The Topic:
Debbie Hodge joins the panel to chat about the things digi scrappers might want to add to their wishlists.
Joining the Discussion:
Debbie Hodge of Get It Scrapped
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
Show Notes:
- LaCie cloud box
- Camera bags
- Camera straps (Black Rapid straps • Capturing Couture • )
- Photojojo
- Photography Filled Wish List
- 100 gift ideas on Katie’s blog
- Zink Printers
- Canon Speedlite II External flash
- on Etsy
- on Etsy
- Nikon SB-600: Peppermint’s External Flash (no longer available; replaced by the SB-700)
Picks of the Week:
Debbie: Jill E Camera Insert
Peppermint: VSCO Android App
Katie: Free Insta-calendar from Persnickety (or click site tools)
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Loved your show today (but I love them all anyway). I was particularly interested in your discussion about moving your Lightroom catalog to Dropbox. I was confused if you were doing this for accessability or for storage savings. As I understand Dropbox, all the files I have in Dropbox are actually saved to my hard-drive and then synced with Dropbox on my other systems (other laptops and tables, and available just about anywhere I can access the internet. etc) So how would moving Lightroom save any space on my hard-drive if all Dropbox files are stored on my hard-drive? (does that sound as confusing as it looks typed out?)
My other comment had to do with your discussion about which Silhouette product to buy, and why one would want the Portrait over the Cameo. One such argument for the Cameo would be that for some of the 3D type projects you can download from the Silhouette store, such as gift boxes or other larger projects; many of those wouldn’t fit onto an 8.5X11 size paper. I was glad that I bought my Cameo, because I can always cut smaller if I want, but with a smaller cutting mat (8.5X11), you can’t go bigger. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks ladies for yet another great show, and for giving me even more ideas for things I want that I didn’t even know I wanted. ~ Merry Christmas.
Lynn – it won’t save space at all, it’s just the convenience of using LR on two computers.
I can totally see why it was confusing! We were jumping all over the place quite a bit! It’s not to save space, but rather to be able to use LR on multiple computers at the same time and have everything sync up in the catalogue.
I am just listening to this show and am very excited about trying this out. My photos are all on my personal laptop that I share with my husband, but I do have a work laptop that I take home every night and can use. Then my husband will be happy that I’m not always using the computer.
I just have a question- if I transfer the catalog to Dropbox and move all the photos to an external hard drive, will I lose my edits? Will I have to re import all the photos? I’ve only been using Lightroom for 3 weeks so I wouldn’t lose much. I’d rather do it now before I get too far!
You want to open Lightroom and move your files from within there so Lightroom will know where they are. don’t move them in Explorer/Finder.
I want to give a plug to my favorite camera strap – the Leash. By Peak Design.
I use it with the Capture clip and LOVE it .
I had the Black Rapid – but didn’t like that I couldn’t set my camera down on the table (with the screw clip in place) and it was so bulky. The Peak Design Leash is made of seat belt fabric and is really strong, but light and thin and soft. It attaches with the Capture clip, which sits flat on the bottom of my camera, and quick change “buttons.” (this is hard to explain – you might want to watch the video)
I also purchased the Capture clip for my tri-pod so I can quickly and safely attach my camera to the tripod without screwing it in.
I got the system as a Kickstarter project but now it is sold in various outlets including Amazon.
Update – I couldn’t find the video on the Peak Design page but here is their KickStarter video –
Regarding the Lightroom Syncing…
So I’m not really sure why you would want to use Dropbox if you have a drive set up for your photos. Why not use that drive for your Lightroom catalogue too? (Or am I missing something?)
Then you just point LR to that drive directly and no syncing is required.
I used to do it that way myself (I also did the same with my PSE catalogue).
The catalogue and associated thumbnails are 1.3 Gbs on my HDD. So it would fit in a free Dropbox account, but it’s quite small.
If you have an external drive (or a network drive that is mapped as a drive letter) you do have to make sure that the drive is mapped to the same letter on both computers.
PS I’m on a PC, so maybe that’s why it works for me?
I mean that the free Dropbox account is small. Not that 1.3Gb for a catalogue is small!!
You can change the settings on the LR thumnails to reduce the size a bit, but then it would be pretty slow browsing your photos full screen as it would need to generate thumbnails/previews on the fly.
Melissa, are you moving the drive between different computers and able to use LR on multiple computers?
Nope, it is plugged into my router. I did map the drive on both computers. As LR won’t work with a network drive.
But it should be the same if you are plugging it in directly to the computer. (As long as it has the same drive letter on both PCs or drive name on a Mac)
That sounds easier than using dropbox. I can just switch the drive between 2 computers and it will work? Both are the same MacBOok Pro.
Aubree, since I haven’t got a Mac I can’t actually test it.
The Mac doesn’t use drive letters (or networks!) in the same was as a PC, so I’m not totally confident it would work. After this show I did more research and it seems that people are having issues with trying to do this with a Mac and PC, but I’ve not seen any doing this Mac to Mac.
If you have an EHD that will plug into your router, it would be worth trying.
In the same *way* as a PC
Steph, sorry to hear you are having issues with print and cut. You do need to be sure tell the Cameo you are printing on 8.5 x 11. When I did it the first time, I forgot and the 2nd mark wasn’t printed, so it wouldn’t even start cutting.
Is you having issues detecting the marks or having the cuts line up?
The 3rd time it worked perfectly!
It’s exciting to be over at BPC.
PS can you tell I’m listening and commenting as I work?
I wish that was the Robles, but no, I’m telling it the right size and it finds the guides just fine. That’s what doesn’t make sense to me! If it finds the guides, it should cut accordingly, but no, it’s always off, but sometimes to the right an inch, sometimes .25 inches, sometimes inbetween. It used to work fine for me on my PC. Not sure what changed.
quick question regarding your Vera Bradley bags Steph. Which bag do you typically get? – There are too many VB choices!
I live in the east coast – Big on VB here, and I want to get one that will work with my DSLR comfortably if I add in the camera and the sleeve for it, but it’s hard to match up all the dimensions. So I thought I would cheat and ask which ones you have and I know it will all fit.
I was wondering the same thing. I also live on the East Coast (NYC) and use Vera Bradley bags for EVERYTHING! Which style do you use as a camera bag? Thanks!
PS – I love the show and have been listening since the beginning. I am generally a paper scrapper, but use hybrid techniques and I’m trying to improve my Photoshop Elements skills. You ladies are wonderful and very entertaining! I always get great ideas and look forward to many more shows! Thanks!! Happy Holidays!!
I fumbled through answering this question in the show we will release next week.
Loved the show this week. Glad to hear you mention Speedlights as I just got one. Do you (or your listeners) have any recommendations for resources for learning how to make the best use of external flash? Mine has a lot of features that I’m sure I’ll be grateful for eventually, but it’s hard to know where to start.
I don’t have any help for you but wanted to say that I could use Speedlite tips. I read the manual because right off the bat I did something to screw it up . . . and now I’ve got it just on whatever the most automatic mode is. I’m never going to be super photographer — so for me tips would be great.
Yes, I am a newbie and was wondering what the benefit of having one of these flashes is.