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This show was recorded before we were aware that our friend and colleague, Pattie Knox, was very ill. I wanted to take a moment and send our condolences to her family and friends, we are deeply saddened at her passing. Pattie was an amazing teacher both in the digital scrapbooking community and in her real life. My path first crossed with Pattie’s in 2004 when I first started digital scrapbooking. She has been someone I have respected and admired since that first day. Pattie joined us on The Digi Show as well as The Paperclipping Digi Show and quickly became a fan favorite. Pattie will be missed and her absence will be felt by many throughout our community!
The Topic
Anna Aspnes joined us to talk about Instagram: how we are using it to document our lives, how we are scrapping it, other apps we use with it, and more.
Joining the Discussion:
Anna Aspnes
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
From the Show:
- Instagram Privacy by Kayla Lamoreaux
- Instagram inspiration
- app
- VSCO app
Anna: Flip Clips
Peppermint: Instagram Lightroom Presets from ReallyNiceImages
Katie: and
Steph: ksharonk’s Instagram Tips
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at TheDailyDigi.com.
Steph – I can’t believe you are hand tagging people. WOW! That’s so time consuming.
Did you know that you can now tag faces in Picasa will write to the metadata? It will learn the faces too. It may be worth having that run through all your photos and save you a few hours.
I tag faces in PSE11 (I link it with Facebook so I don’t have to enter all the names, but you certainly don’t have to.) HOWEVER, I don’t know whether it writes face data to the metadata. I’ll have to look into that.
It’s really not too time consuming to grab 10-100 photos at a time and tag them.
I talked to Kayla today about Picasas facial recognition and she said that 1) they’ve changed it and the information is no longer readable in Lightroom. So that’s a deal breaker for me. 2) she’s never pushed Picasa up to as many photos as I have. Picasa seems to really hog resources with the 3000 photos I have in there now, I am really worried what it would do with over 60,000 photos. 3) I’ve heard mixed reviews on the facial recognition feature and the reality is you still need to go through them anyway.
Thanks for the info Steph
I used Picasa on my old PC with about 100 000 pics – no problems. But if you are having fun looking through the old photos – no need to install/learn/fiddle with PSE or Picasa.
It’s so frustrating how every version of every software handles the metadata differently!
In fact 1000s of my photos won’t be read in LR because an old version of the PSEDBtool (3rd party tool not part of PSE) wrote metadata to my JPG files and LR didn’t like how it did that!
So right now I’m a bit like Peppermint, sticking to my own system (PSE11) and writing metadata where I can and hoping in the future we can convert/export as needed.
I love the automatic events in PSE now. So all our holidays can be tagged in one hit, even if they are all spread accross different cameras/imported in different folders etc.
I love how nowadays people who would never keep a diary or scrapbook are recording and sharing their lives – I have a friend who is not talkative in person but I’ve learnt so much about her through her blog and social media. I feel like I have got to know her so much better that way!
Oh I really enjoyed the chat about teaching your children about copyright. As I studied copyright law at uni (just one unit, so I’m no lawyer) it frustrates me no end when people think it’s ok violate it. BUT I won’t preach to the choir on that one.
Thanks for the show. It’s one of my favourite podcasts
Thanks Melissa!
I have to explain to so many adults (including business owners) that you can’t just TAKE images from the internet and put them on their business cards or what have you… Is there a copyright infographic somewhere? I was plagiarized once and the article made it onto a very big, very popular website. By the time I proved my case with the site, the damage was done. I never did get credit or the perks from having in online print.
I remember way back when tag designers were being sued by Disney for using their images without permission. It was such a shame. I’ve had that discussion with my son already, with lots of reminders now that he’s into making skins (outfits) for some of his video game characters. In this day and age, kids ought to be taught about copyright as soon as they learn how to post something to the internet.
I’m not done listening yet, but thought I ought to mention, Steph, I use the app PicFx. It has some pretty cool bokeh light effects, which I admit is the primary reason I got it! But I also fell in love with their vintage filters. After editing you can also open your images straight into Instagram
Here’s a sample image of mine with the bokeh: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b379/mrshobbes/scrappiness/jan9.jpg
I LOVE what you did there!! Thanks so much for sharing it! I will check it out for sure!
