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(One Story Down) joins us to discuss seasonal scrapping: what we love about it, what inspires us, how we keep up during the busy times, and more!
Joining the Discussion:
Lauren Reid
Peppermint Granberg
Katie Nelson
From the Show:
- Calendar pages
- Year in Review scrapping
- 2009 Year in Review
Lauren: IMG2ICNS
Peppermint: Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
Katie: Free Project Life Cards from Becky Higgins Team
Steph: ScrapStacks (Steph • Katie • Peppermint • Lauren Reid)
For the best deal in digital scrapbooking, become a member at TheDailyDigi.com.
Yesssssssss! Katie & I are on the same wavelength re: December Daily. *fistpump*
Please do a DD-themed show soon! It is so much work to get the album done, but it is so worth it. My 2011 DD album is my very favoritest EVAH… and I’ve been doing this almost 10 years.
Oh, no! I can see ScrapStacks is going to be a time suck like Pintrest! I’ll be an enabler… to get an invite, subscribe to their newsletter. Got my invite in about an hour after signing up.
I just joined Scrap Stacks this morning. My husband had a horrified look on his face when I told him that it was similar to Pinterest but just for scrapbooking
I am really going to have to budget my time!
Katie…I do not like pumpkin pie….or pumpkin bread, muffins, or anything else pumpkin related! When I was a kid, I ate too much pumpkin one Thanksgiving and ever since then, I cannot eat anything pumpkin lol! However, I LOVE Thanksgiving meals! We tend to have the same dishes at each holiday meal and there isn’t a major holiday from Easter to Thanksgiving, so it’s been a while!
First of all, I have to say that I love, love, love your show. I’m still a paper scrapper, but I still get a lot out of your show. My favorite part is the great rapport you have with each other. It’s like out with girlfriends.
I usually don’t comment because I’m usually driving somewhere while listening to your show and by the time I can get back to this website, I can’t remember what I wanted to say. Today I’m at work and I listened to this show while sitting at my desk. Can you believe that I actually jotted down a couple of quick notes about things I wanted to comment about?
About Thanksgiving and even Christmas, those types of food, although yummy, aren’t my favorite–ham, turkey, all that other stuff. When I visit my parents and sisters (who all live about three hours away) for holidays, we have the traditional holiday stuff. When it’s just my family at our house, my husband grills steaks. My kids prefer steaks, and my husband does an awesome job. In fact, I rarely order steak when eating out because his are so much better.
About Katie’s comment about scrapping more because of her blog, I find that I’ve been scrapbooking less because I have a blog. I started my blog because my in-laws and my parents were on dial-up, and I wanted to be able to share baby pictures of my youngest child. Now I have less and less time at home because of various kid activities, especially my daughter, who now swims and hour and a half for five days a week. I haven’t scrapped since the beginning of the year. All I can do is at least record some little stories so I can remember them. I’ve published the first year of my blog through Blurb and I have to work on publishing the next four years. It all counts anyway, right?
As for digital scrapbooking, I really need to go ahead and take the plunge. I’ve done a couple of quick pages through Jessica Sprague’s free classes and I’ve stockpiled some digi supplies. I have CS3 from when my oldest needed it for some classes. I don’t know why I don’t just do it. Maybe it’s because in general I don’t feel like I can sit down and play with it, just like I felt like playing with my paper stuff. Maybe it’s a creative slump. Maybe I’m just afraid it won’t look good. In any case, it really helps me to listen to your podcast. I always get inspiration from you, but hopefully one of these days it will be enough to push me over the edge to get scrapping again, whether it’s digi or paper.
As long as we’re on the subject of digi scrapping, I have a Mac desktop at home (and an old PC). I’m thinking of getting a laptop for digi scrapping. I would mainly use my desktop, but what would the minimum amount of stuff (memory, RAM, or whatever those terms are) I need to get to be able to scrap on the go without too much lag time? I have the tendency to want the latest and greatest and the most features, so I need help restraining myself. My husband would probably appreciate that as well.
Sorry for the randomness–like I said above, I jotted down quick notes. I’ve been using the Photo 365 app since last year and I love it. I haven’t done much with the photos, but I do like to look back and see the photos for each day. FYI, they’ve recently come out with the Gratitude Journal 365 app that’s got a nice interface and it’s really great for reminding yourself about your blessings and/or some things you are getting right–in keeping with one of the messages of last week’s podcast.
