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The Topic
Debbie Hodge joins with us to share some of the tips and tricks we use most when we are scrapping. Come share your thoughts in the show notes at TheDigiShow.com
Joining the Discussion:
Debbie Hodge (Masterful Scrapbook Design)
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
Show Notes:
Share your ideas for our 100th episode in the form in the side bar of The Digi Show (titled “I’ve Been Wondering”).
- Using Photoshop Elements with Lightroom
- Effortless Organizing with Photoshop Elements by Melissa Shanhun
- on Pinterest
- on Pinterest
- Washi Tape Tutorial on Pinterest
- Title Builder ( • ) by Anna Forrest Designs
Picks of the Week:
Debbie: Literature and Latte
Peppermint: Post Haste
Katie: Recite This
Steph: Zink
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at TheDailyDigi.com.
Best title ever. haha.
Thank you
Peppermint – You mentioned that people ask you to do dog kits but you don’t have a dog. Since I know you have a cat, would you pretty please do a cat kit?? I have yet to find a great cat kit.
Thanks for the great show, ladies.
~ Heather
OOOhhhh Heather!! What an awesome idea!!
I was interested to hear about Peppermint’s template method.
With PSE, if you open a file then press Ctrl+S the first time after opening any file it will bring up the save as dialogue. So it makes it super easy to be sure not to save over the orginal template.
Full Photoshop doesn’t do this by default.
I actually prefer it the Photoshop way (that’s how it works with most other software like word etc)
You can change it, but would you believe that I never can get PSE preference to stick, maybe in the next version it will work!
But, at least I never save over my templates!
Missed seeing the scrapping competition between Peppermint and Fiddle de dee. Is it on Utube?
I would love to see it to. I looked for a link to replay and couldn’t find one.
I’d love to see it as well!
I REALLY enjoyed this show! I made notes of some of the PS tips shared because they was new to me. Sure wish I had seen the scrap-off with Peppermint. The page turned out great. And thank you for including tutorials from Debbie Hodge in this months digi-files. I was reminded how much I like her teaching style.
Ok so I got that title builder and even though it took me a few minutes to figure it out, sometimes (read all the time) I have trouble following directions, all I can say is WOW!! I just sat there (my mouth may have been open in shock) as the computer opened all the letter files and put them in a perfectly spaced straight line. It was amazing! I think I am going to use alpha’s way more now.
where I can I find the title builder please?
All of my scripts should be avail at my Etsy shop now.
For the Photoshop CS3 and later the title builder bundle is here: .
For PSE6 and later the bundle is here:
There are also listings for each of the versions individually for both PSE and PSCS.
So glad it worked for you! I totally agree!!
got it and LOVE it.
always glad to hear that!
I bought Scrivener with 20% off coupon code. I don’t remember which one I used but do a search for a coupon code before you buy.
I have used Scrivener before! I was lucky to try it out in beta about two years ago. I used it as part of NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month. That happens in November and is free. It is pretty crazy!
I was really interested in how everyone was fascinated by Peppermint’s scrapping flow. I am totally guilty of saving over a template or two. Makes me mad. But never thought of dragging everything over. As in the words of Spock, fascinating.
Oh My goodness you can separate the outline to make a layer of its own which you can clip paper too!!!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly fell off my chair. How easy is that. Can’t believe I didn’t know what.
I recently re-“read” my Harry Potter audio books, so I am REALLY behind on the podcast, I’m sorry.
Regarding your heritage show: Every year I do a year-in-review photobook. And at the end of the book (on the final two-page spread) I make everyone answer the same questions like our age, shoe size, what we’re watching, who are friends are, our favourite foods, etc. Then on the final page (that orphaned single page) I do a ‘year-in-a-glance’ where I list the price of a loaf of bread, a movie ticket, a bottle of coke, etc. I also list how much my husband and I earn, what our mortgage is, where we live, what car we drive, etc.
I’d never considered it “heritage scraping” before – but I’m really glad I do it! So if anyone else isn’t sure what to do with that sad little last page, I highly recommend it!
To see my 2010 book for an example: http://issuu.com/lisacollington/docs/2010_book?e=2170672/3233316
(obviously I blurred out all of the really personal stuff!!)
Your book is beautiful — and I’m interested that you put it on issuu — did you do that so your family could easily access it?
Thanks, Debbie!
