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Katie, Steph, and Peppermint are joined by Jessica Sprague in this episode as they discuss digital designing. What makes a quality digital scrapbooking product? Where can people go to learn how to design digital supplies? What are some things people should know or think about before opening a store? Can a digital designer make money designing?
All of this and much more in our discussion.
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Joining the Discussion:
Katie Nelson
Peppermint Granberg
Jessica Sprague
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Picks of The Week:
Peppermint: Jessica: Veer Fonts
Katie: Canon Powershot
Steph: Presentation Digital Scrapbook 1-2-3 at ScrapGirls
LOVED the show! I love them all, but this is one of my favorite topics. I usually talk out loud to you ladies while I’m listening, but I can never remember what I wanted to say after the show. This time I made notes!
Suzy Iverson & I (Chelle’s Creations) have digital scrapbook designing courses: Photoshop, Illustrator, & Marketing. http://scraporchard.com/market/Scrap-Orchard-University/
We’ve put together a series of videos sharing our techniques & experience as designers. The courses are catered to beginning designers, but we’ve had several experienced designers comment on how the info in the videos has really improved their efficiency.
Peppermint’s comment about future technology vs. printing multiple copies: I remember having nearly the same conversation with one of my paper scrapping friends @ a crop about 8 years ago. I was making 5 copies of each paper layout…she was making one. She said that she hoped there would be a reasonable way to share her layouts once she wanted to share. She was right. I still print several copies of each family yearbook…but that is because my kids want them now. I’m sure Peppermint is right…there will be a way to share down the road.
Digiscrapapalooza & laptops. Don’t worry if you don’t have one. (Bring an EHD with some of your favorite pics & digi products.) There are places to rent laptops…they’ll deliver to the hotel & they’ll load PS or PSE trial version for you if you ask. http://werentlaptops.com/index-1.html
Loved this talk about the reality of a designers life and truly finding the reason…if you want to go into business or just for your own personal use and enjoyment.
I was also very touched by the last bit about creating with your strengths rather than everything. I’ve certainly faced that issue before, trying to create kits as others do…even though what I really like to do is illustrate!
I’ll be back to comment again (rushing a deadline!) but just wanted to say STEPH YOU’RE NOT ALONE. I work on a PC now, but I worked on Macs when I was working in an office and at first they scared the beejeezuz out of me. Behold exhibit A:
– my first job back in 2000 I was assigned a Mac classic (yes, those tiny boxed machines) and inserted my 3.5″ floppy into the disk drive. There was no button to eject the darned thing. I even checked if there was some CPU-like tower below my desk where a magic eject button could be! Embarrassed to ask help from my colleagues I called my brother (who’s familiar with Macs) to ask how to get the disk out. “Just drag the disk icon over to the trash,” he said. “Yeah, right,” I responded. “Seriously, how do I get it out??” And then we argued until I did it and out it popped. *facepalm*
– Exhibit B: Based on the raves of a friend I went and installed iTunes on a newer Mac laptop I’d gotten later on. It took me an hour and a half to figure out that you can drag the songs you want to put into a playlist. I kept right-clicking (and at the time I don’t think there was really a right-click function) and getting frustrated there was no “copy” function. LOL.
In other words, it’ll get better!
If I had the budget for it I would get a Mac, but I’m perfectly happy with the PC I own now.
The whole show was full of great points, I loved how much you covered today. I wanted to add something that I have seen as a CT member, I think it is sooo important to not only have a CT team, but to have ‘cheerleaders’. I am trying to be more than a CT for my designers, I actually dream of being a ‘manager’ because I have so many promotion ideas and organization solutions to problems I have seen on CT teams.
Unfortunately all ‘manager’ positions are taken right now lol, I am really very picky about who I CT for so that makes it hard to find one as well. If anyone is looking for a manager just let me know! (evelester at gmail.com) (Shameless promotion)
Thank you so much for the comment that “they” are looking into laptop rentals for DigiScrapapalooza. My laptop sadly cannot handle PSE so I’ve resigned myself that I won’t ever be able to join the fun. It’s too late for me to get the funds together for joining in 2012, but if the laptop rental idea works out my EHD and I will be saving for a spot at the 2013 DigiScrapapalooza!!
