The Topic:
Steph, Katie, and Peppermint are wrapping up with the final episode of The Digi Show. Thank you to our listeners for your support!
Joining the Discussion:
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
Peppermint: Canon 4×6 Matte Photo Paper
Katie: Improve Your Everyday Photography with LEGO Minifigures
Steph: HeyDay
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I will truly miss these podcasts and the regular access to your golden-throated voices. You and the shows have represented a portion of my life is that just mine. My husband is supportive but not independently involved. I have no friends that are interested in digital scrapbooking, we share many other interests but this isn’t one of them. My sisters also are not interested. Many of my friends and one of the sisters are really into photobooks but use the formats the publishers provide, which are more flexible these days but still not the same. I enjoyed the wide variety of information we all discussed (some of us on the air and some of us in writing and many of us by yelling back at you). Thank you for being my digiscrapping girlfriends.
I enjoyed meeting Steph in person at Digiscrapapaloza and at lunch in Logan. I hope to still meet Katie this coming summer. Peppermint, I think you live in Superman’s geek cave so I don’t know if I’ll meet you in person but I will keep an eye out.
This message is totally unworthy of the situation but it’s the best I can do at the moment — the scrapbook page will be done in little in the future and will benefit some reflections. I know I will hear you all in various other situations but it feels right now like it’s completely over. I’ll mourn, I’ll recover.
Thank you all, Joyce
Joyce – it was so fun to get to know you as a guest on the show! I am definitely going to meet you this summer.
Thanks for your kind words!
Farewell dear Digi Show!
Thanks so much Steph, Katie and Peppermint for all the hours you’ve put in to this show.
I will look forward to the DDDD
PS So excited that the classes are LIVE!
Thanks Melissa!
Thank you Steph, Peppermint and Katie and all your guests for all the hours of fun, learning, discovering, aha moments, nerdy accomplishments, ideas and positive attitude toward my favorite thing scrapbooking! I will really miss the show! The thing I liked best is that you were about memory keeping and all that it brings as a way of life in a technical world. I have been paper for years and am now doing some digi too thanks to all I learned here.
Thanks Louise
fun to hear that you are doing some digi too!
Thanks so much for everything you’ve done! Even as a paper scrapper, I’ve loved listening!
I’ve been using 4×6 unlined index cards for years for printing journaling, etc. Archival, maybe not? But cheap!!!
Thanks for being a listener Jennifer!
Many thanks for all the great episodes. I will miss listening to you weekly, but am so happy that you started the Daily Digi Digest and that you’ll be introducing a monthly DDD Discussion episode so that we can keep up with what you’re up to and continue learning from you all. Thanks for a recent tip about audio book version of Harry Potter books. I listen to TDS while running and listening to Harry Potter books may help fill some of the void. I have not read the books nor watched the movies although I have seen a few glances while my children were watching.
So happy to hear you are going to listen to the Harry Potter audio books Brenda. They are seriously my very favorite thing to listen to!
I also meant to mention that you could pre-cut 8.5×11 paper into 3 4×6 sized papers if/when your puchased supply of 4×6 cards diminishes or if you want to use a different texture or colour of paper or cut left-overs from a partially-used 8.5×11 page (either used for printing or in cutting machine) into 4×6 cards for future small printing needs.
7 minutes in an I am bawling…gonna have to listen at home.
Sorry Kris! Thanks for being such a loyal listener.
I don’t want it to end. I am all set up to listen to it, but I don’t want it to end. I am so happy that I will still get to listen on D4, but it will not be the same. I just want to tell you ladies that my girls (9 & 12) and I are gonna miss you and our weekly listens in the car driving to school or the store. I have learned so much from you about scrapping, photography, and technology. Just know that you’ve done a wonderful thing with this podcast and I am sure you will keep moving the digi scrapping world forward. Love you ladies! (I am already tearing up, how am I gonna get through this last one?)
Thanks Angie! How sweet that your girls have listened also. <3
Thank you thank you for your amazing podcast! I will miss your advice, your voices, your companionship during laundry folding, and all of the super ideas! Even in your last show you gave me another great one…thank you Peppermint for your 4 x 6 matte paper pick…mine just came in the mail today & I loooove how it prints!! I just tried it with some Digi Files journaling cards for my 6 x 8 project life album and it’s perfect.
