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Steph, Katie, and Peppermint recorded this show live at CHA with Katrina Kennedy of CaptureYour365.com and Kami Leonard of ScrapOrchard.com. We discuss some of the things we saw at the show that digi scrappers might be interested in and the trends we spotted.
Joining the Discussion:
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
Katrina Kennedy
Kami Leonard
From the Show:
Epiphany Crafts and Crafty Bands
WeRMemory Keepers Custom Albums
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at TheDailyDigi.com.
So can’t wait to listen to this show but it is not showing up in iTunes. Hope you had a good trip!
I’ve checked everything I can from my end and I don’t see any reason for it to not show up in iTunes, but it isn’t there. I’ll have to get some help on it. You can save it from the site to dropbox and then listen on your phone that way.
It’s on iTunes now. Thanks!
I guess I must have pushed the right button in all of my clicking around. Thanks for letting me know!
Man, it sounds as though you ladies had a blast! At first I thought “this is crazy, there’s no way I’m listening to this entire show” — (yah, right!), but after a few minutes it was easier to listen to you and I loved hearing you interact IRL. Thanks for the laughs
Funny Funny Funny show. Katie I hope your ego and face are feeling better….
I have to say that I have used the Ephiphany craft punches. I saw an item on Pintrest that used them and I was on a mission. I found the small 19 round punch on Joann.com (cheapest anywhere when on sale or have coupon) – and Amazon for the matching sized jewelry cabashon (sp?).
Anyway it was super easy, fun and turned out super cute. I made key chains and bracelets for all 4 sis-in-laws and both mom & mom in law. I used pics of kids and digi paper and fonts to add a monogram, and some cute charms at Joann.com I found too.
I will make a point to get theses posted on my blog this weekend and send you the link if you are interested.
The rubber kids bands are even cuter in show notes than I imagined they were from show – thanks for sending pictures, I agree great for a girl’s party. Or My daughter is a gymnsat – maybe I could make charms for events as she gets 9.0 or better in meet – and share with her teammates???
Anyway as always thanks for doing what you do – always a great show!!
I think this is something I have to have! I didn’t see it at the show but after listening to the gals explain it, I was super excited about it! I’ll be looking for your blog post!
Crazy lady gabfest!!! Glad you had so much fun!
You guys had me in tears in the car driving home about Katie’s face plant!
Man – you lot really gotta put warnings on episodes like this one! My work mates are gonna think I’ve lost it giggling to myself in my cube
Anyway, if anyone is interested in a run of 10×10 binders (assuming we can get page protectors of course!) I’d totally be up for this – I need 4 or 5 myself.
Oh my I’ve just had the best time cleaning the bathroom! What a fun show you guys sounded like you were having way too much fun but there again so was I. I don’t think the bathroom knew what was going on!
Yes! Love that you guys charged We are Memory Keepers for 10×10!
We’ve been asking DCWV to manufacture 10×10 for 2 years! They looked at me like I was crazy.
You want me to call you!? Ha! Let me do some more homework & dig deeper.
Yes we can print 10×10. I personal would prefer this size as well. Page protectors are an issue too, but shouldn’t be hard to get.
Distribution + Inventory + Shipping + the online cart for 10×10’s is a bit more complicated than it sounds. I’ve put in a request to Echo Park & will check with American Crafts, who’s down the street from us– they aren’t the best supporters of digital scrapbooking but I’ll try! If all else fails, we’d be happy to order from WRM and distribute what we can!
Count me in for 10×10 – binders & protectors!!! But a quick google search did not produce any results for 10×10 protectors.
I’m about to send in a bunch of layouts to be printed… thinking I might print 10×10, temporarily back them onto 12×12 cardstock to slip into my 12×12 pg protectors and wait for the 10×10’s to be produced…. hopefully in the near future. What do you think??
Or just add a 1″ border around the edges before you print onto 12×2 and trim them down later.
Hit reply too quickly it seems! There was one place that sold them a couple years ago, but they stopped carrying them. As far as I know they are not available anywhere right now.