Also for Katie – you & I must have been researching & shopping for cameras at the same time. After listening to y’all for months now I had already convinced myself to save for a DSLR Christmas 2013… but my trusty Kodak P&S has gotten so run down & unpredictable after only 1.5 years (& approx 5,000 pics) I bit the bullet & decided I need a new P&S NOW for the holiday season. I really WANTED it, but couldn’t spring for the model you bought — so I got the next best thing (as far as I could deduce from reviews, etc.) Canon’s PowerShot SX230 on sale for $130 off. I’m happy with it – almost 1,000 pictures so far in 2 weeks!! This sucker fires off fun shots like a workhorse, but when I WANT to get a good shot they turn out beautifully. A great balance of P&S and Manual settings (that I’m finally starting to understand thanks to Katrina Kennedy’s Capture Your Holiday class).
Chelle already got here before me but I just wanted to say that the laptop rentals are really reasonable and as Chelle said- they’ll load PSE or PS on the laptop for you if you let them know in advance. It’s actually not 100% necessary because there will be class notes and DVDs, but I would recommend having a laptop for the classes, so you can work along with the instructor. The company Chelle linked to will also deliver to your hotel and pick back up from your hotel so you don’t have to worry about getting over to pick up your laptop!!
what an amazing show! Of course I loved all the “designer advice”
But I also laughed at loud in the beginning of the show when you talked about hesitating to do 365 because you missed the previous year and the guilt that comes from not doing a task project “perfectly”. I’m going through that now with my December daily. By day 3- I had missed that day’s shot. I started to agonize about whether I should “cheat” and just shoot 2 the next day- then I had guilt about staging- like I need any more guilt during the holidays! Anyway- the conversation in my head was getting annoying so I just took a deep breath and declared this was MY project. And i would do it my way. I have a book with 25 numbered pages. Of course, 24 and 25 will be Christmas eve and Christmas day. The other pages will be 23 moments that I want to remember that month. Probably on different days- but maybe 2 from the same day. Some holiday related- some just typical December months. I may stage a photo or two. And that’s how I’m going to tackle 365. I have a basket I collect “everyday memorabilia” in. I will upload my pictures weekly- I’ll put a few in my binder- and I” try to keep up. It’s OK if I only have 100 days of photos- it’s still a record i will treasure. I guess the trick is, not being bound by a projects title- but rather- get excited by it’s basic principal. 
“not being bound by a projects title – but get excited by it’s basic principal” I really agree with that Renne. Make a project your own – everyone has such different lives & hours to give to a project.
Some things suggested in a project just do not inspire me at all or nothing springs to mind, so I find something that does.
I’m in my 3rd year doing Project 52. Some people would probably call it Project 12 as I’m not doing it the traditional way of a LO for the photo of the week, but just 1 layout/mth each with 4 or 5 photos. I see it as a sort of photographic diary as I don’t keep a written journal or diary. Sure I get behind sometimes, but many of the photos would not get scrapped otherwise, as they are usually very everyday life photos. It’s the basic principle of doing something with some of those everyday photos that I like.
Peppermint DOES have the greatest picks. I’ve watched a couple of the videos by Digital Goulash and they are easy to understand and show some neat techniques! Thanks again. (Love Feedly too….)
That one was a listener pick, so I can’t even take credit for it. But I’m happy you found it useful!
Great show you guys even though I am not done listening. I have been meaning to ask Steph to do a new show on this for months and I have had a whole list of questions that I wanted to ask and now I feel like I have lost my chance! Oh well I am going to ask this just out of curiosity.
1. When you guys make elements how do you normally do it, scan it or create them from scratch using photoshop or illustrator. When you have extracted something you guys talk about stray pixels. What process do you use to clean them up. Do you use a brush, feather them or smooth them. Maybe you could explain feathering. How do you get a clean edge to start with. I remember hearing something about anti-alias but I think that has to do with the text tool.
2. How do you normally create paper and how do you deal with using someone’s brush or texture when you create it. For example, obsidian dawn offers free brushes, are you supposed to credit her if you use them to make a page or do you just avoid something like that. I don’t recall seeing any credits in my kits so I am assuming that designers don’t use other peoples brushes.
3. Last question, how big should an element be? I think I read somewhere that you aren’t supposed to have huge element files in your kits.