That’s exactly why I did it in Issuu. I live overseas so my family can’t check out my book in person (and I’m not rich enough to order a copy for each of them!) so I stuck it in issuu and then embedded it in a post on our family website. It gives them an almost tangible feel for the book.
Ok, I missed the digi duel that peppermint did, but I would LOVE to see all three of you take one template, one kit and watch you guys scrap a layout. I am mainly a paper scrapper but I’ve been collecting digi supplies with the intent to eventually learn to digi scrap. The learning curve is so steep for me, and I have trouble with a “digi flow” that works for me. Oh please, oh please, oh please do this for us????
me too!
I was thinking the same thing yesterday, maybe for 100th show special add on!
yes! Absolutely! We need to get all of the digi show community on board! Tweet Steph and Katie and Peppermint!
I think everyone would love, love, love, to watch all three of you scrap together, even if we can not watch it live and make comments, a recorded one would let more people see it.
ooohhhh how about hashtag #scrapoff!!!!!!!
i love the idea of a hashtag, but I’m not necessarily thinking a competition as much as just seeing their flow! hmmmmm…… any ideas for a hashtag for that?
how about #seescrapgo ??
Hi, just had to write in and see if you had seen the ipad photobooks on Shutterfly, you get the app through the iTunes store and then you can drag and drop in your photos and even add sound. I have two little boys, (6 and 4) and I think this would be a super easy way for them to scrapbook our summer vacation this year.
By the way, love your show, it’s always an exciting morning when I download the new episode and get to listen on the way into work, you make my day!!
I just saw it this morning, super exciting! I like that you can add the voice and then the printed version will have a QR code to scan and hear it as well! AND that you don’t have to be online to create, could be great for vacations! I need an ipad with more memory now
When making your list of two page template designers, don’t forget Yin Designs. She makes tons of two pagers.
Here’s another vote for a recorded scrap-off. How fun!
And I totally need to try templates that way, Peppermint! I can usually get a good start, but get overwhelmed by all of the layers, so I end up never finishing template layouts. I love what others do with them, but they always hold me back.
Still have PSE 10 and I am thinking about upgrading to 11. Can anyone tell me if the transition is easy with regards to Layer Styles and Actions? I have so many in PSE 10! Do they transfer over where they need to be in PSE 11; or do you have to do a lot of cutting and pasting and figuring out what folders they need to go in?
Hey Lori!
First, I wanted to mention that PSE12 is probably on the horizon. It”s historically released around September/October and generally on sale at Costco for 50% off on Black Friday in November. Just throwing that out there in case it makes a difference on when you upgrade.
But as for copying your old actions and styles over, it’s quite simple but does require a tiny bit of work. I would install PSE11 first. Then, navigate to where your PSE10 actions and styles were installed. Open those folders and then back out. You’ll see that in your Application Support>Adobe>Photoshop Elements folder you now have a 10.0 and a 11.0. You can open that 11.0 and locate the same folders you had in 10.0. Now it’s just a matter of copying the contents of your 10.0 folders to the 11.0 folders. You’re mainly probably looking at the Photo Effects and Layer Styles folder. If you installed any vector shapes, you want the Shapes folder as well. Then just delete your thumbnails database and restart PSE. It’s not as bad as it seems!
Now, all that said, PSE11 does have a new way of installing actions. If you go to connect.scrapbookgraphics and click on Learning Loft, you can find my free video on the 3 different ways to install actions in PSE11. I have found that for actions I want to leave installed permanently, the “old” way works best. But for actions I want to load and unload, the new action panel way works best. The main key with the actions panel is to install an all-in-one version of the action set. For my older actions, this will be the set labeled ACTION PLAYER in the PSE7-10 folder. In new packs, it gets it’s own PSE11 folder.
I hope this helps! A little on the technical side, I know!
Hi Wendy! A wealth of information from you, as always! Thank you so very much for taking the time to provide all that detail. One clarification I was hoping you can make: will the actions and styles work the same way in PSE 11 if I want them to? What I mean is, I just click the action and it runs? I am wondering b/c the videos of PSE 11 I have seen seem to run in some sort of action “player” (maybe similar to “guided edit” in PSE 10, which I never use) and the names of the actions are just in a list (without those great little picture icons that help me to quickly identify which one I want to run). Hope this makes sense! And I think you are right and I may wait until PSE 12. Have you heard what “improvements/new features” may be in version 12?
Thanks again!!!