Ladies, you rock. Not for any one specific reason – but for lots of little ones. I’ve been a listener since close to the very beginning, back in the Izzy days, and I’ve gone back and listened to every show so we’re practically BFF’s.
Thanks for always bringing great discussion, humor, and information to us each week! I love the Digi Show!
I thought this was a great topic! I use Instagram photos all the time on scrapbook layouts, probably as much as my other camera photos anymore. I’ve been using Instagram so much that I’ve started doing an “Instagram faves” layout for each month (example here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/63071584@N03/8516763932/).
I especially loved the discussion about monitoring our kids and teaching them how to use social media appropriately. I totally agree that we need to be educated about it so we can guide them through it!
Thank you so much Lynette! You are such a great listener!
I love this episode! I agree with Katie & Peppermint, I feel like Instagram is documenting my life, where my regular scrapbooks are documenting my families life. It’s taken me a little while to feel okay with focusing on just my point of view, but now I love that I will have an album for my daughter that is going to show her how I viewed the world, things that were important to me, the things that made me laugh, etc.
I tend to use my Instagram status as a little note to remind myself later what I was thinking or what I was seeing. I can print up my Instagram photos and then run through my feed and fill in my journaling cards based off my comments on my photos.
I love what you said about it’s ok to focus on your point of view.
So true!
Picfx has some fun flare and light leak effects! Also Bokeh Booth will let you mask your main subject and then pick a bokeh shape and it will add the bokeh to your picture and not cover the subject.
Sounds soooo FUN Kami! Perfect! Thanks so much!
I’d love to hear what templates people use for instagram photos?
Here are some of my favorites:
Nettio Design’s Insta-Love and photogram 2×2
Scrapbooking with Liz’s Simple Square, August Mega, Blogs Template
One Little Bird’s Flight Plan #5
Designs By Anita’s A Day at the Park
I also love threepaperpeonies’ My Life in Photos 4×6 templates, especially for PL.
Ok, so maybe this is really a question for Kayla Lamoreaux, but now that I’ve finally found my Photo Flow for my big camera, I’m still getting hung up on my phone pictures. Do you know of any apps that will allow me to put my description right into the metadata? Tagging after the fact is a lot easier than remembering the description of a random snapshot from a month ago when I finally pull in my photos from Dropbox.
I’m not into Instagram yet, but I love taking pictures on my phone just to send immediately to my husband or the grandparents. I’m lucky to be able to see all of the small moments of my young kids, and I love that I can share so much immediately. Luckily my kids are still in the “loving it” phase of the camera.
Thanks for another great show!
I did some searching a year or so ago and couldn’t find any iPhone apps to do that. I’m sure there is something now though.
My Disneyland and Disney World apps add the info to the metadata as you go…it’s pretty cool, if I don’t say so myself
Crossing my fingers for other locations in the next few months.
Thanks for the reply! Maybe you can add it to your list of dream apps to make when you have all of the time and resources in the world.
p.s. I was trying to figure out why you were saying “oh my land” thinking it must be an Idaho thing. We took our kids to the cheap theater to see Wreck-It Ralph this weekend and I laughed so hard when I recognized the saying. Of course it was Disney! I will definitely be picking up your App(s) when we go. Maybe next year. I’m hoping we can go to Cars Land before my son stops singing the Finn MacMissile theme song every day, but after my daughter has started sitting through some of the classics.
Yeah, it’s on “the list” for sure!!
Did I say “oh my land” on the show a bunch? That’s kind of embarrassing. Peppermint usually teases me when I say it…lol. I actually say it because my mom says it and her mom said it, and so on. I’ve just always said it…lol. But, YES the Disney reference makes it sound way more cool than just because I’m from Idaho (or Utah as the case may be).
Good luck on getting to Cars Land, it is totally worth it! Love that place!
Great show! I have some (a bazillion) social media comments:
I completely hear you ladies on the spam and the post floods– for me it’s Pinterest. I have been conscious when pinning not to over do it myself, so I pin is small bursts. I made the mistake of joining a group board on Pinterest that completely drowned out all the other things I love I see– like scrapbook layouts! I removed myself from that group faster than a cat on fire. When I joined Pinterest, I decided to use it for things that are important to me, things that make me happy, and things I want I learn. I want to keep it pure and I want to keep it for me, so it’s not deeply social the way I use it.
