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The Topic
We answered a lot of your questions in this Digi Scraps mail episode.
Joining the Discussion:
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
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I have to say, I don’t like the short shows. It’s so cruel to leave us wanting more
Just kidding. I’m grateful that we get to have these snippets at least. Thank you for taking the time to do these for us!
You ladies rock!
Photo sharing with Macs & iPhones: Why no mention on Photostream? My husband’s photos all appear in Photostream so I have access to every photo he has taken within moments if him taking it. Admittedly, videos need to be physically downloaded. Maybe Dropbox could help with that?
Loving the shows!!!
Probably because none of us are using it. I know in the developer community there is a lot of talk about how unreliable Photostream is; to the degree that developers won’t add the ability to automatically use it, in their apps. There’s been a lot of excitement because Apple is allowing Dropbox to be added to apps as an automatic syncing option I addition to Photostream. DB will upload video automatically as well as photos.
Actually, I use photostream and I love it! I just never saw the chance to bring it up and/or I forgot. lol! All of my own photos go to photostream and so do my daughter’s.
Also, I really don’t want all of my hubby’s photos in my photostream. I have more than enough to manage with 2 people in there.
He wants to be able to manage his own so that is why we were thinking of other options. Now that IFTTT is available for iPhone, he was able to solve his problem!
All photos on an iPhone and iPad go to Photostream. I *think* (and maybe she can clarify), she was meaning using Photostream to automatically sync photos to all devices and her Mac instead of using Drop Box or Google Drive, that is where Photostream is less reliable and like she said, videos have to be done manually.
Yes, all photos on any i device can go into photo stream, including from iPhoto. So our family photostream has the most recent 1000 photos from our Mac (iPhoto), iPad, and iPhones. But it’s just photos.
Today I’m absolutely GLEEFUL over Dropbox and the video options! My husband so rarely syncs his phone that I’m certain I’ve missed backing up some of his videos. With Dropbox that won’t happen anymore!
Now I just need how to figure out a way to get videos only. I’ll fiddle around with it and IFTTT today to see if I can. Frankly though, even if I need to zip through everything to find the videos, I don’t mind. It’s better than what we’ve been doing.
Thank you!!
Yes all photos from all I-devices appear automatically on “my photo stream”. Others, like friends or families, can create a separate photos team and invite whomever. For that, the creator needs to select photos to share, which is great because I’m really not interested to see every single photo my mom, hubby, parents in law and sister in law takes lol!
Video syncing is coming in the next version. Can’t wait! In the next version you can also have multiple contributors for a photo stream.
Steph you should give photo stream a try. Its so easy to set up, especially your own “my photostream”. Its just a switch to turn on on your device and or computer. The reliability issues is probably for 3rd party app to access. At the user level I haven’t heard of or experience any problems.
I have to admit (don’t hate me!) that I like the shorter shows — maybe not this short (lol) but sometimes I struggle to find enough time when I can listen freely to the longer episodes. Love the reader’s tip about the RAM vs hard drive space. That’s really going to help me explain it to my mom.
And I’ve got to figure out syncing up my phone to Dropbox or Google Drive. I know my dh did it on his phone. Maybe I can just ask him. 
I love the short shows too! They are much, much less work!!
I’m glad you like them! I always worry that people won’t like them as much.
I like the content, but I’m always left wanting more. And my house shows it! Lol. The longer shows give me time to vacuum, mop and sweep. The short shows are only one of the above. But something is better than nothing!
Haven’t listened to this episode, but was just thinking about your 100th show idea. How about a Google hangout? Then we can watch you live if we have time and the rest can watch the canned version. Or if you guys are shy, do a private hang out and upload the recording.
Anyway, a video would be fun!
Would it be video? Because I’d probably have to change out of my pajamas in that case.
Yes, but usually we can only see your upper body, like a news anchor. If you adjust the camera angle, it can be from the neck up haha. At any rate, not a bad deal if you only have to change once every 100 episodes.
Photographer Trey Ratcliff does weekly google hangouts. You can google him to see an example.
Haha DH turned on your show once so that I didn’t have to listen to one of his boring podcasts while we cleaned the kitchen, and he asked if you guys had ever thought of doing a Google hangout. I told him that the likelihood would be minimal because it’s so much more comfortable in pajamas.
That said, you could always keep on your pajama pants and slippers and no one would be the wiser.
S0…while I listened to this episode, I haven’t been listening much to shows lately and I think it’s only fair that I tell you why – you aren’t talking much about scrapbooking anymore. Shows are waaaaaaaay too tech focused for me. I don’t have 95% of what you talk about, so why should I listen anymore? It would be great if you could refocus on digital scrapbooking. That or rename the show to “Tech Talk” and take the scrapbooking out of it. Maybe most of your listeners would be fine with that. I don’t know. I can only speak for myself.
Debra, I just wanted to let you know that we talked about this on the show we just released.
Love your show. I am a paper scrapper, but we all lead digital lives so there is much to learn from you all.
I know you’ve answered this before, but I don’t know how to find it. I opened a Facebook account for my 90 year old mother. She moved out of state and this is for her friends to keep in touch with her. Mom has no digital skills, and even the iPad is cumbersome. I’d like to print out her photos and the comments from her friends. I’m a facebook novice but I have made photo books. Any suggestions? Thanks so much.
I enjoy the shorter shows and am glad that you have started making them instead of skipping weeks.
The bit at the beginning where Steph wanted to make Peppermint a Nelson reminded me of a story I’ve been wanting to share.
Just before the Christmas break, my work group went bowling, and afterwards I was talking to two of my co-workers about how well we all did for our respective teams.
They both have the last name Nelson but are not related to each other. They often call themselves the Nelson Sisters and I joked, “Am I one of the Nelson Sisters now?” They laughed and one of them said, “Sure! You can be Katie Nelson!”
My immediate thought was “No! I can’t impersonate Katie the Scrapbook Lady!”
I think it must have shown on my face, because she quickly said, “but you don’t have to be. You can be just Katie.” I explained to her that it was okay — that I know someone named Katie Nelson and it startled me a little bit when she called me that. LOL Funny how that popped into my head like that!