Thanks for all the great knowledge you bring us. Peppermint I have some more picks for you in a later post.
Hi Angie!
#1: My answer is both. Some items like ribbons & silk flowers are extracted. Some items are made using photoshop & illustrator, but most are a combination of the two: some extraction & some digital enhancements. Some extraction methods leave a lot of stray pixels, some don’t. Adding a stroke will show the stray pixels so you can remove them. Extraction methods are one of the syllabus topics in my Designer Essentials class: http://scraporchard.com/market/Digital-Scrapbook-Designer-Essentials-Photoshop.html
#2: I have a screenshot tutorial for basic solid paper making on my blog: http://www.chelles-creations.com/tutorials/cu_tutorials/tutorial-solid-paper/ (There are other designer (CU) tutorials there as well.) You need to be sure that you only use CU OK products when you are making kits to sell or give away…both for papers and for elements. If a product requires credit, typically mentioning it in the Terms of Use is acceptable…but check with the designer’s TOU…some require credit on the product page…some are “no credit required”.
#3 I think the best answer is “actual size”. Make elements the size you would use them on a 12×12 layout, or the size they are in real life. For example, a staple is typically no more than 1/2 inch long. A silk flower may be anywhere between 1/2 inch and 3 or 4 inches. Make sure those measurements are in the standard 300 dpi.
Thanks for answering Chelle
Angie’s question is a big one that could probably spin off another episode all about designing!
I agree! Thanks Chelle for answering! I’m looking forward to checking out your videos!
I’ve been WAITING for a show like this. I totally support another one as a “spin-off” of this one. Maybe even as many as once a month!
Thanks for the response – I vote we con Chelle to appear on ” A Well Designed Product – the sequel” or “A Well Designed Product – Volume two or maybe “A Well Designed Product – attack of the clones” (haha reference to star wars”.
I agree. Chelle and Jessica on the next show! SOON!
Peppermint’s Picks:
This is a bi monthly magazine but you get a bunch of access to videos and their past editions on pdf. It is about $70 dollars.
These are training videos in elements and lightroom.
OMG–P is your surprise you are PREGNANT? LOL, I like starting rumors here.
On a serious note, JS is my scrapbooking hero. I am so happy you had her on the show today and this makes me really feel that I know you all like we are long lost sisters.
Back in the day, I was not going to even edit my photos via the computer. I wanted to be a complete paper purest. Now look at me, I had to create a special email to maintain all my digi love and 2 terabytes later. I am one of the students that JS spoke about, saying great class, now what…lol. It is amazing how listening to the show Katie and I seem to be on the same scrapbooking timeline. I stayed up late many oh time to buy JS classes too.
Hugs to you all wrapped in love and laughter.
Pregnant?! Gah, no way. I’m far too exhausted to have more kids, I’m over halfway to adulthood with this one!
on and I am copy right protecting that saying “hugs to you wrapped in love and laughter”…I just made that up tonight. JUST KIDDING–you can use it.
I haven’t used an SLR in decades – since the pre-digital days. I bought the Canon S95 as my primary camera, for the size and control. This is the first P&S that really competes.
Thank you all for this wonderful episode. I have told all the girls at my shop to take a listen because I think you guys have such great advice here.
You’re right–100%. You have to love this. You do have the potential to do well. It is going to take hours upon hours. Practice make perfect. Keep on creating. And read marketing blogs and books. As a store owner, I wish more people would take that last bit to heart… LOL!
We have all sorts of personalities at the Digichick and some people are great at getting out there–and their sales reflect that. Others are quiet and don’t like the spotlight, and while their designs are great, people don’t notice them. It breaks my heart when they make such great stuff! But that’s they way it is. Then eventually they give up and close up shop. I ran across a thread at DST about designers that people missed. I read over the names of so many people I worked with that I know closed up shop due to a lack of sales. Yet people still think of them! But were they supporting them and buying their goodies?
Sigh. It’s tough sometimes!
Katie – I have a Canon s95, too! I’ve had it for a while now and I really love it. The fact that I can shoot p&s and not need a flash (most of the time), is awesome. That f/2.0 lens really comes in handy for that.
I also have a Canon 5D which I loooooooove, but when I can’t bring along the big camera, the s95 doesn’t disappoint! Great quality, compact size.