I’ve given up on using Facebook to actually stay in touch with people in the traditional way or they way it was designed. Like Peppermint said, I don’t see actually status updates from people anymore. I don’t think that’s because the users don’t post– I don’t see my own posts, even when they get comments. It’s the changes facebook have made since the company went public. Basically, if you didn’t interact with a person heavily before this last round of changes especially, you pretty much won’t ever see them again unless they pay to have the chance to show up in your newsfeed. I’m sure that’s fix to drive up that stock price, but it doesn’t do much for users expecting to stay in touch with friends across the world.
Since the humans disappeared from my newsfeed, I am using Facebook more like a newspaper: I have the news publications I read, the businesses I like and the comics in my news feed. My horoscope is always a few days behind, LOL. When I want to talk to my friends or delve into hobbies, I use the groups feature or use the messaging. I don’t think I’m alone in my new use of it either, but lots of people using it this way will perpetuate the lack of virtual “face” and turn the site into more of a media experience rather than a social one.
I am hot and cold with Twitter. I don’t think I’ve really found a way to integrate into my online habits in any sort of regular way, even though I love the idea of it. I seem to only tweet at NPR lately.
As for instagram, I don’t even own a cell phone, but instagram makes me want a smart phone. I just don’t like the phone part (do tablets have cameras?). I have a girlfriend that is a great photographer so looking at her instagram photos keeps me happy until I get there myself.
My son has a 1st generation iPad and I am glad to hear that I’m not the only one who has problems after the new iTunes store update! Every time I search for an app by name, I can’t find it. I wish Apple would fix that because it sorta defeats the purpose of searching.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch today, I spent an hour explaining the difference between back up services, clouds, and exhds to my husband. I told him I learned it all from The Digi Show… brought him into the geekosphere.
I love that we could help bring someone into the “geekosphere”
that word just permanently joined my vocabulary!
My iPad has a camera (and I use Instagram on it!), but I don’t think my kids’ 1st gen Fire does. Not sure about any other tablets.
Can I recommend a couple of books about kids on the internet and being safe.
lol….OMG!: What Every Student needs to know about online Reputation Management, Digital Citzenship and Cyberbullying by Matt Ivester
Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Future – Tim Elmore
Both worth a read as parents
Thanks for the recommendations Ronnie. Looking those up!
Hi ladies!
With all this talk about Instagram and Project Life in recent episodes, I just wanted to let you know what I have been doing to fill in the gaps of my PL on weeks that are way too slow…(I find that February and March are wicked boring around here in Northern Ontario. All we do is sit around and wait for the snow to melt).
I live far away from both of my new nephews, but I am lucky that both of my Sister-In-Law’s have just gotten iPhones and use Instagram pretty frequently. We use it privately – and share the photos only between family and close friends.
So, when I have weeks were I lack for pictures, I scan Instagram, find cute pictures that they have taken, and ask them to email them to me. (I haven’t found a way to get them directly off of Instagram, so if you anyone has a better method, let me know.)
In the end, I am able to include pictures of my extended family in my PL and not miss how my little nephews are growing up so fast.
Such a great idea! I could do this with any photos I receive of my new niece!
On a completely different note – there was a recent episode of paperclipping round table where they talked all about dealing with ephemera. Over the past year I’ve made a quick transition from paper to digital scrapping, and love it. I have a bin, however, of bits of our life and wonder how other digital scrappers deal with that. I’m thinking about getting a few PL style pages to put into my albums (8×8) with my digital pages to store those bits (not looking to do PL right now), but would love other ideas. Right now my albums are yearly, but I’ve also been thinking about switching to a Library Of Memories album organization system….
Thanks for your amazing show and the community you all support with your sites!
I remember reading a post on TDD last year about photographing those sentimental bits we collect (/moving-the-memories/). I personally have always collected A LOT of bits in what is now A LOT of boxes, drawers and baskets. I feeling like a memory hoarder. My husband and my son have their own collections, too, which make matters worse.
I started the task of taking a photo then tossing the things that aren’t absolutely vital to me or something I don’t plan on passing down to my son. It’s not easy, but I think in the end it will be worth it.
Thanks for the thoughts Carrie and the link – I had done a quick search at the DailyDigi but missed that post.
Here’s another post at TDD that you might find helpful
Great idea for a show topic!