If we could create a high enough volume for 10×10 prints, we would have Fuji size paper rolls to 10″ and change print pricing to $1.89 ea.
Due to our high volume pricing 12×12 prints, it would be cheaper for you to create that white border as Wendy stated and order as 12″ for the $1.99
I enjoyed listening to this show so much that I had to comment. You all sounded like you were having so much fun together and had me laughing out loud. Although I’m not a digital scrapper, and most of the time I have no idea what your talking about when you get all techie, I like listening to your show. I hope to someday learn more about digital scrapbooking but for now I’ll keep listening.
Come on over to the dark side, Geralyn ….
Drats! This will teach me to stay current with my Digi Show listening. I would have LOVED to have met you folk. I would have tried to get to Downtown Disney a little earlier that night to meet you guys. OK, the reason I did not listen until 2 days ago since was busy getting ready for the show. (I’m basically an observer at the show though I do blog; but, my role is as a volunteer for Charity Wings.org. I was scrambling before I left to make my bra for our flash mob fund raiser for the Be Aware foundation and design one for my cousin, too). Still, I’ll try and keep current with my listening going forward. Or, if I’d known, I could even have scootered over at the show to say “Hi”. (I simply CANNOT walk all those miles of show floor. I second your opinion about the crazy floor plan, and I’m amazed that you got through so much of the show in a short time.) Glad you got to see the Craft Attitude booth, especially Peppermint, since I got you to pick it as a product. The hot air balloon in the booth was pretty good, too. I think the Attitude folk had a contemporary steampunk theme and elephants and hot air balloons seem to be a part of steampunk? That “stkr.it” product seems really cool, I think it first noticed it at the last show. Love Katie’s idea of using it to record things like singing to little ones or the example of the guy explaining his hats. I especially liked how you folk were so delighted to touch Ali’s album. Good heads up for digi scrappers -PRINT your pages! Get those pages in albums. It goes for paper scrappers, too. Folk aren’t going to look at your pages stacked in a box. So funny to hear you joking about Katie resisting slipping back to paper scrapbooking. As someone who has only got her feet wet in digi (I was going to say “sticking my toes” in but I’m a bit beyond that), and still am pretty committed to paper, it made me smile. Hobbies can be addicting! There are a lot of card makers and general paper crafters and mixed media folk who shop the CHA show. It is a “HOBBY” show too, though the bead art, yarn and fabric arts and art products are kinda the crafty hobbies that are featured, as you noticed, not so much collecting hobbies, more doing ones. Also, in addition to the machines you noticed, don’t forget the adhesives. We paper folk cannot get enough of that and NO we are not inhaling the glue, LOL! The craftlebrities, especially you guys, are (or would be, sniff, sniff) nice to meet, though meeting a celebrity like Vanna White (who has a yarn line with Lion Brand) was a huge highlight of the show for me! I do like Wheel of Fortune. I am so glad that they note that even the folk who are unlucky get $1000. I used to hate the old shows where people were told they won nothing. I always want all the contestants to win big. Hmmm, that tech show in Vegas sounds good. I am really getting into all things digi lately – even to learning Adobe Illustrator – though that does seem challenging, particularly since I’ve just begun to master manual mode and a small level of comfort with Photoshop. BTW, Peppermint, you do know that the next CHA show is in VEGAS, right? I had wished for a Digiscrapapalooza 2013 since I felt like way too much of a newbie digi-scrapper to go to the last one; but, it appears I’m out of luck. Hope there is one of those in the future. Katrina, I hope you do a photo walk in Sacramento sometime in the future. I imagine I could rent a scooter to participate in one of those. This does seem like a pretty photogenic city. Glad you folk had a lot of fun – all the giggles on this show testify to that!
Well that stinks that we were so close to meeting you; yet so far away!
No Digiscrapapalooza on the horizon for 2013 but maybe in 2014!!!
I don’t need much of an excuse to go to Vegas – so we will SEE. I can’t commit either way, a few things would have to fall into place for me to be able to swing a third trip out west this year (the husband and I are planning a trip to Vegas with family in the next couple of months, too).
Anything is possible!