Heddy – I’m really loving my new P&S, how fun that you have the same one!
So glad you had JS on the show! I still consider myself a newbie to digi scrapping but I’ve been hybrid scrapping from the start, and Jessica’s Photoshop Fridays on her blog (long before she had a shop or website) are what led me to explore the free PSE 2.0 that came with our computer back then.
I don’t design, but I still found this episode fascinating. You had great insights for people passionate about any art form that might also become a business. Thanks so much!
What a great episode, thank you! I just wanted to add another point to consider when starting designing for those who (like me!) are outside of the US. Assuming you will be selling in a US based store you need to factor in the exchange rates. How your own currency relates to the US dollar from month to month can have a big impact on your earnings! Of course, if you are using your earnings to treat yourself to new digiscrap supplies (as lots of designers do!) then it’s not as much of an issue but it’s something to bear in mind for those thinking about designing.
Oh and I am definitely with Katie on the starting Project 365 on the 1st of January and with the listener who felt bad about missing earlier years! I loved Katie’s comment about how doing the Digi Show is like therapy for her, listening to Katie share her thoughts is like therapy for me too – now I know I am not the only one!
Thanks again for a great show, I would love to hear more on this subject!
Thanks so much Kate! Great point to bring up about designers who don’t live in the U.S.
This comment is a big THANK YOU for doing this show. I’ve been waiting for a show like this from the beginning of the show– I’m a longtime listener/lover of the Digi Show.
I have a degree in Graphic Design and photography, so I’m sure that I could figure out how to do it all on my own, but I’m of the obsessive type that I have to learn EVERYTHING about a project/skill before I jump in. And I’ve been wanting to design my own digi supplies for a LONG time. So this comment is also me BEGGING Jessica to open up her digi design classes before summer!! I can’t wait that long!!
Thanks for all of the excellent advice and thoughts, as usual. You ladies ROCK!
Off show topic…
As the year is coming to an end and I have sent my Holiday cards, I am thinking of the people I am thankful for….and I just knew I had to post. Our family has been through pretty much everything you have read about our economy-not once but twice. Early 2009 my husband’s company had a major layoff. He found another job in another state which required us to give our house—I mean sell our house and move (yes we were lucky to sell at least). Just this past summer his new company was on the brink of bankruptcy and we literally did the same thing. We are truly thankful that he found another job but again we had to give our house—I mean sell our house, put everything in storage for months, and move cross country. Through these terrible times, you hold on to the little happy constants in your life and THE DIGI SHOW was right there on the top of my list. I haven’t posted a comment in a very long time nor have I scrapped much though this time, but each week I looked forward to a new show to listen to. I would try to find a quiet spot to listen and escape as though I was sitting around the “table” with you guys. I laughed, visited the sites you recommended to gawk, and talked back at you—yes that is right; it was a very lonely time for me as I hadn’t really made any real friends from the first move and had no one to share my current situation with this summer. So I talked right along with you. I am SO THANKFUL you continued the show. I appreciate your hard work and time and remind myself each week….gosh and they give this to us all for FREE!
This is really heartwarming, Laura. Sometimes I wish there were a way to do a live call-in show so people really could just talk right along. I’d love to heat what everyone had to say.
If Katie could keep her potty mouth in check, that is.
LOL Peppermint!
Your comment literally made me teary-eyed Laura! That’s a lot to go through and I feel honored that we could help in some small way. I know the show makes me feel the same way because I feel like I’m with my “peeps” when I’m there and I felt that way as a listener when I wasn’t always on the show. Thanks so much for your sweet comment!
I would like to second that comment and first tell Laura good for you to have the strength to pull through. It is always a sign of a proud woman to stand by her family in times of need.
Steph, Katie and Peppermint, you bring joy to our lives not by being experts (though you are) but by being truly geniune woman that have integrity and warmth that brighten our days.
Thank you
Hear! Hear! I’m still up to my ears in end-of-year deadlines, but just wanna say thank you so much for many times being my “date with the girls” after a long, tiring work week.
Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate your sweet comments, totally made my day!
Hi ladies!