Okay, I think that’s all my notes. Thanks for another fabulous podcast and thanks for reading this random comment!
Personally, I wouldn’t go smaller than a 15″ screen. I try to get the highest processor I can afford and then I just upgrade the RAM later when RAM prices go down (Crucial often has really good prices). Then I get a speed boost later. I think you’ll find any of the 15″ or 17″ MacBook Pros will do fine.
Thanks, Wendy! That helps a lot!
You’re welcome! I LOVE my MacBook Pros! (I have had 3 over the years and am drooling over a new one!)
Hi girls! I was under the weather this weekend and so I just lay on the couch listening to your show, totally made me feel better! I wanted to mention something about scrapping more during different times of the year. I too used to have a scrapbooking drought over summer, we travel a lot and even when we are home we’re always busy doing things outside. We live in Canada so we savour our summer months! Sitting down at the computer is not on the priority list. The problem is that summer is when I take the majority of my pictures, I take more photos in July and August than I do the entire rest of the year, (the Canada thing, again!). So by September I feel like I am swamped with things I need to scrapbook. Anyways, I came up with a solution. I decided to do Project Summer. I don’t do Project Life but I thought it would be cool to do it just for the summer months. I downloaded the digi version and added Valerie Wibbens digital page protectors, they are the coolest, you add them on top of your page and it totally looks like your pages are inside of protectors with all the little pockets. Then as we went about our holidays I would take a rainy day or a quiet afternoon out on the deck and drag and drop all my photos in, write about what we were doing and move on. It didn’t take a lot of time, everything is already coordinated, and my journaling was fresh in my mind. I didn’t do it week by week, I just did it somewhat chronologically and the amazing thing is that I kept up with it, I just had the pages printed, 34 in total! And it turned out great, my family loves flipping through it and I’m all caught up, well at least with those two months anyways!
I’ll come back later to comment on the actual show but I have a question – is it too late to submit a video? If I get it in by the end of the day today?? I really want to make one but haven’t had the chance yet. Nothin’ like a deadline to light a fire under my, uh, feet LOL!
I’m sure you have through tonight!
FYI: if you sign up for the ScrapStacks newsletter you will get an invite. I did on Saturday night. And I am now up with all my layouts. Username: Kelsey Hardman Brown.
Kelsey – I also was invited pretty quickly after subscribing, but I can not for the love of Pete get a page uploaded. I browse for my jpg page (I know it is small enough – I resized it so many times maybe it is too small?), hit upload, and nothing happens. Ugh!
On another note – great show again, Lauren you had me in stitches with your comments. No real seasonality to my scrapping – lately it’s shopping only mode until my office is set up. But with a graduating senior this year – my season will be everyday from now until May!
This had me fooled for a minute too! You’re going to feel silly but right beside the website title (scrapstacks beta) there is a small red button that says Add+.
If that is the button you are using, it might be that you have gone over the limit of 5 uploads per day.
I upload all of my layouts to flickr first. I just used the stack it bookmarklet. I didn’t directly upload any layouts. Sorry I don’t have more insight on that issue.
I’m about halfway thru the show – it wouldn’t fully download as I was travelling this weekend
I had to laugh over the title and the reference in the show because really, this hasn’t been that long that digital scrapping has been around. As a paper scrapper, I’ve been hoarding digital supplies for a while. This weekend, I started reorganizing (again) my digital supplies & found that I’ve been collecting them for almost 10 years now. While I haven’t done a LOT of digi, I have done some & do plan on doing more when I am travelling. Seeing what I all have digitally is the same as looking at my paper supplies – incredibly inspiring & making me want to create things.
I know everyone organizes differently, but when you have a collaboration kit, how many of you who organize by designer split the kit up between the designers? I’m finding that sorting by designer really is helping me to see what I do like. I started doing this after the “favorites folder” episode & it is really helping me to see what I have.
I make a separate collab folder and tag each part according to designer (if it’s specified in the kit download).
Has anyone tried Photosmith for iPad yet? My husband showed me this article http://gravitationalpull.net/wp/?p=2100 this morning. It looks really promising for the first step in my Lightroom workflow.
