The Topic:
Chari from Persnickety Prints joins the discussion as we all share trends we saw in digital scrapbooking during 2013, trends we are seeing now, what we think will be hot during 2014, and what we fear or hope won’t become trends.
Joining the Discussion:
Chari Pack (Persnickety Prints)
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
From The Mail:
Show Notes:
- Infographics
- QR codes
- Gold Foil
- Digi Scrapping with PDF printables
Picks of the Week:
Chari: iPhone Apps (Camera+ • PicFrame • CollectApp)
Peppermint: We R Memory Keepers 4×4 Albums
Katie: Flipagram
Steph: Eye-Fi Mac Desktop Receiver
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at
Great show, ladies! Totally agree with the “microwave society” mentality. I appreciate all the thoughts you shared — I’ll definitely be keeping them in mind as I create this year. Especially your thoughts on pocket cards & scrapbook kits.
(And a big thank you to Chari for helping me create print-ready journal cards the right way in the beginning, with bleed!)
Thank YOU Suzy!
Apologies for the echo sound coming from my headset -At least you’ll know right when I chime in. The “echo” may be a cool new thing in 2014- ya never know!
Still listening, but wanted to comment before I forget:
The option to make a private Blogger blog is sort exists. You can specify who can read your blog via email address. As long as the reader has a google/youtube/gmail/blogger/anything google owns account or uses Chrome, they’ll be able to access the private blog. You can set your blog up as Private – Only these readers in bloggers basic settings.
I have two private blogger blogs. They are private and unsearchable, the readers have to log in after an invite. I’ve been able to send invites to non-google email addresses, and the readers signed in
That’s how I remember it being. Glad to know it’s still around.
Hi ladies,
As someone who has done digital project life for a few years now, my biggest pet-peeve is the lack of true journaling cards. There are so many that are beautiful “filler” cards, but as someone who really enjoys journaling, I wish there were more that allow me to do a lot of journaling with a simple text block. Call me boring…but I want my stories told. This year I resorted to making my own set of journaling cards with a previously-purchased kit. Maybe we should start calling those beautiful cards with no room for journaling something else
Filler cards works for me. That IS what they are. Digi scrappers seem to have adopted the term “journaling card” for any card that is 4×6 or 3×4 though.
It’s funny because I’m the opposite way. I love the cards that are full of designs to use as a page embellishment or to actually fill a pocket slot. I always figure if I want to do a lot of journaling, I can just fill that space with paper and journal on it. I rarely buy the “journaling cards”, but I love buying “filler cards”.
I bought a kit from Kim Jensen that is notebook paper. It sucks to have to make my own journal cards, but I found the notebooks work on every page, pocket or not.
Splendid Finns has a lot of true journaling cards, and grids combined with a photo spot. I love her “halfsies”, “All About”, and eclectic cards. She believes in cute journaling cards, not just filler cards.
Hi Ladies!
Warning! Long post from a semi-newbie explaining how wonderful you are!
I have no idea how it happened, but 2 years or so ago I stumbled upon your show while walking the dog. I have CS5 loaded onto my computer thanks to my son, a college student studying Architecture (a small perk for all the $$$ going to his college education!). However, being a die-hard, 12×12 paper scrapper (none of that pocket stuff for me), I had no idea even how to start a new document let alone actually import photos and supplies to scrap a page. After listening and re-listening to all of your shows (I walk the dog a lot!), and a series of classes at Jessica Sprague, I now know enough to dabble in digi scrapping. While my heart is still in paper, I have started and deleted about 50 digi pages (lots of trial and error). But happily, I have actually finished and printed about a dozen layouts to slip in with my traditional pages. And now, because of the glories of the electronic cutters, I am enjoying the print and cut feature and making hybrid pages with some of the digi supplies I have accumulated over the past 2 years.
But most importantly, I sound like a technological rock star in front of my husband and kids. I can talk anything from PhotoShop, to ChromeCast, to little memory cards that automatically download pictures from your camera to your phone, to all of those other glorious picks of the week that you gals find.