I just made an album cover for The Digi Show to be used on iTunes. Thought I should share it here. If you like, you can download it here: http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/zakirahzakaria/thedigishow-cover.jpg
ps: I like to see all of my audios on iTunes prettied up with covers, even those without one so I’d make them in Photoshop. Hope you like it!
Thank you for this awesome show! As a new designer I drink in any talk that I can find about designing for this industry. And as a graduate of Jessica Sprague’s Art of Digital Design classes 1 & 2, I can say that what is taught there really helped me on the path to starting my business and understanding how it all works. The classes are a must for anyone wanting to get into designing, in my opinion.
I would love a sequel to this show too as some others have mentioned. But all the shows are wonderful and I look forward to every one!
For anyone else who was planning to wrap gifts while listening to a new show, I just saw on DailyDigi twitter that there is no new show this week and next. Thought I would post here for those non-twitter-ers like me (I went searching to find out!).
Love the shows. I am a newbie, and trying to catch up with past episodes. I just wanted to mention that there is an error when clicking on episode 13. Not sure if you knew. I love listening. Happy Holidays to you all and your families!
I fixed it…for now anyway.
Hi! I discovered you through PRT but I think the show is even better since you’ve gone on your own. Though I am a dedicated paper scrapper, I do dabble in hybrid and find much of what you discuss to be relevant to all kinds of memory keeping. I want to tell you that I have the most incredible husband: he often listens to the show with me on my ipod at bedtime. In fact, he surprised me this Christmas with a gift of my own handwriting font from Darcy Baldwin at Sweet Shoppe Designs. He heard you talking about a few episodes ago. Thanks for such a great show. I look forward to listening, and chiming in with my own comments, every week.
Huge bonus points for hubby for listening to the show AND buying you a font!
Husband of the year right there!
First off, thank goodness for archives! I don’t know if I would have made it through the holidays without a podcast from y’all! (Yes, I’m in Texas but not native born.) So right now I’m listening to Paperclipping Digi Show 15 Save and Save Often and I just heard the question where Steph is wondering if any non-CT folks scrap with photos they look for to go with a particular product rather than other other way around. Well, my answer is Yes! Not often perhaps, but yes. I fell in love with Splendid Fiins Evidence Kit. I looked at it and looked at it and when it went on sale I bought nearly every piece. Then I used it to document a 10-page “investigation” into whether or not my husband and I had fun on a cruise by using every photo I had of the two of us together to provide the photographic evidence. It is great (if I do say so myself — and I do). Steph, I’m going to Digiscrapaplalooza so maybe I’ll show you those pages then. P.S. I don’t know what I’ll do with I’m up-to-date on the archives and have to wait a week between podcast like a regular person. Oh woe will be me!
Listen to them again!
I found it! Ok… so it might not be as cool as Steph’s app but I think I found an equivalent to the Photo 365 app for Android. Check out Daily Photo by Blub.it It has a spot to add a quick note about the day’s photo (not sure if it adds it to the metadata or not) and the cool calendar function that adds that days pic to it. It’s not as pretty as the other but it does the same thing!
I’ll have to check that out. I take far too many poorly lit photos with my Android to ignore. I think my tablet actually takes better photos but who wants to carry that around?
What I need is a point and shoot with an app-capable Android OS. Are you listening, camera manufacturers? LOL
Since becoming a member of the Digi Files, I just haven’t had the time to sit and listen tot he Digi Show until today. I started with the most recent (who would ever start at the beginning?) and have to say that there are parts I listened to several times! (And not only because DH was in the room talking to me!) The section on sticking to what you do best resonates. I’m a real sucker for word art and I have some preferred designers of same. I can’t tell you how disturbed I was when one of my very favourites decided she needed to design kits. Her word art is fabulous, but her kits just don’t light me up. Another thing that bothers me a lot is misspelling! I’m one of those nerdy natural spellers and I know that there are many people in the world whose first language IS English who don’t have that capability. But really, there are spell checkers and dictionaries. If you’re selling your work, it should at least be spelled correctly. If I’ve purchased some word art as part of a collection and there’s a spelling mistake somewhere, if I can’t fix it easily then I’m much less likely to use any of the parts of the collection and I’m that much less likely to buy any more products from that designer. One thing I’m finding myself doing more and more often is designing my own word art, just for personal use. I’m enjoying it.
Now off to listen to Digi Show 21!