PSE11 does have the action panel, like PSCS, but you don’t have to use it. If you want your thumbnails, like usual, just install them the “old” way. I find that the old way still works best for many things in PSE, but the action panel can work great when you just want to install something quick to try it or test it, but don’t want to commit to installing it full-time.
I don’t have any inside information on the new PSE12, other than it is in beta testing. I do know a few people who usually get an inside look, but they are really good at keeping secrets, per their non-disclosure agreements.
Thanks Wendy!!! You have clarified something I was unaware of since PSE 11 was released nearly a year ago. Many, many thanks to you!
Hi Wendy! A wealth of information from you, as always! Thank you so very much for taking the time to provide all that detail. One clarification I was hoping you can make: will the actions and styles work the same way in PSE 11 if I want them to? What I mean is, I just click the action and it runs? I am wondering b/c the videos of PSE 11 I have seen seem to run in some sort of action “player” (maybe similar to “guided edit” in PSE 10, which I never use) and the names of the actions are just in a list (without those great little picture icons that help me to quickly identify which one I want to run). Hope this makes sense! And I think you are right and I may wait until PSE 12. Have you heard what “improvements/new features” may be in version 12?
Thanks again!!!
The single biggest change that happened to my scrapbooking because of The Digi Show was that I am now a template user. I never thought of templates as cheating, but they also did not make scrapbooking quicker or easier — it took me twice as long to do a layout with templates than without them.
About a year ago, I tried first the Project Life templates, and then a few Scrapbook Lady Templates and I discovered that my problem was not templates, but the style of template that I was using. I had been using templates to mimic styles that were different than mine, instead of using templates similar to my already established scrapping style, which is why it took me such a long time to use them. I can scrap faster with Katie’s templates than with my own designs and I now use templates almost all the time now. I have even expanded into other designer’s templates because I can better identify what kind of templates go along with my style.
I didn’t watch the scrapoff, but I like the sound of taking template elements individually to a new canvas. I never thought of that, although I do that myself when I change the proportions my layouts to display in a non-square format. I want to try that with one of the busier templates that I normally avoid. Cool idea!
For me, the main purpose of a title is for identifying the filename of the layout; I never even put titles on my layouts until I started posting them online and needed filenames for the images. I usually make my own titles (vs taking the time to find appropriate word art — I don’t enjoy searching), but I think of them as captions and don’t worry about making them clever or descriptive.
One more “Thanks to The Digi Show I now…” comment: I started digi-scrapping with PSE v3 and pre-Digi Show I upgraded to v7 when I moved from XP to Win7. Since I started listening, I not only upgraded to PSEv10 when I got a new computer, but I am also considering upgrading to the full photoshop, something I wouldn’t have thought about before this podcast and hearing about all the neat little extras that PS can do. (I’m still working through whether it is worth the extra expense and learning curve.)
I’m looking forward to the “100th” show — it sounds like it’s going to be something fun!
Thanks to the Digi Show:
I feel confident enough to call myself a “Digi Scrapper”. I was intrigued when Steph was on Paperclipping Roundtable episodes. Enough to decide that I wanted to try digi for Project Life this year. I bought the PL BH kit – Cobalt, and jumped in, but I was still a “Paper Scrapper”, after all I only did PL digitally, everything else was paper.
Then I stumbled on The Digi Show and The Digi Files. And was hooked on doing all my layouts digitally. Look at all the pretty papers! I wouldn’t have to choose whether my pictures were perfect for that pretty paper or if I needed to save the paper for pictures more worthy of it. And then we decided to move across country. What a relief that all my supplies were now inhabiting my computer and external hard drive and not taking up precious real estate. The fact that I missed “Ctrl +Z” when working with paper helped the transition.
The Digi Show teaches me something new all the time – whether it’s technology on the horizon, the benefits of Flickr, options for replacing my laptop, or Paid Google Music (Thanks Peppermint!). And because of all the above, I feel more confident saying: Why yes, I do scrapbook. Digitally.
Thank you for all the tips! And for the picks too. I’ve got to check them all out.
I’ll be diving into my copy of The Digi Files next week & I’m eager to see Debbie’s class.
Thanks to Debbie for mentioning my Pinterest addiction!
Katie Scott.
I just want to clarify that I am not completely Pinterest crazy and that usually I am multi-tasking when I’m pinning – ie. I’m also watching tv or doing the elliptical stepper or some other useful activity.
Ok, I feel better now.
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