Do I know what I am doing most of the time? Heck no! But the point of my story is I have learned SO MUCH from you ladies, your podcast and your site. And now you have added the Daily Digi Digest! Unbelievable that in this day…all of this information comes from you for FREE! I always feel like I need to pay you all in some way. Like, I wish there were a “donate button” or something. Then I had the great idea…become a member of the Digi Files! I had toyed with the idea of joining the Digi Files but “do I need more digital scrapbooking supplies”? Let’s just say, I share in your excitement when iNSD and Digital Scrapbook Day roll around. No, I have plenty of files to last me through at least the next dozen pages that I scrap and print. (ok, dozen +++) And what about the files that are not “my style”? I tend to scrap the exact opposite of the three of you… I scrap chronologically with limited journaling (hate, hate, hate to write–even though this is a lengthy note-Ha!). Most importantly, I am an event scrapper without a lot of introspection. Will there be enough for me in The Digi Files?
This January I signed up and have just downloaded my first month’s worth of The Digi Files. Wow! Not only have I found a nice way to support The Daily Digi, I can now focus my attention on actually digi scrapping some pages instead of lurking in all of the digi shops…lost in the sea of goodness. Maybe, I may even jump on the “project” bandwagon and start “Project Digi Files”–take a different newly released kit each week and scrap a least one layout. Hmmm, I like it!
At any event, you ladies are fabulous, you have an awesome show and a great site. I am so happy I joined The Digi Files and look forward to receiving my new kits each month along with the wealth of information that I will continue to learn from you each week!
Wow Judy! This is so great to hear! I’m happy you are having so many successes in your digi scrap adventure!! Thanks for taking time to come share it all with us!
Thanks for sharing Judy!
So great to read your kind words! I love the idea of “Project Digi Files”
Project Digi Files is a great idea. I have a goal of using every kit I down load in 2014. That’s a little scary. But, Project Digi Files sounds like so much fun and not scary! Sign me up! Where are the meetings? And do they serve Diet Coke there? Thanks for the inspiration, Judy.
Hey all! I’m partway through listening to this show & I had a question. I can’t remember who mentioned it – I think it was Chari, about scrapping 12 x 12 pages but then throwing in an 8.5 x 11 pocket to add in some memorabilia. I was curious as to what kind of album and pocket you are using? I’m always afraid of buying page protectors that won’t fit in my albums/have the wrong “holes” for the binding, etc. Thanks a bunch! Now back to my laundry so I can listen to the rest of the podcast!
~Tiffany in NH
If you are using the Project Life products, they will all fit. They have just about every size of page protector (including 8.5×11 and 8×10; landscape AND horizontal) that will go in with the other pages. They also have some envelope style, that are stronger and will fit more bulky items. We are using some for my kids books.
Hi Tiffany- good question!
I was referring to “project life” pockets – there are many different sizes that fit in any standard 3 ring binder. (doesn’t have to be a PL 12×12 binder).
What won’t work are post bound albums.
Cool! I hadn’t even thought about buying a Project Life album for my 12 x 12 digital layouts since the paper-scrapping pocket style didn’t really appeal to me. I might have to give them a second look! I do like the idea of having a spot for some actual memorabilia rather than scanning. I’ve always had post bound albums in the past too, rather than three ring. That’s where I ran into trouble finding page protectors to match. Time for some shopping, I think!
So Tiffany, when I want to know if something fits or the colors match, I put the item in my basket (or maybe just my hand) and walk it over to the part of the store selling what I’m curious about. Now sometimes that just doesn’t work because the items aren’t in the same store. What I do for that is carry samples — I have a 4×6 card from the core kit I’m using this year so show the colors (I find one with kinda wide stripes works well). For the holes, I know in my heart that the binder rings are standard width apart but if your heart isn’t there yet, take a piece of paper and mark it clearly with where the rings are and you have your sample to trot around. The only caution I would give you is that post-bound fillers often have a little extra plastic near the rings and that doesn’t match too well but I haven’t found a ring binder page I didn’t think would work. That said I use Becky Higgins plastics because I like the quality and I know they will fit.
Oh, Joyce. To have your confidence! I have been burned so many times by page protectors and scrap binders that are just 1/8″ off. Or where the middle hole is in a totally different place! Or where the gutter is a different width. I hate having 1/3 of the book stick out farther on the edge or having to punch new holes in protectors to work with my binder.
This year, I bought and AC binder and AC page protectors. It’s piece of mind knowing they fit together perfectly!