Thanks for the link Katie!
It would be fun to have a hybrid scrapper’s point of view too.
I’m a long time listener and I love your show even though I am a paper scrapbooker. I remember the “puppet warp” show and I just took another listen, so fun. I didn’t know Pattie Knox or use her products or take her classes (mainly because I’m paper not digital), but I knew of her through your show and Debbie Hodge’s Get It Scrapped and Masterful Scrapbook Design. I loved getting to learn about or “know” Pattie on the internet and I loved hearing her talk about her family stories and her scrapbooking. She obviously loved life and she loved her family and she documented it – something that connects all of us who love scrapbooking I think getting to listen to scrapbookers talk about scrapbooking in whatever form is really good for our hearts. Thank you for all the work you all do on this podcast – I love it.
P.S. Debbie Hodge is offering a free webinar that Pattie Knox did in November 2012 all about telling family stories and scrapbooking old photos – paper and digital scrapbookers will love it; you can find it at: http://www.masterfulscrapbookdesign.com.
Thanks for linking to that free webinar. I know many will appreciate that!
It’s truly beautiful to hear her talk about her passion.
How do you get to the free webinar? once you are at masterful scrapbook design?
You can access it here Lara: http://masterfulscrapbookdesign.com/2013/03/interview-w-pattie-knox-nov-2012/
Thank you! She is fun to listen to and how sad she had to leave her family. Prayers go out to them.
There should be a period after “scrapbooking. I think…” third line up in the first paragraph just in case Katie’s son is grammar policing the comments
Thanks for the giggle!
He doesn’t read the comments here so you are safe. lol!
My husband was recently in the market for a new smart phone and asked me which phone I would get (since we would both be upgrading). I said, “Well, Peppermint has a galaxy s3″
I now have a Galaxy s3 (my first ever smart phone) and so does hubby. We both love them, even hubby who was an iphone devotee since their second generation. I just wanted to know what settings Peppermint used on the camera. I haven’t figured it out yet and keep getting blurry shots. Any tips would be great.
I have pretty much everything turned off (Flash: Off, Scene: None, etc.) but I have the anti-shake on when I’m taking indoor photos, and once I lose natural light I use the “Low Light” setting under “Shooting Mode” to bring some light into the photo.
At the end of the day it’s still a phone camera, unfortunately, so my wide shots – like group shots I took of my son’s Scouting banquet last night – will not be the BEST quality. The hardware just isn’t there. But they are what they are, I wouldn’t have the photos otherwise because he’s absolutely MORTIFIED if I drag my giant SLR into functions like that.
Thanks Peppermint. I had a phone that made phone calls before….none of this other crazy stuff.
So I am having a lot of fun with it. I love that I always have a fairly decent “camera” with me know instead of having to lug my DSLR around. Plus, my little ones seem to be more willing to be themselves for the phone camera as opposed to the DSLR. They get all serious when they see the DSLR come out.
I have been going back through all the past picks to see what apps you have recommended.
Hey Ladies,
I don’t remember which show it was but in your mail section you read a letter from someone who was trying to decide the best way to store your digital products when you use more than one computer in different locations of the house. Seems like one of her computers was in the kitchen and another somewhere else. I think you discussed some online possibilities and portable hard drives. Well I found a great option (at least in my opinion). We got a new wireless router and on this router there is two USP ports. I connected one to my printer and one to a 4 TB external hard drive. We can now back up our photos, music and other files we want to share or backup and I can keep files on there that I want to access from multiple locations. There is even an option to access this drive from the cloud, kind of like having your own personal server. I haven’t set up the cloud feature yet but I think it will be great to share with family when we want to share pictures or other files and run out of room on dropbox. I’m excited about it and thought I’d share.
Thanks for all your great ideas and the knowledge you shares on the digishow. I love it! Look forward to it every week.
We have a network attached EHD on our router, also. We use it for streaming media mostly – music, TiVo tapings, etc. Definitely a nice solution!
There’s going to be lag moving/accessing files over the network, I’ve stored some photos on it and there’s a significant wait to open files off that NAS drive into Photoshop compared to opening them off an EHD that’s attached directly to the machine. (Just as there’s a difference between accessing files on my internal drive as opposed to my EHD). But the sacrifice in speed can be offset by the convenience of not having to move drives around.
