows to have this option
File – Place
– new layer named same a file name
– smart object
– resized to fit the canvas – so sized down to 8.5×11
Great info! thanks Melissa
Happy Thanksgiving greetings to all y’all (but especially Katie)! I was listening to this episode while I was making the ice cream fudge pie for our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. My sister and brother-in-law live nearby so there will be the four of us for dinner which includes two pies! Any rate, when Katie mentioned that I don’t put up a tree anymore, I yelled back at the podcast that I’m putting out the Christmas Pig Friday. No one seemed to hear me. I also confess that we do have a tree sort of this year: IKEA had fabric panels about the size of a curtain with a tree on them and, here’s the good part, the snow glows in the dark! We will either love it or we won’t be able to stand it. I think it will be the back drop for the table with the Yule Gris (Christmas Pig) on it. Don’t you love a good experiment? Results to be reported later. Hope you are all full of turkey and loving the leftovers by the time you read this. Hugs and kisses, Joyce
Joyce – My mom and I have discussed your Christmas pig quite a bit and it always makes us smile. I really think she needs to get one!
Also, I saw that panel at IKEA and I think it’s brilliant. What a fun idea! Hope your holidays are super happy!
When I had a tree with decorations on it, many of them were pigs: wooden pigs painted many ways, a crystal pig from Norway, a classy-looking jointed, standing on his rear feet, pig dressed as an English gentleman, and so many more. There were metal ones and straw ones. So many … Go for it Mom!
Hi, sorry this is off topic. Steph mentioned a photography book (perhaps a few episodes back?) and I can’t find it in the picks section of the site. Can anyone remember his name or the book title? I could re- listen but not sure which episode to re-listen to
Do you remember any other details about the book? It doesn’t ring a bell to me.
Nup. I’ve got nothing. Thanks for trying StudioWendy
After you said that I had a thought that perhaps it was the Capture your 365 podcast.. I only listen to 2 so that narrows it down.
Should be easier to rule that in or out since they only have 5 or 6 episodes so far. LOL
Is there a way to unzip kits, so that all files are in a single folder? Most kits unzip to a folder for papers, another folder for elements and another folder for alphas. There can be up to 5 for more different folders! I don’t mind keeping the alphas in their own folder, but I dump everything else into a big folder. Makes it much cleaner when viewing in Picassa. Thought maybe you girls would have a solution that I haven’t heard of for unzipping. Currently, I unzip everything in a big batch and then manually move the files to a single folder (except the alphas in their own) for each kit or collection.
If you use windows, and the designer names their zip files the same name, and you set your preferences right in Windows, you can do this. However, on some systems, it can end up overwriting files, so I really hate it when designers do this. I think it’s just something you have to take a few minutes to set up when you download a kit. I always go in and rename my folders to match my system that works for me. The biggest problem for designers is that nothing they do will satisfy everyone, so they just do their best and have to let the customer reorganize to their preference.
Total randomness:
I just got the final jeopardy question right, all because of you!
A: The inventor of this image format said the OED wrongly has 2 pronunciations of it–the right one is with a soft “g”.
Q: Gif. Thanks girls for random fun.
I love listening to the digi show and have learnt so much. Am hoping that someone can help me with file storage.
I have filled the hard-drive of my MacBook Pro (not that hard to do as its only 250gig) and must take my photos and scrapbooking supplies off to give myself more space. However I want to have access to them when I’m out and about. In the past I had a portable hard drive but it failed. I’ve heard that this is common due to the drives being rattled around when transporting a lot. Is it true? I was wondering if it would be better to get a SSD portable drive. Does anyone have any experience of these? Are they worth the extra money for less storage? Or should I just use a use a HDD portable drive but expect it to fail before too long? Thanks.
I don’t have a ton of experience with SSD. I have one in my computer and love how fast it is. But, most hard drives will eventually fail. So, back up any hard drive you have and expect it to last a year or so and be prepared to replace it. You can also invest in cloud storage and store files there. But, something like Dropbox will take up space on your hard drive as well as in the cloud, so it’s not the best for saving space. I’m using a small portable 500gb travel drive, but I also keep all those files on another bigger non-portable EHD, and backed up to the cloud through Crashplan.
Hi Ladies! I have a question for Steph about her Eye-Fi card. From reading about it in the reviews I’m getting the impression that you can only send your pix to your device OR your hard drive. Are you able to do both?
Thank you in advance!!