You gals are a hoot. Love the discussion of how huge the show was and the fun of leaving each other behind when you took pictures. Understand Katie’s draw back to the paper world. This is why I became a hybrid card maker. I love to play this ink and paint but only in little doses so I same it for card making. My layouts are digi. Love that it is easier to get the ink and paint look for digi layouts than it was when I first switched to digi years ago/
Hi girls! Love the show from anywhere, discussing anything! I have a couple of quick comments (that I’ve been storing up for a while) and decided to finally do a brain dump:
Thanks for your CHA coverage. Being a digital scrapper still requires a certain amount of physical product so thank you for representing us to the manufacturers. I am especially interested in seeing the fate of 10×10!
I noticed that there is an option on blurb.com for creating an ebook instead of a print book. Anyone out there tried it yet to create a digital album?
iGoogle will be retired/dumped in November 2013. There are supposedly a few comparable alternatives (according to lifehacker) but I’m holding on until the very end.
and finally. . .flickr has a new iphone (and android and windows) app! Katie, have you been keeping it a secret? It works like instagram (with the filters), except you are sharing and posting directly to your flickr feed!
Can you believe I haven’t talked about the new flickr app yet? Note to self – bring it up on the show!
I’m so disappointed that I wasn’t able to go to CHA this year – I totally would have met up with you all! Great episode! Cracking up about the feathers. Remember about two years ago on PRT when Noell talked about the Hooked Rugs section at CHA and Stacy Julian thought she said hook drugs? Totally reminded me of that.
OMG what a laugh I had listening this episode. I replayed it after it was done. Sounds like you guys didn’t have any fun noooooo
This episode was taped before you spent time at Disneyland?! I’m sure your faces were sore after your Anaheim trip. I’m glad I got to meet you ladies because another CHA trip does not appear to be in the future.
Can anyone assist in fixing a “13 file” or is it a lost cause? Thanks!
Hi Becky! Can you give us some more information about your problem? I’m not sure what you mean by a 13 file.
It’s been happening a lot to me when working in PSE 10. I’ll save something, like a photo that I added text too, into my pictures folder. When I go to open it back up from that folder (to view or print it out) it says that it is a 13 file and cannot be opened because it is the wrong type of file. I don’t seem to have a issue when I save directly onto my desktop…and I know this is going to sound lazy…but I don’t want to have to take the extra step to move that file where I want it to be. Does that make sense? Thanks!
I did a quick google search and that is a Windows System error, not anything to do with PSE. This link seemed helpful, but I don’t know anything about the file they want you to download to fix it, so you might want to be sure it’s a trusted source before you do. But the article still gives good information on how to fix it and what is happening.
Do you mean episode 13?
Hi Becky, not sure if this will solve your issue, but I have noticed that sometimes PSE doesn’t add the .jpg file extension when I save a picture I’ve edited. When this happens, my computer can’t open the file because it doesn’t know what type of file it is. I have to rename the file and add the .jpg file extension to the end of the file name, and that fixes it. Just a thought.
Love this episode ladies! I have a tut on adding QR codes to your pages on my site
I thought it was funny that you mentioned it! http://tracireed.com/news/2013/01/add-video-project-life/
I wish I could’ve gone to CHA this year, maybe next year!
Wow. I did not realize how far behind I was until I looked at saw that I’m still listening to “Little Clouds of Heaven.” I have to say that the idea of collecting the photos for one layout together is something I do for paper scrapping but my brain just didn’t put it together to do it for digi too. I’m almost there to do my 2nd & 3rd digi “projects” as I really prefer to do digi vs paper for things that really lend themselves to sharing. In that sense, it’s kind of obvious that a photo book is called for. I just need to take that step over the edge and the ideas on prep work really helped. I may need to listen 2 or more times to this episode. Which will of course keep me further behind.
This show was riot! I would have paid to witness it.
Being able to record voice or video with a layout is an idea that gets me excited. One of the things I think digi scrappers miss out on is the ability to tuck away or hide journaling behind something in paper scrapping. Recently, I have discovered that when organizing photos in PSE there is an option to record audio and attach it to the photo. I’m wondering if anyone has used that feature?