I’m in my kitchen making dinner (it’s Taco Tuesday), and listening to the digi show thru the podcast app on my phone, and I’m YELLING at my phone! Katie, you totally left me hanging! You just casually mentioned “I’m making my daughter a photo book from her instagram feed,” and then went into NO DETAIL for me!!! I’m yelling “How are you doing that? What are you using? How does it work?” I was yelling so loud my 5 year old son just walked in, looked at me, and said, “They can’t hear you.” (He’s brilliant you know….) whew….yeah…. So I’d love details on how you’re turning an instagram feed into a photo book. Usually when I’m traveling, instagram is my go-to for documenting memories, and I write pretty detailed captions to help keep the memory of the picture. I did December Daily last year via instagram…and it’s just sitting out there in cyberspace. My hubby instagrams too (he’s addicted), and I’d love to use his feed for a scrapbook from his perspective, but I don’t really want to go through and make “proper layouts” of them all. I just want a quick, no fuss photobook with the pics and the captions….is that too much to ask? I’m sure there’s a company that does that!!!
BTW…I still love you Katie, even though you left me hanging….
I’m laughing at the picture of your son saying that! So funny! Katie will be doing a post all about this at The Daily Digi soon, so keep your eye out for it.
I thought I heard someone yelling in the background!
Thanks for the giggle and for telling me about your cute son. 
That was kind of cruel of me to just leave you hanging like that. After I brought it up, I realized I wasn’t really ready to go into since I was just starting the whole thing and I will be doing an in-depth post about it at the end of the month. I’m having fun with the whole project so far and using AdoramaPix (my first time) and my daughter’s instagram feed. Stay tuned for more info!
Yeaaaaaa! Can’t wait!!!
Back again to comment
I’ve been keeping up with the show, even if I have drastically dropped out of leaving comments :/ Thanks for all your thoughts on Instagram. I treat mine as a sort of precious commodity–only good friends and family members. I get a badjillion requests from strangers to follow me which I ignore or reject, and I CANNOT STAND the spam. Gah!
Thank you for linking to P/Kayla’s post on Instagram privacy. I’ve bumped up some settings and THANK YOU for explaining about the hashtags. I’ve been a little wary of adding them to my photos thinking it would expose my feed to more strangers, so it’s good to know that if I have my privacy on only followers will see.
Also, just this morning I found some Instagram-effects actions similar to Peppermint’s pick! I had already decided to save up for her pick when I got an email and found these. I’ll try these out and see if they pass muster.
Link: https://creativemarket.com/SparkleStock/2987-Instant-Hipster-19-Retro-Effects
I just wanted to say that you are missed when you aren’t able to comment!
I’m always happy to see you back again!
I’d love to hear what you think of these filters…
Hi there! I did a quick test with my favorite Instagram filter, Earlybird. I found these to a bit too “burned out,” but these actions appear to use Curves Adjustment layers so it’s easy to fiddle with the Curves settings to get the effect you want. Here’s a quick screenshot of what it looks like: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b379/mrshobbes/scrappiness/ScreenShot2013-03-08at13558PM_zps372e1a3b.png
I think it’s serviceable enough, and I want to play with them a bit more anyhow. Not bad for $4
Katie – I think I heard you say that you don’t follow people whose Instagram accounts are private?
I will be honest and say that I have a private account and would LOVE to have you follow me! I didn’t go private to keep out people that I “know.” I noticed that I was getting lots of followers the same way I get Twitter followers – they would follow and would usually comment with “foLloW Me BaCk! <3<3<3! Plllleeeeeaaaseeeeee!"
It was annoying and not what I wanted in my feed! So I locked my profile down. I have found that spammers won't go to the trouble to try and get permission to follow a private account and the rare ones that do I can just deny.
I guess there are people that will lock down their profile so that it's JUST family or JUST very close friends, but that's not why I did it. Just thought you'd want to know in case there's someone you might like to follow, but felt intrusive because they have a private account…
That is so nice to know Candy! I never know if it’s “ok” to request to follow someone when their feed is private and one time when I got up the courage to do that, they have never approved me. lol!