Love the show, as usual. I listened to a few shows while traveling. I was driving a RV so I was unable to write down all the things I wanted to respond to (I was thinking I should have had one of my kids ready with a notebook in the passenger seat. Don’t think they would have gone for it!) But I remember one. If a person wants to be a designer, I think the most important thing is a passion or a “calling” for it. There are some careers that are so hard that you need to have such a strong desire that you almost have to do it. That desire gets you thru the hard times (i.e., actors, performers, and in a different way, pastors). What I really like about Digital Scrapbooking is that I “feel” creative, which I am not naturally. There is no way I could be a designer, but your show really gave me a new appreciation for those who do. Thanks!
Never say never! I swore up and down for years that I would NEVER become a digital designer then ate a lot of crow.
I got a Bamboo pen and touch for Christmas! Now I have to learn it
We had to go to the next Ubuntu version to use it, and I feel really intimidated by it, but also very excited. I hope I’ll be able to draw fashion sketches for my knitting pattern magazine submissions – and use it for doodling on my digital layouts. I knew you guys would understand my excitement and intimidation.
Awesome! I got one too so I need to learn how to use it
I took the “Pen Tablet Basics for Scrapbookers” class over at JS and it was really helpful. I love my wacom!
Oh, and I became a member of the Daily digi for December and January, it really was as easy as you said to join for just a few months and unsubscribe. I know I’ll be back, but doing it this way feels good.
Fantastic show! Thank you!
I so want to stress the point that Peppermint made about getting business skills. Being a person who is great at creative stuff doesn’t automatically mean that you want to spend time and energy on business related issues and problems. That is a huge point to consider before jumping into the design biz.
Also, marketing is something a designer needs to learn. Putting yourself out there, standing at the top of a mountain, screaming for everyone to “look at me”. That is also a personality trait that everyone might not have just because they are good at creating pretty things.
Both of these have been difficult things for me to learn, and still is.
I’m a little late on this episode, but for designers who might be looking for another resource on the business side of designing, my ebook has been updated for 2012 and has a great audio interview with Steph! http://shop.scrapbookgraphics.com/EBOOK-An-Insiders-Guide-to-Designing.html
So here I am minding my own business, catching up on some past episodes and I hear my name mentioned by the lovely Katie. Wow Katie, thanks so much for mentioning me! As a total business junkie, it made my day to be mentioned as part of this discussion.
I loved this episode. I’m so glad to hear the business side of scrapbooking being discussed in such an open way because I really think it’s a discussion we need to be having more often for the sake of the future of our industry.
I wanted to respond to a comment Jessica made about (to paraphrase) wishing the digi industry supported higher prices so designers could earn a fair wage. One of the mistakes I think the digi industry has made is believing in this idea that competing on price and making up for it on volume is the way to go. It’s not. Competing on price is not only the quickest way to the bottom (because someone will always be willing to charge less than you) but competing on volume in a niche market with heavy competition is, as we’ve seen, a tough, tough road.
What designers need to realize is sales are not a lose-lose proposition. When we set a price for our work, we tend to fixate on how much “less” our customers will have because they choose to buy our product or service. But in fact, our best customers see it oppositely. Your customer doesn’t buy based on how much money they are losing. They buy because of what they are gaining. Your gain is also your customers’ gain. And perhaps more importantly, having an industry where people earn what they are worth not only benefits the industry as a whole, but makes room for growth and amazingness and creativity to flourish which in turn benefits customers.
Tara Gentile has a fantastic e-book out on this subject called The Art of Earning: http://www.taragentile.com/art-of-earning-guide/
It’s not a business book but it was written in response to the trend of creative types and especially woman to undervalue what they are truly worth. I’d highly recommend it for everyone, but especially for those who are trying to make money in a creative industry. Her notion that making money should be beautiful is something I would love to see the digi industry embrace.
Anyway I could talk on this subject all day so I’ll just end there and say awesome job you guys, loved the show as always!
Where is the “like” button?!?! Thank you for the link to Tara’s book! I’ll definitely be checking it out.
Ok, I’ve asked this question in all sorts of forums, but this episode of the Digi Show seemed like the BEST place to get my question answered!