OMGoodness! What a totally fun show. I can’t believe it took me this long to listen to it :}
It was SO AWESOME meeting you all at DTD!! You’re all so sweet! It was an added treat to be able to meet so many ladies from Scrap Orchard and The-Lilypad, as well as Katrina!
You guys talking about Katie falling reminded me of a time I went down at Disneyland and the friend I was with was torn between walking away from me and laughing her rear off! In fact, she ended up laughing so hard that she forgot to take a picture!
I have been looking into the stkr.it and then I remembered you all were talking about a way to link to videos another way. Can you elaborate? I think its a great way to put a link to the girls gym routines in their scrapbooks. But looking for best way to do it. Thanks.
Thanks for another great show, you obviously had a whale of a time being together.
I was interested to hear you talk about Stkr.it I stumbled across a link to the ZXing Project – http://zxing.appspot.com/generator (I think in a comment to one of Ali’s posts) last year and used it to create a QR code to link to a YouTube video of my son. It’s a really easy interface with lots of options in the “contents” drop down list – you can link to text, an email address, URL, location, etc. I used the URL option and pasted in the URL for the video. You hit generate and then can right click on the image to save it. It saved as a png and I was able to incorporate it into my page just like any other element.
The layout I did was about my son doing a reading at a school event. I recorded audio on the day to share with my family who weren’t there. By using a couple of static pictures from the school newsletter I was able to add the audio and turn it into a YouTube video. I have made the video so that it can only be accessed by someone having the link – it’s not public.
The QR code read fine from the printed layout, but on-line the lower resolution was a problem. My layout is on my blog and I have included a copy of just the QR code if anyone would like to try it out – http://justmydigitalstuff.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/readings.html
Anyway, I thought I’d share this idea as it doesn’t tie you to any company and you can control where things are stored.
Thanks again for making this wonderful podcast. Love ya work!
xx Lyndel
Just saw Traci Reed’s comment. Her post and the generator she uses look awesome
I am so jealous! It sounds like you all had a fantastic time together!
I’m disappointed that most of the digital offerings turned out to be toward hybrid applications. I suppose the people that sell to “digital crafters” are more exclusive to their own retailers and don’t need to advertise for distributors at a trade show. Especially considering the number of manufacturers that do have digital outlets — it seems like it would be the best of both worlds to offer shops that have an online presence the ability to sell both digital and traditional product.
I’ve been dreaming of things like a computer app where you could try out a manufacturers products on a “virtual” canvas to use as a sketch or template when you go to the store — either online or B&M — to buy the products you know you have to have. How fun would that be if it automatically updated with exclusive product previews? Or the option to download digital copies of paper kits for a reduced price after purchasing the “hard” copy. How nice would it be to know you have the option to print more sheets after a line has been sold out from your LSS?
I don’t know why I had such high expectations — I’m in a paper kit club that promised “digital elements each month” which turned out to be printables for hybird projects. Not what I expected from a company that has its own digital store!
Anyway, it was a fun episode — I’d love for you to have at least one of these “live” shows every year!
I have been a long time listener of your show and I love you ladies! I have been playing catch up on the shows, and this one had me in tears I was laughing so hard! I love how you all relate to each other and make me, the listener, feel like a part of the fun! It was such a treat to hear all of you amazing ladies in the same room, and to hear what you had to say about CHA that I had to post! Thank you for such a great job and I look forward to many more of your shows!
Hi Ladies! I have been sick the past couple of days, and distracted myself by listening to the Digi Show.
This episode was great. I had to try really hard not to laugh so I didn’t start coughing. “I’m by the elephant… Which one??” So funny.
Also, I thought I was the only one who wanted 10×10 albums! So glad to know that I’m in good company.
On 16 May 2006, Flickr updated its services from beta to “gamma”, along with a design and structural overhaul. According to the site’s FAQ, the term “gamma”, rarely used in software development, is intended to be tongue-in-cheek to indicate that the service is always being tested by its users, and is in a state of perpetual improvement.*”
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