If you (or anyone else who has a private feed) wants to connect with me on instagram, just send me an email or a message on my blog at / (contact form in sidebar)
Katie, I would LOVE to follow you on Instagram and have you follow me. My reasons for keeping my feed private are the same as Candy’s (and my sentiments are in a previous comment). I honestly just don’t want my feed to become another Facebook. Most of the time I feel like my account is out of control there, lol. I’m off to visit your blog!
Have you ladies heard of Pic Tap Go? It is Toally Rad’s new iPhone photo editing app. It is so much fun if you love their filters and is a much cheaper version if you can not afford Rad Lab.
Steph, you casually mentioned that you are taggin all your photos in Lightroom by the name of the person in the photo. Is that all the tagging you do with your photos? I am also trying to go back and tag all my photos, but I am also doing some other things as well — as in place it was taken and event, etc. But I am wondering if I really need those things. I am wanting to make it all go faster and I am thinking I may be over-going the tagging thing! I can get over-organized sometimes! – But I want to be able to find a photo really easy when I need it.
Peppermint — you said on the show that you take your pictures with your phone’s camera and then you import them into Instagram to edit and post. I abandoned my Android (Gingerbread 2.3) back in October, but until then I had been taking pictures inside the Instagram app because Instagram uses the Android camera to take the pictures and I always ended up with two copies every time I took a photo — a regular camera one and the modified Instagram one. I really liked that I always had the original version. Does your phone handle that differently or has the app changed?
I know iOS doesn’t do that and it is one reason I didn’t install Instagram when I changed phones. Another reason is that I was never clear about where my photos were going and whether they were getting posted in a general feed and were always public.
After listening to this show, I think I may give Instagram another try. I went to the website and I see now that there is a privacy option and even the ability to view your photos online, so I this may be a good time for me to check it out again. (The privacy one is the one that was making me crazy — every time I opened the app I hit all the buttons trying to find *something* that said the photos weren’t going into a general feed and I never found it. According to the current website, the setting is Right There and I don’t know if I just somehow always missed it.)
I kind of miss playing with it and just now looking at my Instagram webpage, it turns out I *really* love the pictures that I used to get from it. I’m off to install it on my new phone. And then install it on my mom’s phone and add myself to her feed. (She’s not a technology fan and this would be a good app for her to play with.) Thanks for a great and eye-opening episode!
Hmm, I’ll have to try it the other way. I’ve never really used the Instagram camera, I disabled it right away when I first started using the app. The reason I do that is because I have Dropbox set up to automatically upload my phone photos to my Dropbox account but if I take photos inside any other photo app then they don’t get uploaded. I know that my original photo gets stored in my “Camera” folder with all my other images, a copy of it uploads to Dropbox (and I import those photos into Lightroom next time I’m in there), and then the Instagram one goes into an “Instagram” folder.
I just wanted to pop in and say that I think the app has changed a bit since you used it. I don’t take the photos in app just because I want to have an original too. But, when I pull the photo from my Camera Roll into Instagram and edit it, it saves the edited version in both my camera roll and an Instagram folder. I don’t think it’s actually two different photos (taking up double space), but it’s a way to sort and have the photos organized.
Not sure you wanted or needed any of that info., lol! But there it is.
Peppermint — I just checked my Dropbox folder (since I never do anything to the photos in it) and I can see that when I took a photo inside of the Instagram app, the unmodified version went into Dropbox and the modified one didn’t.
Not all Android photo apps do that — it seems to me that of the half dozen I tried out, Instagram was the only one that saved one taken with the native camera at the same time.
I know the iPhone doesn’t do that and I thought I’d miss it. However, since I can access the iPhone’s camera *from* the lock screen, rather having to go *past* the lock screen to get to the app, I find it’s easier to use that rather than to dig down for some other app and I don’t miss that extra “feature” at all.
Steph — I do appreciate the info. It’s been over six months since I switched to iPhone but I’m still in the Any-Info-Is-Useful-Info phase. I’m pleased that I won’t have to sort through the entire Camera Roll to see my Instagram photos — the other apps I tried didn’t separate them for me and I thought that was just the way it had to be. Obviously I should have just stuck with Instagram. LOL Thanks!
You an access the camera from the lock screen on the Galaxy S3, but I know it depends on the phone. On my Droid X you could not.
On my S3 I can actually just put my finger on the lock screen and tilt the phone sideways and it automatically opens up the camera – but that’s a Samsung specific “gesture” feature. I used it a lot at Disneyland, though.