I want to make my own ‘flair’ pieces to exactly match some of my pages– like the epoxy stickers and the buttons– does anyone know of a tutorial for this, or even an action that can turn a paper or designs into these buttons and flair?
Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance!!
ALSO. P.S. I think you should do another designing episode
Just saying 
I have a Button Maker and Flair Maker.
Wendy, you just saved my life!
I knew someone on here would be helpful and have something cool!
Perhaps a wee bit overstated, you are very welcome.
I keep coming back to this page and this episode because I think it is SO helpful. Lots of great responses and people helping out.
My question today has to do with being a digi scrap designer– I took your advice on this show and made several kits to make sure that I liked doing it– and I’ve even signed up for Jessica’s class that starts this week! Yay!
But my big question is about SELLING the digi goodies that I create– I would love to get into a store, but I know that it takes time to become established and that stores aren’t always accepting new designers. I would also love to “start” by selling my designs on my own site– but I know that that takes some work and coding and a “storefront.” All of which I’m willing to do. But does anyone have suggestions for wordpress plug ins or storefront “sites” like shopify or etsy that do digital downloads?
Thanks in advance for your help girls!
I would suggest you look at ZenCart. It’s free and perfect for a one-user storefront. You definitely want to get someone knowledgeable about it to help you get it set up correctly though as there are many security risks you’ll want to lock down properly.
Other people have used PayPal to add Purchase buttons on individual blog posts. But, if I recall, this requires sending download links manually.
Thanks for your input!
I’ve used e-junkie and paypal for some downloadable PDFs that I’ve created, and that works well for sending those as instant downloads– but I’m not sure if that would work for digi downloads and adding multiple things to a cart.
For sure something I need to think about– thanks for the suggestion of ZenCart!
Zen is an okay option. I use it for my fonts, but have had lots of customization done for me to make it work.
Yin has a blog store and has for several years (she’s contributed to TDF twice), Scrapping with Liz started out with a blog store as well and then moved to Scrap Orchard. Everything is automated and you can add several things to a cart (because I have purchased multiple things from each). Yin’s store is http://yindesigns.blogspot.com/
I also know that Chelle is now offering designer cc’s through her store at Scrap Orchard. You may also want to check out Chelle and Suzy’s designer course that is linked (with a 30% off code) in the sidebar here, it has a great marketing section.
Wendy is also working on a Designers Quality Guide for The Daily Digi. When it’s ready, it will be free!
I think most stores are pretty open to giving new designers with quality products and something unique to offer a chance.
Thanks for the input re: Zen. What kind of customization did you need to do?
I’m looking forward to Wendy’s guide!! And the price tag
It would also be a great show (in my opinion) to have designers and store owners discussing how they select designers to have in their store and how to actually “apply” to be a part of it. I’m sure through all of the e-courses and books that I’m “collecting” I’ll be learning a lot more about how to get more established and into stores, etc, but all of this is so fascinating and confusing and exciting– all at the same time! I’d love to hear more “background” or inside tips as well!
Thanks for the input!
You should get some good info about how to go about getting into stores as a designer in Jessica’s AODD class. I took it and learned so much and I think you’ll definitely find the direction you need to go forth with what you want to do. I also recommend Suzy Iverson’s Marketing class which has some great info on the key aspects of getting yourself out there in this industry.
Good luck to you!
Since you’re collecting resources, my guide might be of interest to you as well. I’m not sure what Chelle’s and Suzy’s marketing class covers, but mine is about the business end of the industry as well.
Wendy, yours is on my “wishlist!” I’m saving my pennies!
Hey Alexandra,
I have a blog store I sell digital products at using a WordPress plugin called WordPress eStore: http://www.tipsandtricks-hq.com/wordpress-estore-plugin-complete-solution-to-sell-digital-products-from-your-wordpress-blog-securely-1059
I looked around a lot, including carts like Zen and ultimately went with this one because it was designed with digital prodcts in mind and was easy to customize to fit my site.
You can check out my shoppe here: http://www.nettiodesigns.com/shoppe/ and if you have any questions feel free to contact me!
Your site is gorgeous! And exactly what I want re: a digital store. Thank you so much for sharing what plug-in you use and the links to your site!
I’ll probably be sending you a long email in the near future! Thanks for giving me a lot to think about!
Aww, thanks! Feel free to email me anytime!