The Topic:
Kami Leonard joins the panel to talk about overcoming creative blocks and time blocks. We share our frustrations and some tips for what has worked for us in the past.
Joining the Discussion:
Kami Leonard of Ziggle Scraps
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
Picks of the Week:
Kami: Chromecast
Peppermint: 30 Days of Getting Results
Katie: Capture Your 365 photo challenge list
Steph: Keyboard Shortcuts for iOS
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at
I just have to make a comment about the snow splats. If it’s cold enough – snow will splat and stick to a wall. I have seen it! Take it from the girl who is currently living in a deep freeze -40 C (which is the same as -40 F). You girls just don’t know cold!!
Thank you very much Lahni!!! I totally agree!!
Oh SURE! Take HER side! Haha.
Great show (as usual
)! One thing I do when I’m just not feeling it enough to create a page is to watch a process video (usually from Two Peas). Watching someone put together a paper page while giving commentary is fascinating. The result is the same- a story documented- but the approach is so different. That difference gets my wheels turning and surprisingly gives me ideas for stories to tell as well as artsy ideas.
Photo a Day prompts are awesome for reviving mojo and when you have to think about why your taking a photo relevant to a prompt, you’ve got your story for a page. We are doing a holiday music (guilt free) Photo a Day over at Get It Scrapped. You can find it here: Cheating is totally allowed.
I read a comment a week or so ago about a listener who stores her Lightroom catalog in dropbox and keeps all her files on a home network.
I’d love a show on how to set up and manage a home network. Like many digi scrappers I have over 1T of supplies, photos and home movies which is way too much to easily handle on a laptop. I want to set up a a central repository for all my files and be able to get a small fast laptop I could use for scrapping and travel without messing up my Lightroom catalog. I have my digi supplies (keywording previews mostly) and photos in LR. I also want to start editing old home videos and making copies for my children and relatives. Help!
Steph can you please fix the rss feed on the site so we can get updates
I think the RSS feed was fixed last night! I got a post in my inbox this morning.
Sorry I meant the one on the daily digi. I haven’t gotten anything in weeks.
Yep, The Daily Digi RSS feed was fixed last night. I got my first email this morning.
Ok if i click on the rss button it says page not found.
I let Steph know. Thanks!
I feel for you, Peppermint. I too hate winter, but all the excitement of December holidays kind of distract me from that problem for a month. But then, I have a pretty minimal Christmas to-do list.
Maybe you aren’t the only one who is not inspired by Christmas in December. There might be a customer base who would love non-holiday kits in December.
December hits me on all the things that stress me out, I think – shopping/money, house guests, tax prep … and then to add further insult to injury it’s usually cold, snowy and it’s pitch black outside by 4:30pm.
I always say that if I lived in a warmer, sunnier climate I could probably roll with the punches a bit better. I’m solar powered. Sitting at my desk doing my books for the year would be slightly more enjoyable if I knew I could go to the beach later!
Move to Perth Peppermint! I just commented over at the PRT about how it’s impossible to get good Christmas photos here ’cause unless you get up at 5am it’s TOO BRIGHT!!
I have to say though, we do our taxes in July here so I get the cold and dreary tax work feeling.
#PerthWorldProblem #tinyviolins #whocares
ahhhh. Hey, Girl. Download all you want. Why couldn’t *I* have thought of that? Better get it in there . . . how many days before I can steal it if you don’t implement? Perfection.
It’s already in the rotation of greetings!
not sure what the few dudes will think, but oh well. 
And one more thing — I ADORE BYOC. I can absolutely see, though, how grueling the schedule could be for a designer. But I love it. I’m a shopper who likes to gather the pieces I like rather than buy a BIG kit. And BYOC is perfect for that.
Along with that idea, I love smaller kits that have original pieces — like Peppermint’s — much rather have that than 7 paper flowers and 7 bows and 7 flairs all in the color scheme.
I felt bad after dogging on the BYOC. I do LOVE the BYOC – it’s a big reason why I’ve always loved The Lilypad (I was on their creative team for many years) and why I chose to move there.
I always love every product I wind up making for the BYOC, and the challenge of working a little outside my comfort zone is a gooooood challenge for me. It’s broadened my scope as a designer. But .. it’s always going to be difficult for me to work with color palettes (or themes) that are given to me. As a designer that’s my kryptonite.
I haven’t listened to this show just yet, but had to leave a comment about Persnickety Prints – I procrastinated on making my calendars this year. I started back in 2008 and now it’s an annual gift that my family all look forward to. I usually get them done in October and November and just do the December calendar right after Thanksgiving. Anyway, the months got away from me and I was panicking.
I decided to try a new idea and just use some of my scrapbook pages as the calendar toppers, which worked wonderfully!
I sent the files off to Persnickety and sighed – relieved that the annual gift calendars would be happening for 2013 Christmas gifts.