Loved reading Judy’s post as those are my feelings (have PSE 11 though). We surely get so much for our money. It’s a lot of eye candy every month! Thanks again all of you!
Jackie if you are bored (like maybe you have a cold and all you can do is sit there and you can’t really do that too reliably) try looking at the contents of the kits as a slide show. Cool, man! The colors, man, the colors! (Maybe that’s the cold medicine talking.
Hi Girls! Loving the episodes as of late, and I have a general question for mac/iphoto users. Does anyone keep their iPhoto library on an external hard drive? If so, how do you do it and how does it work? I keep and organize all my photos and all my digi supplies in iPhoto. It totally works for me and I don’t want to change it because I love the tagging system I use and I like seeing everything in a visually organized way. I’m working off an older macbook pro that is using OSX Mavericks, and my computer tends to bog down when both PSE and my huge iPhoto library are open at the same time. I’m guessing it’s a ram/memory issue, so moving the iphoto library to an EHD seems a good solution, but I’ve heard rumors it’s a nightmare. Any tips/links/advice/happy thoughts would be appreciated.
Sarah I use iPhoto libraries on both my hard drive and ehd. I make a new library for each year and only keep the current year on my computer. To access another library you hold option down while opening iPhoto.
To move the library it is simple:
I also import into iPhoto from my cameras and all devices and make monthly folders. Each month I then export onto my ehd and make sure it is being backed up online also. I have had an iPhoto library database get corrupt and thankfully I had exported everything.
Amanda! You are awesome! Thanks for the help. Does it ever get glitchy or slow coming off the EHD? Any trouble opening in Photoshop? I usually just drag from iphoto and drop onto the PSE icon and wha-BAM it opens.
The only time it was slow was when I upgraded and it had to rebuild thumbnails. Since my libraries are small they load much faster. There shouldn’t be a problem using libraries on an ehd but I did read somewhere that iPhoto will not work on a network drive.
Amanda! It worked great! Thanks for all your help! I really love the idea of smaller “year long” libraries for my pix. Love that I can connect with other digi show listeners for quick help like this!
Fun to hear the apple comments – I have a big iMac and a Mac Book Pro that I like to use upstairs in the evening. I have iPhoto and Aperture (when they linked the libraries it kind of threw me for a loop). I keep my digi supplies in Aperture (but am not caught up) and also have photos by years on both computers. I am working to get all of them over to the EXD – I really like your idea of just keeping the current year on the hard drive.
Loved the show ladies! Steph I was thinking about the journal-cards-without-a-kit trend that you are seeing. I know some designers (myself included) are going back and creating cards with some of their old kits (I know I regularly get requests like that). The journal cards and kits wouldn’t appear next to each other in the designer’s store, but the coordinating kits might exist?
CHARI!!!!!! You have saved my life!!! I’ve always wondered how I could get my hubby’s instagram pix (b/c he instagrams like a BOSS) and he always forgets to share them with me. I love you! You’re amazing!
Have you tried it? So easy, right? All you need is a password and you’re golden!
I’m enjoying the show as always–hitting it a little each morning! Your skinny jeans conversation reminded me of this. I bought my very first (ever!) pair of fashion boots this winter and sent Amy a picture of them. This happened:
Amy: Cute! Not with those pants though.
Mom: Thanks! What should I wear them with?
Amy: Skinny jeans.
Mom: Do I have skinny jeans?
Amy: No.
Hahaha! For the record, I do now
I sure enjoyed hearing Chari on the show! Thanks, girls!
Hi Sharon! Sorry I was so echo-ey
I just had almost the exact same conversation with my mom because of a pair of boots, too. Except the end went like:
Her: How skinny do they have to be to be considered skinny jeans?
Me: If you have to ask, they’re not skinny enough.
Peppermint, your mom and I might be the same person
Steph you mentioned that you hadn’t bought that much last year (but you were buying a little more this year). How.Did.You.Do.That???? Hi my name is Rhadonda and i have a digital product buying problem! There are such great products, i am serious. Did you just not get any newsletters from designers or not visit stores? Maybe not putting the temptation in front of my eyes would help. Because now i have the massive problem of organizing. Sigh…..such a First World problem sadly. Shame on me!