I’ll miss the weekly tips, but thank goodness I’ll still have the quadruple D’s to look forward to! Best wishes to you all!
I have been using plain index cards in the 4×6 size because I had the similar problem Peppermint was experiencing with printing cards to write on. I will look into her pick but I have been happy with the cardstock quality of the index cards.
I just caught up on the last two episodes after a busy couple of weeks and was shocked and heartbroken at the news that the show has ended. Perhaps it should not have come as such a surprise; I too have been worried that Steph has been doing too much and wondering at how she conquers it all with such grace! Having just completed my 9th move in 8 years, I can appreciate what a big job Steph has ahead of her. As sad as I am to see the Digi Show end, I truly admire Steph for saying no when things became too much, and for prioritizing her family and business. Steph, this is another example of what makes you great at what you do!
Thank you Steph, Katie, and Peppermint, so very, very, much for sharing your time, talents, knowledge, and friendship with us these years. The Digi Show’s wonderful quality of content and sound is the gold standard against which I measure other podcasts (you’ve spoiled me and made me really picky!). I will miss hearing your lovely voices, learning new tips and industry news, tackling big issues with you like shame and artistic creation, and laughing along with you in this format each week. I’m glad that you’re not going far, and look forward to getting my dose of the fabulous Digi Show trio in the DDDD very soon. In fact, I’m going to go and get caught up on the Daily Digi Digest and Capturing Magic right now! You’re amazing ladies, and we love you. Thank you for helping us make our hearts sing.
So sorry to see that this is your last show, it has been wonderful to listen to these broadcasts.
I am having problems with being able to download the podcasts (not iTunes) in order to listen to them. Maybe I am just doing something wrong? I am clicking on the download link but am unable to right click once open in order to download. Thanks
Instead of clicking the DOWNLOAD HERE link, right+click on it and look for something like SAVE FILE AS or SAVE TARGET AS or SAVE LINK AS. That should let you save the MP3 directly to your computer instead of opening it in your web browser.
Thank you to all three of you for your many hours of work! When you read the mail, I realized why one of the biggest reasons I will miss the weekly show — all the tech information you have given has empowered me. I learned about such things as Pinterest, Feedly, specs on a computer from you all. I will always be grateful.
Well… I finally listened to the last show, talk about bittersweet. But thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because I work at home sometimes I get hungry for conversation and just plain girl-talk. While I loved everything about the Digi Show it was this feeling of girl-talk that I loved the most. It was like I was right there chatting along. That’s something very special and I want each of you to be proud of yourself and on those dark days when life knocks you around, remember you made a big difference in my life and lots of other digi girl’s lives too. Big hugs all around…. now where are my tissues?…
I was so surprised to hear that this was the last show! I must have missed something along the way (I don’t get to every single show each week). I will truly miss all of you, as I have learned so much from your suggestions and ideas. So much of my little scrapbooking world is a result of listening to you. Thank you for doing what you have done for so many! I feel like I know you each one, even though I have not met you personally. I don’t think all of us listeners can adequately express our gratitude.
My life is eternally crazy with a big family, and I don’t get all the scrapbooking done that I would like to do. But I have kept motivated and constantly learning new things as I listen to you. I will keep reading your blogs and gleaning all I can from little bits here and there.
Thanks so very much!
I just heard a rumor that Hobby Lobby sells 10 x 10 page protectors. Unfortunately, I don’t have one nearby to confirm or deny, but it might be worth checking out for those of you who are interested in printing at 10 x 10.
Sure will miss the show. I love podcasts and this was a favorite. You ladies have good chemistry “magic.” That’s a rare and beautiful thing. Best wishes to all.
That is so sad!!! I always enjoy listening your shows! Best wishes to you all.
I really miss the show. I haven’t even finished listening to the last episode because I am trying to drag it out. LOL.
OMG–I tend to go in spurts listening to TDS and I was all set to catch up with all I missed but when started this episode, I almost started crying.. I’m going to miss you guys so much. I loved how you mixed the craft and tech into an understandable and inspiring show. Thank you so much for all you’ve done. I’ll miss you!
I have listened from the beginning and have LOVED this podcast, even though I’m not even a digi scrapper! I came over from Paperclipping Roundtable and have followed ever since, and I have learned SO much about cool apps, photography, photoshop, and memory-keeping in general. Loved hearing your voices, too. Thanks!