Then this afternoon, Savannah from Persnickety called me. I have never used them for calendars before, so I wasn’t expecting this! A few of my pages had journaling that would be cut off when the page was cut to size and she wanted to make sure I was okay with that before proceeding. I was – in fact I had set those pages up that way, but just the fact that they took the time to call and make sure??
I am a Persnickety customer for life now. I feel like my projects are in good hands there!
I’ve been working a lot of hours these days and feeling tired most of the time so this show was good therapy. I have to say I have some of my best creative ideas in the shower too. The shower must be a universal mind clear-er thing. Unlike Peppermint I have photos backed up that need to be scrapped and I just haven’t had the time. Soon though, very soon
I like Steph’s idea to set aside Sundays to scrap. Well, now I’ve forgotten the other thing I was going to comment on – my brain is mush. It’s probably time for a shower to clear my head
Thanks for another enjoyable digi show.
I did enjoy this episode, and it got me thinking. How about having a few prolific scrappers who *don’t* also design on to talk about the same topic.
I know they are harder to find, but I always love hearing from ‘real world’ scrappers who don’t have the extra pressure of designing.
I have to jump in and say YAY for the checkmarks. I usually have an awesome internet connection, but at the beginning of this month it just went haywire. It’s so easy to see where I’m up to in downloading now
Aack! You said it again: “Nobody has cornered the market on busy.”
I couldn’t let it go, not this time. With thirteen kids, two grandbabies, a pile of assorted pets, three part-part-time jobs, Sunday school teaching, and a pile of hobbies, I’m pretty sure I own the corner of that market.
Even so, the guilt over having slipped behind on the family album in recent years has been overwhelming to me. (I should mention that there are FORTY 12×12 albums on my shelf, chronicling the years from 1986 to 2008…and then the pages get sparse.)
As I sat and squirmed and waited until you were done talking, so I could put down my last-minute hand-knit Christmas gifts and set you all straight, I was happy to hear Katie mention that her husband was the busiest person she knows, and yet he MAKES time for what is important to him. It is all about priorities, isn’t it?
Nearly everyone feels busy. But we all have the same 24 hours in every day, and we each get to choose how to spend them. We are always deciding to let some things go so that others can get done. For some, it may be dropping a TV show in order to digi-scrap. For others, it may be ignoring a house that is a total pigsty. And there are some days when putting out fires takes even our sleep time; when we struggle just to keep everyone alive.
I do have some questions to go along with all of this: How do each of you set priorities within your own lives? Are their boundaries you put up in order to protect your personal creative/scrapping time? And within that time, what projects do you focus on most of all? Simply what “makes your heart sing,” or do you aim for big moments or those with stories that must be preserved?
And what percentage of your pages are the sort I see in galleries, with pretty shadowed clusters–and which are mass drag-and-drops of memories on plain paper, just for the sake of putting them in the album to be enjoyed?
Thanks for another wonderful show, ladies…
Jenn, that’s the whole point of the “corner on the market of busy” quote… we all have 24 hours in our day and it’s about the choices we make. No matter how busy I am, there will always be someone more busy than me. Even with how busy you are, there are people that are more busy (the designer I interview on the Daily Digi Digest tomorrow is an example of someone that could compete with you and just might win). None of us really can use the “too busy” excuse, because it is about priorities.
As far as my scrapping goes; what you see on my websites is what you get. I don’t scrap one way for things I’m going to post and then another for my albums. I’m mostly about making my heart sing when it comes to my scrapping…it is what it is…the good and the bad…but it’s authentic.
I think the rest of your questions for us are great and would be good for a mail segment or even an entire show. For now, I’m off to email some very nervous designers with instructions for recording podcasts with me over the next few days.
Gosh, I am so honored that you even took the time to reply! : )
That priorities perspective has been changing me a great deal: there are many, many good ways to spend time (and a few really lousy ones), and it’s all choices. “Busy” means the choices get tougher because there is so much competition for every moment.
I love that you choose to use your time to help each of us chronicle our memories in the ways that fit us best! Thank you for everything!
Hi friends! Love your show, as always! I would post more comments if I wasn’t so busy!
Anyways, one of you made a comment about writing down ideas for pages on your smart phone. Do you have a favorite app that you use? You probably have picked them before in your potw, so if you could just remind me, I’d sure appreciate it. I have an adroid, but I’m sure iphone users would appreciate the info too! Thanks so much.
I’m not very fancy. I just use my notes app by Apple that comes on every iDevice.
Zip files. I am listening to this digi show right now and wanted to share what I do to view files that are in multiple folders. When I’m in the folder (on PC) I go up to the search and type in *. Then I can see all the items in the folder. I still have to scroll through an alpha if there is one, but I can see all the elements and papers at once without having to move them into a new place. Since papers are usually jpg, I sometimes also search for *.jpg to see all the papers if they are in separate folders (i.e. pp1, pp2, etc). Hope this helps!