I love all of you! And Lauren really fits in well – she was a great guest. I just want to say thanks to Peppermint for her pick – I think I watched almost all of the ‘Celebrities in Cars drinking coffee’ clips last night with my DH – Funny!
I am really appreciating your conversations on ‘balance’ lately. I love that you mentioned that sometimes one thing takes over your time and other things fall to the side for a bit and thats okay. We do seem to spend too much time worrying about what we are failing at – we have to start enjoying where we are at more. I always remind myself that if I am not happy – those around me can sense it – and then the one big thing I want, which is a happy family – isn’t happy! So by making sure I am happy (by trying to keep a good balance), I am making my family happy! Yeah!
I’m not big on Thanksgiving either! I’m not crazy about the food – it’s ok, but I can’t figure out why people go nuts for it when there are thousands of better foods in the world. But I’m so glad to hear someone say publicly that they’re not into Thanksgiving. It makes me feel like a big jerk to not love the holiday of thanks, but I’m just not into it. Good to know I’m not alone!
I’m so glad to hear someone else feels the same way! I was worried that everyone would think I was a “jerk” for not liking Thanksgiving. LOL!
First of all, thanks for reading my comment! You ladies are too sweet!
I should have mentioned that in digiland I am known as glumirk.
Secondly, Steph, no worries about the whole St. Patrick’s day thing. Just make sure that your kids are wearing something visibly green and you’re good. If you aren’t a St. Patty’s Day mom, I bet you are one heck of a Disney Mom, and I bet your kids really appreciate that.
I am not a huge event scrapper. I feel like many events are documented well-enough with the pictures. I love putting my thoughts down, or the “little things” about life in my pages. Those are the things I will forget, because I’ll never relive them again. There will always be another Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we build upon the traditions and remember them through pictures and conversation.
I have started captioning my photos, and those little blurbs help me know that I’m not far behind on writing down what’s important today. And as a bonus, I upload them to Flickr so that my mom can see her grandchildren and get portions of the stories even though my blog is sadly neglected these days. I think I heard it on the Digi Show a long time ago that any story we tell is a story that wouldn’t have been told otherwise. I choose to use that as a good feeling after I’ve documented the story, not as a guilt trip. I know my mom regrets her lack of pictures and documentation, so I know I’m doing well as I am, and I’m sure my kids will love the documentation I DO have, even if it’s not perfect or 100%.
Enjoying checking out scrap stacks, but it’s a bit overwhelming. Any chance of a Daily Digi post or a Digi Show episode devoted to explaining the best way to navigate? Maybe having Penny Springman on? Knowing all of you, you’re already on it! Thanks so much for suggesting it and having another great show. Not sure how you do it week to week!
Thanks, Peppermint. I stayed up until 2:00am watching ALL of the Comedians in Cars having Coffee. I blame YOU and not my inability to just wait until the next day to finish.
Some great comedic moments!! And the cars! Thanks for sharing. I’m now sharing with my dad, who loves cars. And comedy. And coffee.
I want to offer my support and volunteer that I am also not a fan of Thanksgiving — I celebrate it because it’s a school/work holiday and I *always* appreciate those, but I don’t do anything special for or about it. I also don’t make any scrapbooking effort for Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, or any other holiday that isn’t Halloween.
I’m terrible about scrapping events and holidays simply because I haven’t figured out how to balance Photographer with Participant. I can’t do both effectively. (However, Halloween, Easter and the First Day of School are Picture Taking Holidays that I celebrate specifically for the photos.) I’m trying to get better about at least getting pictures of everyone that comes to our holidays/events since there are family members that we see only for these parties. This year I consciously took pictures of everyone who came to Christmas at my house. I didn’t take any pictures when we visited extended family and that is something else I need to work on.
I’m one of those people who are looking for a “home” for their layouts and I had forgotten about Scrap Stacks; I signed up for it last year but haven’t uploaded anything since I didn’t scrapbook anything between then and now. I need to learn how to use Flickr; of all the online sites I’ve tried — SmugMug, Photobucket, Picasa — Flickr is the hardest for me to manage and I don’t know why since it is so popular!
I see there is an episode about Scrap Stacks coming up and this is probably answered there, but I am wondering if it is just for digital scrapbooking or if paper scrapbooking is accepted too. Is it better known in the digi-community or is it meant to be digi-only?